Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



Major emitters ‘may retain or expand’ fossil fuels despite net-zero plans

Countries that pump out large amounts of greenhouse gases could “retain or expand” their fossil fuel industries while treating such emissions as “inevitable” in their net-zero accounting, according to a new study.


* PLASTICS TREATY * The world has a chance to end plastic pollution – the petrochemical giants mustn’t spoil it

The UN global plastic treaty could be as important as the 2015 Paris accords, if negotiators can stand up to industry lobbyists


* PLASTIKABKOMMEN * Kampf gegen Plastik- und Klimakrise

Die Verhandlungen für ein UN-Plastikabkommen treten ab heute bei einer Konferenz in Ottawa in die entscheidende Phase. Die wichtigste Frage lautet: Wird die Plastik-Produktion begrenzt?


Wie entkommt Olaf Scholz dem Klima-Dilemma?

Morgen beginnt in Berlin der "Petersberger Klimadialog" zur Vorbereitung des nächsten Klimagipfels. Nötig ist dort Führungsverantwortung vom gastgebenden Bundeskanzler. Sicherheitspolitik muss in der Klimakrise neu definiert werden.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Tensions rise over who will contribute to new climate finance goal

Germany wants all high-emitters, especially among G20 countries, to pitch in. But China and Saudi Arabia say the responsibility lies with developed nations


* KLIMAFINANZIERUNG * Reiche Länder wie die Schweiz sind gefordert

In den internationalen Klimaverhandlungen dreht sich derzeit alles ums Geld. An der UNO-Klimakonferenz Ende Jahr in Baku müssen die Staaten sich auf eine neues globales Klimafinanzierungsziel einigen. Schon jetzt laufen die Verhandlungen heiss.


Nachhaltigkeit fällt in globale Finanzlücke

Ein neuer UN-Report zeigt eine riesige Lücke bei der Finanzierung der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Die Klimakrise verschärft die Lage. Aber das Hauptproblem liegt tiefer.


‘Grownup’ leaders are pushing us towards catastrophe, says former US climate chief

Paris agreement negotiator Todd Stern attacks premiers who say that decarbonisation programmes are unrealistic and should be slowed down


Taskforce bereitet Konzepte für globale Klimasteuern vor

Eine Koalition aus Vorreiterstaaten beginnt auf der Weltbankkonferenz ein ehrgeiziges Projekt: 2025 soll auf der COP30 eine globale Klimasteuer beschlossen werden. Abgaben aus Finanzspekulationen, fossilen Energien, Flügen oder Schiffsverkehr könnten Milliarden für den Klimaschutz einbringen.


UN climate chief calls for “quantum leap in climate finance”

Simon Stiell says far more money is required for developing countries to submit bold new climate plans, which would benefit all economies


World Bank must take ‘quantum leap’ to tackle climate crisis, UN expert says

Simon Stiell calls for reform at development banks to enable governments to provide more climate finance to developing world


Dicke Post

Gleich fünf Uno-Sonder­berichterstatter wenden sich mit einem Brief an die Schweiz. Sie sorgen sich darüber, wie die Strafverfolgerinnen mit Klima­aktivisten umgehen – und befürchten Menschenrechts­verletzungen.


“So kommt man zu einer lösungsorientierten Diskussion”

Die immer größeren Schwierigkeiten mit dem multilateralen System sind einem veralteten Ansatz in den Verhandlungen geschuldet, sagt Marco Molina. Der WTO-Experte erklärt, was interessenbasiertes Verhandeln bringt.


Expectations mount as loss and damage fund staggers to its feet

Demand for finance to pay for the aftermath of climate impacts is rocketing – but progress on getting a new UN loss and damage fund up and running is slow


Aserbaidschan: Der Klimagipfel des Diktators

Mit der Wiederwahl des diktatorisch regierenden aserbaidschanischen Präsidenten geht auch die katastrophale Klimapolitik des Landes weiter. Der Gastgeber des diesjährigen Weltklimagipfels geht mit schlechtem Beispiel voran.


