Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.

glob. Gerechtigk.


Klimakatastrophe: Soziale Kipppunkte

Hitze trifft nicht alle gleich: Ob Wetter zur Katastrophe wird, hängt auch davon ab, wie stark patriarchale und koloniale Strukturen in einem Land fortwirken.


* SCHWEIZ | KLIMAFINANZIERUNG * Schweiz muss bei Klimafinanzierung über die Bücher

Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind global zu spüren. Dennoch funktioniert die Klimafinanzierung noch nicht wunschgemäss.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Tensions rise over who will contribute to new climate finance goal

Germany wants all high-emitters, especially among G20 countries, to pitch in. But China and Saudi Arabia say the responsibility lies with developed nations


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Behind the billionaire climate tax

One economist explains why taxing the rich and paying the poor actually has a chance of becoming a reality.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Nobel Prize-winning economist calls for climate tax on billionaires

And she called for the money to be sent directly to the world's most climate-vulnerable people.


* FINANCIAL MARKETS * How to fix the finance flows that are pushing our planet to the brink

Commercial banks are financing a huge amount of fossil-fuel and industrial agriculture activities in the Global South – they must turn off the tap


* KLIMAFINANZIERUNG * Reiche Länder wie die Schweiz sind gefordert

In den internationalen Klimaverhandlungen dreht sich derzeit alles ums Geld. An der UNO-Klimakonferenz Ende Jahr in Baku müssen die Staaten sich auf eine neues globales Klimafinanzierungsziel einigen. Schon jetzt laufen die Verhandlungen heiss.


Fossil fuel debts are illegitimate and must be cancelled 

The Spring Meetings of the World Bank and IMF are a chance to transform outstanding debts for fossil fuel projects into grants for renewable energy systems


Nachhaltigkeit fällt in globale Finanzlücke

Ein neuer UN-Report zeigt eine riesige Lücke bei der Finanzierung der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Die Klimakrise verschärft die Lage. Aber das Hauptproblem liegt tiefer.


How climate change could reverse gains in global inequality

According to most metrics, economic inequalities across the world have been declining since the late 1980s.


UN climate chief calls for “quantum leap in climate finance”

Simon Stiell says far more money is required for developing countries to submit bold new climate plans, which would benefit all economies


World Bank must take ‘quantum leap’ to tackle climate crisis, UN expert says

Simon Stiell calls for reform at development banks to enable governments to provide more climate finance to developing world


Expectations mount as loss and damage fund staggers to its feet

Demand for finance to pay for the aftermath of climate impacts is rocketing – but progress on getting a new UN loss and damage fund up and running is slow


Loggers have ‘grabbed’ around 1m hectares of Indigenous land in DRC

Logging companies have “acquired” roughly 1m hectares of Indigenous peoples’ territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2000, according to a new study.


Crisi ambientale, equità e salute globale

In Siccità, ultimo lavoro cinematografico di Paolo Virzì, uscito nelle sale italiane nel 2022, il regista immaginava una Roma distopica ma futuribile, in cui non piove da anni, il Tevere è ormai secco e in città si sta diffondendo un’ignota malattia infettiva tropicale.


Schweizer Geld fürs Ausland – Werden Autofahren, Fliegen und importierte Produkte für den Klimaschutz teurer?

Schweizer Geld fürs Ausland Werden Autofahren, Fliegen und importierte Produkte für den Klimaschutz teurer? Wer soll das bezahlen? Diese Frage stellt sich nicht nur bei der 13. AHV-Rente, welche die Stimmbevölkerung gutgeheissen hat.


Clean, cheap or fair – which countries should pump the last oil and gas?

The world will need oil and gas for a few decades more – and the debate is heating up over who should get to produce and sell it


Land, Water, Air and Freedom

This ground-breaking book makes visible the global counter-movement for environmental justice, combining ecological economics and political ecology. Using 500 in-depth empirical analyses from the Atlas of Environmental Justice, Martínez-Alier analyses the commonalities shared by environmental defenders and offenders respectively.


