Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge sind thematisch sortiert und lassen sich nach Themen und Schlagwörtern filtern. Jede Woche empfehlen wir eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



In an era of environmental crises, women closest to the destruction must be heard

My mother showed me the importance of Indigenous and Afro-descendant women in protecting the natural world. Yet they continue to face barriers and discrimination in their work


UN action on gender and climate faces uphill climb as warming hurts women

At June’s Bonn talks, governments made little progress on gender equality while evidence shows women bear a heavy climate burden


»Männer verbrennen unsere Welt.« So können wir sie aufhalten

Von Putin über Trump bis zur FDP. Unsere Zukunft wird vor allem von Männern regelrecht verheizt. In diesem Buch werden sie benannt und es wird dargelegt, wie sie noch zu stoppen sind.


* WOMEN * Global Warming Is Particularly Bad for Women-Led Families, Study Says

New U.N. research shows that climate change disproportionately erodes income in households led by women in poorer countries. But there are ways to fix it.


* WOMEN * Financial toll of climate crisis hitting women harder, UN says

Rural households led by women lose about 8% more income to heat stress than male-led families, data shows


* COP29 * Azerbaijan appoints no women to 28-member Cop29 climate committee

Campaigners condemn decision as regressive, saying ‘climate change affects whole world, not half of it’


* HEAT * Heat-related deaths ‘56% higher among women’ during record-breaking 2022 European summer

The summer of 2022 was Europe’s hottest on record and was characterised by a series of record-breaking heatwaves. New research published in Nature Medicine explores the link between temperature and human mortality to assess heat-related deaths across Europe during the summer of 2022.


Petromasculinity | Cara Daggett

“In the 19th century you did have people starting to warn about coal exhaustion or wonder what happens when fossil fuels are gone, but you still had this economy develop around the sense of limitless expansion.


Can feminism teach us how to die?

Last week I interviewed Cara Daggett about “petromasculinity” and how this patriarchal understanding of energy impacts our relationship to it, ourselves and the fabric with which we bind society.

How ending gender violence will help deliver conservation goals

Women play a critical role in biodiversity conservation. Globally, their contributions range from agricultural labour and working on nature reserves through to running environmental organisations and crafting international policies.

There’s no greater feminist cause than the climate fight – and saving each other

Last summer, a third of Pakistan was underwater. My country, the fifth most populous in the world, was submerged. Two million homes were destroyed, thousands of acres of agricultural land were flooded and 90% of the crops in Sindh, a food belt, were damaged.


6 Indigenous Climate Activists we’re celebrating this International Women’s Day

Did you know that Indigenous people are saving 80% of the world’s biodiversity? Despite their deep connection to and knowledge of, precious natural resources like the Amazon rainforest and Arctic Ice, Indigenous peoples voices are rarely heard on the world forum.


Der Klimakrise (he/him)

Obwohl vor allem Männer die Klimakrise verursachen, leiden Frauen stärker unter den Folgen. Um Klimagerechtigkeit zu erreichen, führt kein Weg an feministischen Lösungen vorbei. ~ 7 Minuten Lesezeit


Pipelines Reach More Homes, But As Climate Changes, India’s Women Still Make Long Marches For Water — Article 14

Nashik district (Maharashtra): Hausabai Jhole’s routine of years was to wake up at 5 am and, before her morning gargle or tea, set off on a 2.5-km journey with other women to fetch water.

Climate Justice Is Racial Justice Is Gender Justice

There’s nothing like the giant oil companies to provide us all with lessons about power and prejudice.


Die Klimakrise : männlich? : treibhauspodcast.ch

Anpassung, Umstellung, Wandel – von Konsumgewohnheiten, von Verhaltensweisen und von Lebensstilen. Das verlangt die Klimakrise von uns allen, ganz besonders aber von denjenigen, die am meisten CO2 ausstoßen.


Around the world, women are putting their lives on the line to defend the climate

Since the adoption of the Paris Climate Accords in 2015, at least 108 women have been murdered after defending the environment from climate wrecking industries.

Großmutter – sind Männer Schuld an der Klimakrise?

Passend zum Weltfrauentag stellen wir uns in dieser Folge die Frage: Wie hängt das Patriarchat mit der Klimakrise zusammen? Haben männlich geprägte Verhaltensweisen die Zerstörung und Ausbeutung der Natur befeuert? Darüber spricht Luisa mit einer Frau, die sie in Sachen Umweltaktivismus sehr ge


Guest post: Why gender justice matters in the transition away from coal

Paula Walk and Isabell Braunger, researchers at the Europa University Flensburg and at the Technical University Berlin with a focus on sustainability transitions.

Green Deal ohne Gleichstellung

Care-Arbeit ist nachhaltig, wird aber schlecht bis gar nicht bezahlt und in der Klimapolitik wenig berücksichtigt: Demonstration gegen EU-Freihandelsabkommen in Berlin. (Foto: Sandra Kirchner) Eigentlich hat sich die EU der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann verschrieben. Jedenfalls auf dem Papier.


Vanessa Nakate on how girls’ education can help solve the climate crisis

DEADLY FLOODING and landslides have become a regular threat in my hometown of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. In 2019, we were hit particularly hard: the rains killed more than a dozen people and washed away people’s belongings and businesses.


Geschlechtergräben beim Klimawandel: Wie soll die Klimakommunikation mit ihnen umgehen?

Der Klimawandel trifft Frauen unverhältnismäßig stark, weil er bestehende Ungleichheiten verstärkt.


Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

When women lead in conservation, indicators of success often go up — yet they are routinely excluded. Could a group of local leaders in the Philippines provide a model? This article is part of a special report on Climate Solutions, which looks at efforts around the world to make a difference.


Kaum Diversität in den Klimawissenschaften

Im April 2020 rankte die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters die weltweit 1000 «einflussreichsten» Klimaforschenden auf einer «Reuters Hot List». Als Masstab diente die Zahl ihrer Publikationen, ihre mediale und öffentliche Präsenz und wie oft ihre Arbeiten von anderen Forschenden zitiert wurden.


The disproportionate impact of floods on women

The recent wave of floods in Pakistan affected nearly 33 million people.


She Came Out of Nowhere, and Now No One in France Can Ignore Her

Sandrine Rousseau is using her talent for grabbing headlines with provocative ideas to shift the focus of the national debate from the themes favored by the far-right to climate change and #MeToo. PARIS — Sandrine Rousseau had just caused an implosion in French politics, again.