In Somalia, Green Climate Fund tests new approach for left-out communities

GCF head Mafalda Duarte promises a more proactive plan to bring cash to the most vulnerable countries struggling with climate impacts


* USA * “Trump würde diesmal womöglich aus der Klimakonvention austreten”

Biden wie Trump rechnen nicht damit, dass im Wahlkampf viele Stimmen mit Klimapolitik zu holen sind, sagt die Grünen-Abgeordnete Lisa Badum nach einer USA-Reise. Gewinnt Trump, könnten die USA nicht nur das Paris-Abkommen, sondern auch die Klimarahmenkonvention verlassen.


“Gewinner waren meist die Weltmärkte, und Verliererin war die Umwelt”

Nach dem Kalten Krieg setzten die Staaten auf Globalisierung statt auf Klimaschutz, sagt Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker. Der renommierte Umweltforscher spricht über 30 Jahre Weltklimakonvention und die Chancen, wenigstens das Zwei-Grad-Limit zu halten.


The challenge of consensus decision-making in UN climate negotiations

At the final plenary meeting of the Dubai climate conference, COP28 president Dr Sultan Al Jaber declared that the package of key decisions taken in Dubai would be known as the “UAE consensus”.


Nations fail to agree ban or research on solar geoengineering

At talks in Nairobi, governments could not find consensus on new global governance for SRM, including proposals for “non-use” and a UN expert panel


* WMO * Eine Frau mit Vorliebe für Gewitterwolken regiert jetzt das Weltwetter

Seit Januar leitet die Argentinierin Celeste Saulo die Weltorganisation für Meteorologie in Genf. Eines ihrer Ziele: die Warnsysteme für Wetterextreme auszubauen.


United Nations Official Says State Repression of Environmental Defenders Threatens Democracy and Human Rights

Citing rising criminalization of environmental activism in Europe, a new paper calls on states to reinstate protections for protest enshrined in binding international law.


Countries draw battle lines for talks on new climate finance goal

Developed and developing countries are gearing up for heated discussions over the size of the goal and who should provide money for it


Switzerland proposes first UN expert group on solar geoengineering

A draft resolution aimed at creating a space for discussion on sun dimming technologies will be debated at the summit of the UN’s environment body this month


Policy Experts Say the UN Climate Talks Need Reform, but Change Would be Difficult in the Current Political Landscape

Limiting the size of the annual conference, eliminating conflicts of interest and adopting enforceable agreements with a voting system could help speed up global climate action, research shows.


For Cop29 to succeed, rich nations must get their parliaments to agree more finance now

Rich nations always say they need their parliaments approval for climate finance at Cops – now is the time to start


* IPCC * Governments fail to agree timeline for climate science reports in fraught IPCC talks

Saudi, India and China led opposition against a proposal to link the IPCC’s assessment cycle with the global stocktake, sources told Climate Home.


* IPCC * Governments split on ‘accelerated’ climate reports for next UN global stocktake

Governments have decided against adopting a new structure for the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment cycle, committing instead to the traditional set of three “working group” reports and just one “special” report.


Dissent is vital to protect democracy

The UN special rapporteur on environmental defenders is right to warn that a pillar of democracy is under threat in Britain


* CARBON OFFSETS * Junk offset sellers push to enter new UN carbon market

Renewable energy schemes make up four-fifths of Kyoto-era projects hoping to keep selling offsets under Article 6, sparking concerns over the credibility of the new market.

How fossil fuels went from sidelines to headlines in climate talks

When Romain Ioualalen started a new campaigning job at Oil Change International, he was tasked with putting fossil fuels on the agenda of international climate talks. That was in April 2020, just after the start of the pandemic.


* COP29 * Azerbaijan appoints no women to 28-member Cop29 climate committee

Campaigners condemn decision as regressive, saying ‘climate change affects whole world, not half of it’


* COP28 | CARBON OFFSETTING * Countries go ahead with carbon deals despite Cop28 standoff

Carbon credit certifiers from the much-criticized voluntary market could be the big winners of a failure to strike a deal on the exchange of offsets between countries at Cop28, experts told Climate Home. Talks over Article 6.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Webinar: Carbon Brief journalists discuss COP28’s key outcomes

Two days after the COP28 climate summit concluded on 13 December, Carbon Brief convened its team of specialist journalists to discuss the key outcomes of the two-week event in Dubai.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * ‘Not conducive to our survival’: Pacific islands on the climate frontline respond to Cop28 deal

The agreement was hailed as a win for climate action, but Pacific campaigners say it is too little too late in a rapidly warming world


* COP28 | CONFLICT * Sudan’s Cop28 delegates “really hurt” by silence on their civil war

While Israel’s attack on Gaza featured prominently, Sudan’s civil war and its climate links were largely ignored at Cop28


* CARBON OFFSETTING * Carbon Markets Are in Limbo. That’s Not Stopping This Firm.