Rich nations miss loss and damage fund deadline

Their failure to agree risks delaying help for victims of climate disasters in developing countries


* SCHWEIZ * Konzerne machen negative Schlagzeilen

Umweltschäden und Verletzung von Menschenrechten durch Schweizer Unternehmen – zuletzt häufen sich solche Fälle.


The Death of the 1.5 Degree Climate Target

The current path of climate policy is at a dead end—a welcome opportunity to rethink.


Physikerin und Philosophin im Interview – Weisse Männer befeuerten die Klimakatastrophe, sagt diese Forscherin

Friederike Otto hält den Kampf gegen Sexismus, Rassismus und Ungerechtigkeit wichtiger als die Senkung von CO₂-Emissionen. Warum?


* COP28 | REACTIONS * Indigenous people and climate justice groups say Cop28 was ‘business as usual’

As the leaders of the developed world hailed the Cop28 agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels as historic, Indigenous people, frontline communities and climate justice groups rebuked the deal as unfair, inequitable and business as usual.


* CARBON OFFSETS * Des agricultrices péruviennes préservent le climat pour la Suisse

La Suisse mise sur des projets de compensation à l'étranger pour atteindre ses objectifs climatiques. C'est ce que prévoit la loi sur le CO2 dont débat le Conseil national lors de la session en cours.


* CARBON OFFSETS * Peruanische Bäuerinnen müssen für die Schweiz das Klima retten

Die Schweiz setzt für die Erreichung ihrer Klimaziele auf Kompensationsprojekte im Ausland. So sieht es das CO2-Gesetz vor, welches der Nationalrat in der laufenden Session debattiert.


* CARBON OFFSETS * Contadini peruviani chiamati a salvare il clima per la Svizzera

Per raggiungere i propri obiettivi in ambito climatico, la Svizzera punta su progetti di compensazione all’estero. Questo è quanto prevede la legge sul CO2 discussa dal Consiglio nazionale nella sua sessione corrente.


* COP28 | ADAPTATION FUND * $700m pledged to loss and damage fund at Cop28 covers less than 0.2% needed

Wealthy countries most responsible for the climate emergency have so far pledged a combined total of just over $700m (£556m) to the loss and damage fund – the equivalent of less than 0.


* COP28 | CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Das Konto ist längst überzogen

Seit dem Pariser Klimaabkommen wird für jedes Land berechnet, wie viel CO2 es noch ausstoßen darf. Dabei haben viele Länder des Globalen Nordens ihren Anteil schon seit Jahrzehnten aufgebraucht


How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change

Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.


The new ‘scramble for Africa’: how a UAE sheikh quietly made carbon deals for forests bigger than UK

The rights over vast tracts of African forest are being sold off in a series of huge carbon offsetting deals that cover an area of land larger than the UK.


* COP28 | GEOPOLITIK * Kann die Zweiteilung der Welt überwunden werden?

Noch ließe sich die Erderwärmung bei 1,5 Grad stoppen. Dafür müssten auf der UN-Klimakonferenz in Dubai die richtigen Maßnahmen vereinbart werden. Auch die starre Unterteilung in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländer steht auf der Agenda.


* CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Who are the polluter elite and how can we tackle carbon inequality?

The richest 1% of people are responsible for as much carbon output as the poorest 66%, research from Oxfam shows. Luxury lifestyles including frequent flying, driving large cars, owning many houses, and a rich diet, are among the reasons for the huge imbalance.


* CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty

Questions of social and economic class must be at the centre of our response to the climate crisis, to address the huge inequalities between the carbon footprints of the rich and poor and prevent a backlash against climate policies, the economist Thomas Piketty has said.


Power Up for Climate Justice: a landmark report on financing a global renewable energy target

With just days to go until Cop28, we are launching a landmark report to highlight the need for massive investment in renewable energy sources rooted in justice.


* CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Oxfam-Studie zum CO₂-Ausstoss – Die Reichsten sind die grössten Klimasünder

Reiche leben extrem klimaschädlicher als arme Menschen, heisst es im neuen Oxfam-Bericht. Dazu gehören auch Schweizerinnen und Schweizer. Doch Schuldzuweisungen bringen nichts.


* CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Oxfam Policy & practice

The world faces twin crises of climate breakdown and runaway inequality. The richest people, corporations and countries are destroying the world with their huge carbon emissions. Meanwhile, people living in poverty, those experiencing marginalization, and countries in the Global South are those impacted the hardest. Women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, people living in poverty and […]


In 2023 we’ve seen climate destruction in real time, yet rich countries are poised to do little at Cop28

Prof Saleemul Huq OBE and I wrote and submitted this article before his untimely death on Saturday 28 October, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Wiederaufbaukonferenz in Ostlibyen

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Ministerial shows fault lines on climate loss and damage fund

Governments are starkly divided over plans for a loss and damage fund, with two months to go until it is due to be established. While rich and poor countries have agreed to set up a fund to address loss and damage caused by climate change, they are miles apart on who pays and who benefits.


Green Climate Fund may have to curb ambition as funding stagnates

The UN’s flagship global climate fund looks likely to have to rein in its ambition, after France announced just a 4% boost in its contribution. Yesterday, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire announced his nation would give €1.61 billion ($1.


Rich countries ‘confident’ $100bn climate finance delivered in 2023

There will be no confirmation that rich countries have met their $100 billion a year climate finance promise until 2025 at the earliest. That’s according to ministers from Canada and Germany, the two nations tasked with drawing up the “delivery plan” for belatedly meeting the pledge.


The heat divide

A poor Kolkata neighborhood lost power during a heat wave, unlike a nearby luxury mall. The resulting protest exposed extreme heat’s unequal toll in India.


Small islands slam ‘endless’ climate talks at landmark maritime court hearing

The heads of small island states most vulnerable to climate change have criticised “endless” climate change negotiations at the start of an unprecedented maritime court hearing.


Debt relief must break dependence on fossil fuel exports

As host of the G20 summit last weekend, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi was right to highlight the importance of debt relief. But he and other G20 leaders could have done more to recognise how economic reliance on fossil fuels has made debt crises worse.


Des Etats insulaires en appellent au droit de la mer face au changement climatique

L'audience, qui va durer deux semaines, doit déterminer si les gaz à effet de serre sont de la "pollution marine" au sens de la Convention de l'ONU sur les droits de la mer, protégée par cette cour basée à Hambourg en Allemagne.


* AFRICAN CLIMATE SUMMIT * Behind the scenes at Senegal’s ‘just energy transition partnership’

In June, Senegal signed a “just energy transition partnership” (JETP) deal, establishing a goal to reach 40% renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2030. But, beyond just a transformation of the electricity sector, this deal sets out a pathway to transform the whole of Senegalese society.


* AFRICAN CLIMATE SUMMIT * Can development and climate action coexist?

The Guardian is editorially independent. And we want to keep our journalism open and accessible to all. But we increasingly need our readers to fund our work.


Clean Energy Projects Are Booming Everywhere. Except in Poor Nations.

The world is racing ahead with enormous investments in renewable energy, for the first time this year plowing more money into solar power than oil.


Pakistan: Keine Zeit zur Erholung

Was blieb, ist die Verschuldung: Nach den Überschwemmungen vom letzten Jahr stehen in Pakistan Millionen Menschen vor dem Nichts. Ihr Schicksal wird zum globalen Testfall für die Klimagerechtigkeit. Doktor Quazi sitzt auf dem Beifahrersitz eines Minivans und schaut durchs Fenster.


Developing countries call for $100 billion loss and damage target

Developing countries want “at least” $100 billion a year by 2030 for the loss and damage caused by climate change.


US aims to limit loss and damage fund

When countries adopt a global fund for climate disaster losses and damages at the Cop28 climate talks, the USA will be arguing to limit its use, according to U.S. officials.


* CO2-“KOMPENSATIONEN” * Zu wenig Geld: Bauern kritisieren Schweizer Klimaprojekt

Nicaragua verweigerte Journalisten von SRF Investigativ die Einreise. Die Reporter wollten ein Aufforstungsprojekt der Schweizer Stiftung Myclimate besuchen. Bauern vor Ort kritisieren, es fehle ihnen an Geld und Werkzeug.


Call climate change what it is: violence

If you're poor, the only way you're likely to injure someone is the old traditional way: artisanal violence, we could call it – by hands, by knife, by club, or maybe modern hands-on violence, by gun or by car.