First, the little-known Emirati company set its sights on a forest the size of Maine. Then, another one that was big as South Carolina. After that, it focused on a chunk of land the size of Puerto Rico.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * How Russia won a ‘dangerous loophole’ for fossil gas at Cop28

The Russian government’s campaign for endorsement of “transitional fuels” succeeded at the Cop28 climate talks in Dubai.


* COP28 | CARBON OFFSETTING * Leaving global carbon trading in limbo – what the outcome of COP28 means for emissions markets

Going into the negotiations, parties were at odds over what seemed like mere technical details about transacting carbon units amongst countries under Article 6.2.


* COP28 | REPRESSION * Environmental campaigners filmed, threatened and harassed at Cop28

Incidents of harassment, surveillance, threats and intimidation are creating a climate of fear at UN events including the recent Cop28 climate conference in Dubai, experts have said.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Was COP28 a Success? Depends On Who You Ask


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * Après la COP28, fin de partie pour les énergies fossiles ?

Chaque année, les négociations des COP sur le climat se déroulent un peu plus sous pression. Année la plus chaude jamais connue par l’humanité, 2023 a battu les records.



The structure of the climate summits ensures that the most lethal interests prevail, by design. Here are some better models. Let’s face it: climate summits are broken. The delegates talk and talk, while Earth systems slide towards deadly tipping points.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Inizia la transizione, ma con molte concessioni all’Oil & Gas

Il phase-out, l’abbandono graduale dei combustibili fossili, non è stato inserito nel testo finale del Global Stocktake (GST).


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Kemferts Klima-Podcast : Die Greenwashing-Konferenz von Dubai auf Apple Podcasts

Kein Ausstieg aus den fossilen Energien, stattdessen ein "Übergang" weg davon. Bei der Klimakonferenz in Dubai haben sich die Staaten darauf geeinigt. Klima-Ökonomin Kemfert: Dieser Minimal-Kompromiss wird nicht reichen.


* COP28 | REACTIONS * «Wir drehen uns im Kreis»

Nur mit Appellen und dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner kommt die Welt beim Klimaschutz nicht voran, sagt Mojib Latif. Der Kieler Klimaforscher über die Ergebnisse des Dubai-Gipfels.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Deutschland darf nicht wie Saudi-Arabien enden

Die COP 28 in Dubai war eigentlich keine Klimakonferenz. Sie war eine Weltwirtschaftskonferenz, und sie hat die Weichen neu gestellt. Es geht jetzt nicht mehr um Eisbären und Hitzetote, sondern um knallharte wirtschaftliche Interessen.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Klimakonferenz findet Kompromiss zu fossilen Energien

Die Klimakonferenz wäre an der Formulierung zur Zukunft der fossilen Energien fast gescheitert. In der Nacht auf Mittwoch fand sich aber ein Kompromiss, mit dem alle Länder ähnlich unzufrieden sind. Das reichte, um den "VAE-Konsens" zu verabschieden.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * L’accord obtenu à la COP28 à Dubaï est-il vraiment historique?

Jusqu'à présent, seules des mesures de "réduction" du charbon avaient été inscrites, notamment lors de la COP26 à Glasgow en 2021. Ni le pétrole ni le gaz n'avaient été explicitement désignés jusqu'à cette COP28 à Dubaï, marquant ainsi la levée d'un tabou longtemps préservé.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * ‘The future is renewable’: How a huge gamble sealed Cop28 deal

Not long before the crucial final meeting of Cop28 climate summit, a seemingly chance meeting took place in the heavily guarded VIP lounge next to the main conference hall in Dubai.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Klimagipfel endet im Wünsch-dir-was

Der Erfolg der Weltklimakonferenz in Dubai bemisst sich an ihrer wichtigsten Aufgabe: ob die Staaten der Welt beim Klimaschutz real vorangekommen sind. Das ist nicht einfach zu beantworten. Bei der COP 28 war für alle etwas dabei.


* COP28 | AL JABER * Cop28 president says his firm will keep investing in oil

The president of the Cop28 climate summit will continue with his oil company’s record investment in oil and gas production, despite coordinating a global deal to “transition away” from fossil fuels.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Wichtig, aber später und schwächer als nötig

Die Klimakonferenz in Dubai hätte auch scheitern können. Die Formulierung «Ausstieg aus den Fossilen» hatten Erdölländer, allen voran Saudi-Arabien, blockiert. Die ganz grosse Mehrheit der anderen Länder wollte aber genau das.


* COP28 | RENEWABLES’ TARGET * Why didn’t China and India sign Cop28 tripling renewables pledge?

Three months ago in Delhi, leaders of G20 major economies backed a tripling of global renewable energy capacity by 2030. Then last Saturday in Dubai, a much bigger group of nations signed a similar pledge.


* COP28 | CARBON PRICING * Carbon pricing would raise trillions needed to tackle climate crisis, says IMF

Diverting the trillions of dollars by which the world subsidises fossil fuel production each year, and putting an implicit price on carbon emissions, would generate the vast amounts of cash needed to tackle the climate crisis, the head of the International Monetary Fund has said.

* COP29 * Azerbaijan chosen to host Cop29 after fraught negotiations

Azerbaijan has been announced as the host of next year’s climate summit after fraught negotiations. Under UN rules it was eastern Europe’s turn to take over the rotating presidency but the groups need to unanimously decide on the host.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Big meat and dairy lobbyists turn out in record numbers at Cop28

Lobbyists from industrial agriculture companies and trade groups have turned out in record numbers at Cop28, with three times as many delegates representing the meat and dairy industry as last year.


* COP28 | CARBON OFFSETS * Carbon credits talks collapse at Cop28 over integrity concerns

Hopes of clinching a deal on carbon trading mechanisms evaporated under the desert sun in Dubai after a tussle between the European Union and the United States.  Countries failed to agree on key rules to trade offsets bilaterally and to kickstart a long-awaited global UN-sanctioned market.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * No ‘phase-out’, but Dubai deal puts oil and gas sector on notice

Countries have agreed on the need to shift away from burning fossil fuels for the first time in the UN climate process, at Cop28 talks in Dubai. The “UAE consensus” did not go so far as to call for a “phase-out” as more than a hundred countries wanted.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai

Nearly every country in the world has agreed to “transition away from fossil fuels” – the main driver of climate change – at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. It is the first time such an agreement has been reached in 28 years of international climate negotiations.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Four Takeaways From the COP28 Climate Summit

It took 28 years of climate negotiations for world leaders to agree to wean the global economy from the principal source of climate change: the burning of fossil fuels. It happened at the tail end of the hottest year on record.


* COP28 | GEOPOLITICS * Podcast: Warum die Klimakonferenz zum geopolitischen Spielball geworden ist

Seit zehn Tagen versammeln sich in Dubai Politiker, Aktivisten, aber auch Investoren, Banker und Ölproduzenten für die 28. Uno-Klimakonferenz. Die klassische Umweltpolitik steht dabei längst nicht mehr im Vordergrund.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Oil Companies Are Fine With Call to Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Eni, the Italian energy giant, praised the “great pragmatism” of the meeting.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Cop28 failed to halt fossil fuels’ deadly expansion plans – so what now?

Petrostates fought fiercely against the call from 130 nations at Cop28 for a fossil fuel phase-out. That is because they are engaged in a colossal fossil fuel phase-up, already working on double the extraction that the planet can cope with.


* COP28 | REACTIONS * Dubai deal: Ministers and observers react to the UAE consensus

Negotiators arrived in a good mood on Wednesday morning to the final Cop28 plenary in Dubai. At around 11 am, they adopted the final text of the global stocktake, in what delegates regarded as a historic moment.


* COP28 | CARBON OFFSETS * Article 6 failure avoids a worse outcome

Torn between countries demanding that Article 6 carbon markets be available with virtually no restrictions and countries insisting on upholding transparency, human rights, and climate ambition, negotiators at COP28 failed to break the deadlock.