Green Climate Fund backs scheme financing farming corporations accused of destroying forests

The United Nations’ flagship climate fund is giving nearly $190 million to an investment programme that finances some of the world’s biggest farm companies in a bid to preserve tropical forests.

After “sleepless nights”, governments strike deal on Green Climate Fund strategy

After a series of “long and at times difficult” meetings, government negotiators on the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) board approved a new strategy yesterday morning.


Zuger Rohstoffgruppe beutet Indigene aus

Red. Das Folgende ist die Zusammenfassung einer Recherche der Menschenrechtsorganisation Public Eye. Der Regenwald von Borneo bekam nach der Holz- und Palmölindustrie einen neuen Feind: die Kohlekonzerne.

Senegal shows African countries are not passive beneficiaries of climate finance

What does a just energy transition mean for the world’s least developed countries where energy access, especially in rural areas, is a priority for national development?

‘We could lose our status as a state’: what happens to a people when their land disappears

Small island nations would rather fight than flee, but rising sea levels have prompted apocalyptic legal discussions about whether a state is still a state if its land disappears below the waves.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Pariser Gipfel stößt Umbau des Finanzsystems an

Solaranlage an der Universität Kumasi in Ghana: Die meisten Entwicklungsländer sind ein unsicheres finanzielles Umfeld für erneuerbare Energien. (Bild: ZSM/​Wikimedia Commons) "Das internationale Finanzsystem steckt in einer Krise. 52 Länder sind bankrott oder gefährlich nahe dran.

Rich nations pledge $2.5 billion for Senegal’s renewable rollout

A group of wealthy European nations and Canada have promised to contribute €2.5 billion ($2.7 billion) to help the West African nation of Senegal roll out renewables.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Fossil fuels, planes, ships and shares – What will be taxed for climate funds?

Franklin Steves, senior policy adviser at E3G, said the summit is “first and foremost” about trying to heal the rift between developed and developing countries that started with the Covid-19 pandemic.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Countries on Front Lines of Climate Change Seek New Lifeline in Paris

An unusual if guarded optimism has descended upon Paris, along with hundreds of world leaders, bankers and climate activists. They have come for a two-day conference billed as the new Bretton Woods.

World Bank offers developing countries debt pauses if hit by climate crisis

Poor countries will be able to pause their debt repayments if hit by climate disaster, under plans announced by the World Bank at the finance summit in Paris.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * The climate crisis is this century’s biggest threat. We need a global finance pact that reflects the task ahead

The science is clear. The climate crisis is the biggest single threat we face as a global community. In turn, meeting the goals of the Paris agreement and realising the opportunities of climate action is the task of the 21st century. No single government can address this alone.


Bausteine für Klimagerechtigkeit

Die Bausteine für Klimagerechtigkeit sind klimapolitisch wirksame Maßnahmen für einen sozial-ökologischen Umbau in den nächsten 5–10 Jahren.


Dipesh Chakrabarty – Wie lange ist unser Planet noch bewohnbar?

Die Menschen leben wie kleine Parasiten auf der Erde: Sie saugen die Natur aus, mit fatalen Folgen. Der indische Historiker Dipesh Chakrabarty fordert darum radikales Umdenken, weg von der menschlichen Perspektive. Yves Bossart spricht mit ihm über Bakterien, Biodiversität und Bagger.

Des Indonésiens à Berne pour témoigner de l’impact du changement climatique sur leur île

Edi et Asmania ont été choisis par leur village pour dénoncer les pollueurs de la planète. Leur île, en Indonésie, est en train de mourir, victime de la montée des eaux et du changement climatique.

Rich world’s leaders fail to commit to Paris global financing summit

Two weeks ahead of a highly-anticipated climate finance summit, most developed country leaders have not confirmed their attendance, sparking concerns they are not taking it seriously. In sharp contrast, the leaders of many developing countries have indicated they will be at the gathering in Paris.

A pledge to fight climate change is sending money to strange places

Italy helped a retailer open chocolate and gelato stores across Asia. The United States offered a loan for a coastal hotel expansion in Haiti.

US owes $80 trillion in climate reparations

Countries like the United States and those in Europe could be on the hook for an eye-popping $170 trillion in climate reparations for their excessive carbon emissions, according to new research from the University of Leeds.

Kenia verliert wegen Schwindel mit CO2-Zertifikaten Weideland

dg. David Antonioli, Chef des weltgrössten CO2-Zertifikate-Händlers Verra tritt zurück. Seine Zeit als CEO ende am 16. Juni, gab Antonioli am 22. Mai in einem Statement auf Linkedin bekannt. Nach «15 fantastischen Jahren» übergebe er an die jetzige Präsidentin Judith Simon.

“Wir haben alles verloren, außer die Hoffnung”

Bei der Protestdemo vor der Glencore-Hauptversammlung spricht Hilda Arrieta vom Frauennetzwerk El Paso (rechts): Der Konzern missachte die Rechte der lokalen, meist indigenen Gemeinschaften. (Bild: Laura König) "Solidarity with the Yukpa.

* KLIMASCHUTZGESETZ * In der Schweiz steigen die Temperaturen, aber im Süden sterben die Menschen

In der Schweiz steigen die Temperaturen doppelt so schnell wie im weltweiten Durchschnitt. Die Folgen sind laut Meteo Schweiz und der ETH trockenere Sommer mit mehr Hitzetagen und heftigeren Niederschlägen sowie schneearme Winter.

Reichere Länder drohen in Zukunft ärmere zu grillen

Im jüngsten Synthesebericht des Weltklimarats findet sich auf Seite 16 eine beeindruckende Grafik. Sie veranschaulicht die sogenannten Hitze-Feuchtigkeits-Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit.

Rich nations to meet overdue $100 billion climate pledge this year

BERLIN, May 2 (Reuters) - Wealthy nations are on track this year to meet their overdue $100-billion climate finance pledge to developing countries, three years later than promised, Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said on Tuesday.

Wie können arme Länder in Klimaschutz investieren?

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Hunger nach Kohle

Der Autor dieses Gastbeitrags ist Verantwortlicher Politische Kommunikation bei Helvetas, einer Organisation der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Infosperber publiziert seinen Artikel, der im entwicklungspolitischen Newsletter Polit-Sichten von Helvetas erschienen ist.


Moves to crystallise right to a healthy environment spark tension at UN

The UN Human Rights Council has encouraged governments to adopt policies and an effective legal framework to implement the right to a healthy environment, a resolution that sparked tensions between proponent countries and the US.


Can Nations Be Sued for Weak Climate Action? We’ll Soon Get an Answer.

On Wednesday, Vanuatu, population 300,000, rallied countries to ask the world’s highest court to weigh in on a high-stakes question: Can countries be sued under international law for failing to slow down climate change?

Wer bezahlt die Klimakatastrophe?

Während Industriestaaten die finanziellen Möglichkeiten haben, extreme Schäden aufzufangen, stellt der Klimawandel für die Menschen im globalen Süden eine existenzielle Bedrohung dar.

Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration

The world must step back from the brink of climate disaster to save the people of the Pacific from obliteration, the prime minister of Samoa has urged.

Klimawandel: Kenianerin fordert Schweiz zum Handeln auf

Die Klimakrise sorgt weltweit immer häufiger für Ernteausfälle und damit verbundene Hungersnöte. Die Ökumenische Kampagne der Entwicklungsorganisationen Fastenaktion und Heks macht darauf aufmerksam und fordert mehr Klimagerechtigkeit.

There’s no greater feminist cause than the climate fight – and saving each other

Last summer, a third of Pakistan was underwater. My country, the fifth most populous in the world, was submerged. Two million homes were destroyed, thousands of acres of agricultural land were flooded and 90% of the crops in Sindh, a food belt, were damaged.


‘Beginning of a new era’: Pacific islanders hail UN vote on climate justice

A group of Pacific Island students who were instrumental in pushing a UN resolution that should make it easier to hold polluting countries legally accountable for failure to act on the climate crisis have greeted its adoption as historic.

* IPCC AR6 SYR * IPCC highlights rich nations’ failure to help developing world adapt to climate change

Vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by global warming are being given ‘insufficient’ funds to help adapt to extreme climate impacts, the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says.

Vulnerable nations set up alliance to prepare loss and damage action plans

Nepal, Bangladesh, Senegal, Malawi, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga and Vanuatu are exploring setting up national facilities to channel resources for climate disasters response and disburse money where it is most needed.

Lob vom Papst

Am Mittwoch empfing Papst Franziskus die Gründer von "Debt for Climate", Juan Pablo Olsson (Mitte) und Esteban Servat, im Vatikan. (Foto: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano) Viele Länder im globalen Süden ächzen unter extremen Staatsschulden.

Lokale Mitbestimmung und das eigene Verhalten sind der Weg zur Lösung

Der Aufschrei war gross, als jüngst Medien berichteten, dass Klimakompensationsprogramme weniger bringen als versprochen. Schlechte Nachrichten? Nicht, wenn einem der Schutz der Natur wirklich am Herzen liegt.

Vanuatu gathers support for UN climate justice statement

Of the 193 United Nations member states, 105 have now supported Vanuatu’s call to request that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) gives an advisory opinion on states’ legal obligation for climate action and the consequences of causing harm.

Can higher ambition in developed countries create ‘carbon space’ for others?

Gaurav Ganti is an analyst at Climate Analytics, and a doctoral researcher in the Geography Department at Humboldt University of Berlin. Prof Carl-Friedrich Schleussner is head of climate science and impacts at Climate Analytics and professor at Humboldt University of Berlin.


IPCC asks emerging countries to drop coal faster than rich nations did

The scientists who plan out how to limit global warming to 1.5C have asked coal-reliant countries to phase out the fuel faster than is realistic, a new study says. The study published in the journal Nature found that a typical 1.


Emissions divide now greater within countries than between them

The difference between the carbon emissions of the rich and the poor within a country is now greater than the differences in emissions between countries, data shows.


Des Indonésiens déposent une plainte climatique à Zoug contre le cimentier Holcim

Les plaignants réclament à Holcim, basé à Zoug, "une indemnisation proportionnelle aux dégâts causés par les changements climatiques et une participation au financement des mesures de protection contre les inondations", ont indiqué mercredi dans un communiqué trois ONG qui soutiennent ces h


Klimaklage gegen Holcim – Inselbewohner klagen gegen Schweizer Weltkonzern

Das Zuger Kantonsgericht muss sich mit einem brisanten Fall befassen. Am Dienstag haben drei Bewohner und eine Bewohnerin der kleinen indonesischen Insel Pari Klage gegen Holcim am Firmenhauptsitz in Zug eingereicht.

Portugal agrees to swap Cape Verde’s debt for environmental investment

Portugal has signed an agreement to swap Cape Verde’s debt for investments in an environmental and climate fund that is being established by the archipelago nation off West Africa’s coast, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Monday.

Debt for Climate

Der fossile Kapitalismus lasse sich eher von den Rändern her bezwingen, sagt der argentinische Aktivist Esteban Servat. Mit der Initiative «Debt for Climate» glaubt er, einen wirksamen Hebel gefunden zu haben.


World Bank adaptation funds slept through Pakistan’s record flooding

When it was announced, the World Bank’s Solid Waste Emergency and Efficiency Project (Sweep) was touted as one of the lifelines that would help Pakistan’s biggest city, Karachi, with its urban flooding nightmare. But that hasn’t happened.

Donors exceed Pakistan goal with pledge of more than $9 bln for flood recovery

GENEVA, Jan 9 (Reuters) - International donors on Monday committed over $9 billion to help Pakistan recover from ruinous floods last year, exceeding its external financing goals and paving the way for a new model on raising funds to fight climate disasters in poorer countries.

Ölkonzern vertreibt Bauern für CO2-Gutschriften

Pulchérie Amboula lebt im Süden des Kongos auf der Batéké-Hochebene. Dort baut die Kongolesin das Grundnahrungsmittel Maniok an. Wenn sie versucht, ihre Felder zu betreten, folgen seit einiger Zeit Männer in Pickups ihrem Traktor, bis sie wieder weg ist.