* COP28 | REACTIONS * Achim Steiner: «Es reicht nicht, aber es ist nicht schlecht.»

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* COP28 | LOBBYING * Wenn die Erdöllobby Klimapolitik macht

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* COP28 | SWITZERLAND * Klimaschützer zielen auf Rösti – sein Departement kontert

Die Schweiz ist nicht mehr in der Koalition der hoch ambitionierten Länder: Albert Rösti wird für einen Entscheid kritisiert, den er gar nicht getroffen hat.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters

The Opec oil cartel has warned its member countries with “utmost urgency” that “pressure against fossil fuels may reach a tipping point with irreversible consequences” at Cop28, in leaked letters seen by the Guardian.


* COP28 | SWITZERLAND * Die Schweizer Schattendelegation

An der Uno-Klimakonferenz in Dubai ist die Schweiz mit zwei Delegationen vertreten. Die zweite hätte der Bund aber offenbar am liebsten totgeschwiegen.


* COP28 | GLOBAL STOCKTAKE * Cos’è e cosa ci si aspetta dal Global Stocktake

L’accordo di Parigi è un trattato internazionale che intende far cooperare i Paesi delle Nazioni Unite per mantenere il riscaldamento globale al di sotto della soglia critica di 2°C rispetto all’era preindustriale e possibilmente al di sotto di 1,5°C.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * As fossil fuel phase-out gathers steam, resistance builds

Saudi Arabia is one of the strongest opponents of a decision at Cop28 to out fossil fuels, as tensions grow near the end of the first week of negotiations.


* COP28 | COP29 * Krieg an der Klimakonferenz: Russland steht dem nächsten Gipfel im Weg

Wo findet die nächste Klimakonferenz statt? In Dubai kann das noch keiner sagen. Das ist nicht nur höchst ungewöhnlich, sondern auch ein Problem für die Klimaverhandlungen.


* COP28 | ADAPTATION FUND * $700m pledged to loss and damage fund at Cop28 covers less than 0.2% needed

Wealthy countries most responsible for the climate emergency have so far pledged a combined total of just over $700m (£556m) to the loss and damage fund – the equivalent of less than 0.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Mehr WEF als COP?

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* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * How a Fossil Fuel Treaty Could Support the Paris Agreement and Wind Down Production

One of the most important questions surrounding the COP28 climate summit is whether nations will finally agree to phase out fossil fuels, which are responsible for the vast majority of climate-warming pollution.


* COP28 * Got Climate Angst? At the U.N. Summit, There’s a Quiet, Spiritual Place.

Among the hubs for climate scientists, activists and fossil fuel lobbyists at the United Nations climate summit is a new addition this year: a place to pray.


* COP28 | LOSS & DAMAGE * Approvato il fondo loss & damage, ma troppo in fretta

Era uno dei risultati attesi ed è stato raggiunto subito, il 30 novembre, lo stesso giorno di apertura della Cop di Dubai.


* COP28 | METHANE * Government, Corporate and Philanthropic Interests Coalesce On Curbing Methane Emissions as Calls at COP28 for Binding Global Methane Agreement Intensify – Inside Climate News

The Environmental Protection Agency announced new regulations at the COP28 global climate summit in Dubai on Saturday that will reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry by nearly 80 percent.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUEL PHASEOUT * More Than 100 Countries at COP28 Call For Fossil Fuel Phaseout

Climate activists and countries hard hit by climate disasters seek to break the fossil fuel industry’s stranglehold on global climate talks.


* COP28 | INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * Indigenous Leaders Urge COP28 Negotiators to Focus on Preventing Loss and Damage and Drastically Reducing Emissions

Climate change imperils Indigenous ecosystems, food security, knowledge bases and ways of life, leaders say, making rapid action to reduce emissions a “matter of life and death.”


* COP28 | NEGOTIATIONS * Interactive: Tracking negotiating texts at COP28 climate summit

Amid all the noise around the COP28 climate talks in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, it can be easy to lose sight of the negotiations and the core legal process at the summit.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Record number of fossil fuel lobbyists get access to Cop28 climate talks

At least 2,456 fossil fuel lobbyists have been granted access to the Cop28 climate negotiations, according to an analysis.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUEL PHASEOUT * Cop28 president says ‘no science for fossil fuel phase-out’ claim was misinterpreted

The president of Cop28 has been forced into a fierce defence of his views on climate science, after the Guardian revealed his comment that there was “no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C”.


* COP28 | SCIENTISTS * More than 1,000 climate scientists urge public to become activists

‘We need you,’ says Scientist Rebellion, which includes authors of IPCC reports on climate breakdown, as diplomats meet for Cop28


* COP28 | SCIENCES * Zehn neue Erkenntnisse der Klimawissenschaft

Es ist eine der wenigen Veranstaltungen auf der Weltklimakonferenz COP 28, bei der die Wissenschaft im Zentrum steht.


* COP28 | VERHANDLUNGEN * Deutschland fällt bedrohten Inselstaaten in den Rücken

Auf dem Weltklimagipfel kommen auch dieses Jahr die anspruchsvollsten Forderungen von der "High Ambition Coalition". Obwohl Deutschland Mitglied ist, hat Kanzler Scholz die Unterschrift verweigert und dem politisch wichtigen Bündnis einen Bedeutungsverlust beschert.


* COP28 | CLIMATE CLUB * Scholz’ neuer Klimaklub bekommt nicht nur Beifall

Am Rande des Klimagipfels in Dubai ruft Scholz einen "Klimaklub" aus 36 Ländern ins Leben. Mit ihm soll die grüne Transformation der Industrie vorangebracht werden. Genaue Ziele oder Maßnahmen gibt es bisher aber nicht.


* COP28 | GESUNDHEIT * 124 Länder unterschreiben historische Deklaration zu Klima und Gesundheit

Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Weltklimagipfel nimmt "Gesundheit" einen zentralen Platz ein. In einer Erklärung fordern über 120 Länder Maßnahmen gegen die Klima- und Gesundheitskrise. Fossile Energien werden nicht namentlich erwähnt.


* COP28 | CLIMATE CLUB | SCHWEIZ * Schweiz tritt «Klima-Club» der G7 bei – was bedeutet das?

Ein Club von 34 Ländern will vorangehen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Kann das funktionieren? Eine Übersicht. Die Schweiz tritt dem «Klima-Club» bei.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Une présence record des lobbys à la COP28 en pleines négociations sur le fossile

- Des dizaines de dirigeants, chefs d'Etat et monarques se sont succédé à la tribune de la COP28 à Dubaï durant les premiers jours, mais le chemin vers un accord pour rompre la paralysie climatique semble loin d'être acquis.


* COP28 | DENIAL * Disinformation Is One of Climate Summit’s Biggest Challenges

As the world’s leaders gather this week at a major summit to discuss ways to address the effects of global warming, one of the greatest obstacles they face is disinformation.


Vietnam charts uncertain coal path as finance falls short

But, as vague ambitions now turn into concrete plans, the reality looks rather different. A timeline for the early closure of coal power plants is absent from the investment blueprint for the Just Energy Transition Partnership (Jetp) unveiled at a Cop28 side event on Friday.


* COP28 | LOSS & DAMAGE * Countries pledge $400m to set up loss and damage fund

Governments have collectively pledged more than $400 million to establish a loss and damage fund for the victims of climate disaster. On day one of UN climate talks in Dubai, negotiators rubber-stamped plans to get the fund up and running.


* COP28 | GREEN CLIMATE FUND * US tees up Congress battle with $3bn Green Climate Fund pledge

The US has promised $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), for reducing emissions and adapting to climate change in developing countries.


* COP28 | DENIAL * Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal.


* COP28 | SCHWEIZ * Aline Trede über die Klimakonferenz in Dubai

Aline Trede über die Klimakonferenz in Dubai und die Verantwortung der privilegierten Schweiz.


* COP28 | SCHWEIZ * SRF-Arena: In Dubai das Klima retten?

Die 28. UN-Klimakonferenz beginnt am 30. November 2023. Auch die Schweiz ist in Dubai mit von der Partie. Im Fokus steht eine Zwischenbilanz bei der Erreichung der Pariser Klimaziele von 2015. Was kann die Konferenz bewirken? Und: Wo steht die Schweiz im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel?