Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



The vanishing mangroves of El Salvador: ‘All our efforts may only slow the destruction’

In Barra de Santiago, local people are struggling to save one of the few remaining mangrove forests, as they are lost to agriculture and urban sprawl


«Der Amazonas ist unser Leben»

Die indigenen Völker im Amazonas­gebiet erheben ihre Stimme immer lauter. Doch solange andere in der Ölförderung Profit wittern, hat Umwelt­aktivismus einen hohen Preis. Eine Begegnung mit der ecuadorianischen Vorkämpferin Nemonte Nenquimo.


Fighting for the Native Forest of the Gran Chaco in Argentina

A complaint lodged with the government alleges that Argentine provincial officials and businessmen are profiting from clearing the native forest.


Tropical forest degradation due to ‘edge effects’ is 200% higher than thought

The degradation of trees at the edges of tropical forests is more widespread than previously thought, according to new research.


“Two steps forward, two steps back” – Governments off course for forest protection target

While Brazil and Colombia saw forest loss drop, their progress was offset by rises elsewhere


* FORESTS * Are rainforests doomed? Not necessarily.

In a grim new analysis of tropical forests, there are a few important glimmers of hope. Last year, the planet lost 9.


* FORESTS * Global rainforest loss continues at rate of 10 football pitches a minute

Despite major progress in Brazil and Colombia, deforestation led by farming still cleared an area nearly equal to Switzerland


* FORESTS * Global Forest Loss Remains High, Despite Recent Progress

Despite major progress in protecting vast tracts of rainforest, the world failed again last year to significantly slow the pace of global forest destruction, according to a report issued on Thursday.


* FORÊTS * Au Brésil, Emmanuel Macron affiche un front commun avec Lula dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique

Le président brésilien, qui a accueilli son homologue français à Belem, est parvenu à freiner la déforestation en Amazonie. Mais sa politique en faveur de nouveaux forages pétroliers est critiquée.


* WÄLDER * Wenn der Amazonas brennt, rufen sie Romeritos Brigade

Noch nie hat es in Amazonien so viel gebrannt wie in diesem Jahr. Mit altem Wissen und moderner Technik versuchen indigene Feuerwehr­leute den Regenwald zu retten. Eine Reportage von einem Brennpunkt des Klimawandels.


Elezioni 2024: l’Indonesia del nichel, del carbone e della deforestazione

A metà marzo l’Indonesia ha ufficializzato l’esito delle elezioni di febbraio: ne è uscito vincitore Prabowo Subianto, già ministro della difesa del governo uscente, che ha promesso continuità con le politiche degli ultimi anni, incluse quelle climatiche, energetiche e ambientali.


Regenwaldabholzung im brasilianischen Amazonas geht weiter zurück

Die Abholzung im brasilianischen Amazonasregenwald ist einem Bericht zufolge in den ersten beiden Monaten des Jahres auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit 2018 in diesem Zeitraum gewesen.


Loggers have ‘grabbed’ around 1m hectares of Indigenous land in DRC

Logging companies have “acquired” roughly 1m hectares of Indigenous peoples’ territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2000, according to a new study.


They Want to Make Palm Oil in a Lab. Without Palm Trees

Palm oil. It’s in your snacks, your soap, pretty much everything. But palm oil plantations have caused vast deforestation. Can these three tech executives help fix things?


The Carbon Brief Profile: Democratic Republic of the Congo

As part of a long-running series profiling countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions, Carbon Brief looks at the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) which, despite using hardly any fossil fuels, is one of the largest sources of emissions in Africa.


Amazon nations to tackle rainforest crime together in donor-funded new office

The $1.8 million Centre for International Police Cooperation will be built in the Brazilian Amazon city of Manaus and funded by the Norwegian-backed Amazon Fund


* DEFORESTATION * Poland to halt logging in 10 of its most ancient forests

New environment minister says measures – affecting just 1.5% of state-managed woods – are first step to stemming destruction


* SCHWEIZ | EU * Verordnung gegen Entwaldung – EU will keine Abholzung für Schoggi – Schweiz zögert

Firmen müssen nachweisen, dass in ihren Produkten keine Rodung steckt. Das verlangt die EU. Der Bundesrat zögert – noch. Die wichtigsten Antworten. Darum geht es: Für den Konsum in Europa wird anderswo Wald gerodet. Das gefährdet die Biodiversität und das Klima.


* DEFORESTATION * Brazil cracks down on illegal gold miners

“Things are going downhill with the new government”, said one gold miner when detained by Brazil’s federal police


* DEFORESTATION * Illegal gold mining devastates Peruvian Amazon river and communities

Mongabay Latam traveled along 38 kilometers (24 miles) of Peru’s Cenepa River, near the border with Ecuador, where illegal mining dredges run around the clock in search of gold, hemming in seven Indigenous Awajún communities.


* DEFORESTATION * Indonesia promises to fine palm oil companies operating in forests

An Indonesian official said it would levy $310 million in fines on growers of palm oil on land which should be forest


* DEFORESTATION * Canada’s Logging Industry Devours Forests Crucial to Fighting Climate Change

A study finds that logging has inflicted severe damage to the vast boreal forests in Ontario and Quebec, two of the country’s main commercial logging regions.


* AMAZON * Brazil lawmakers approve using green fund to pave road through Amazon rainforest

The lower house of Brazil’s Congress has approved a bill to relax environmental licensing to pave a highway cutting through the heart of the Amazon that scientists say will threaten the future of the world’s largest tropical rainforest.


* AMAZON * Brazil’s Congress Weakens Protection of Indigenous Lands, Defying Lula

Brazilian officials served up an array of plans and figures at the recent COP28 climate summit in Dubai, presenting itself as a world leader, on track to protect its forests and the people who live there.


* AMAZONAS * Über dem Amazonasgebiet steigt Rauch auf statt Feuchtigkeit – das hat viel mit dem Menschen zu tun

Eine schwere Dürre plagt den Amazonas-Regenwald. Mehrere Faktoren kommen zusammen: Abholzung, das Wetterphänomen El Niño, Brände sowie der Klimawandel. Kann sich der Regenwald noch regenerieren?


Stop Planting Trees, Says Guy Who Inspired World to Plant a Trillion Trees

In a cavernous theater lit up with the green shapes of camels and palms at COP28 in Dubai, ecologist Thomas Crowther, former chief scientific adviser for the United Nations’ Trillion Trees Campaign, was doing something he never would have expected a few years ago: begging environmental ministers t


Deforestation falls for 8th straight month in the Amazon rainforest, but rises in the cerrado

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has decreased for the eighth consecutive month, but damage is rising in the cerrado, a tropical woody grassland that’s adjacent to Earth’s largest rainforest.


* COP28 | FOREST PROTECTION * “Überkonsum und Ressourcenhunger sind Treiber der Entwaldung”

Ein Fonds zum Schutz der Wälder, wie ihn Brasiliens Präsident beim Klimagipfel vorgeschlagen hat, kann sinnvoll sein, findet Waldmodellierer Friedrich Bohn vom Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ). Vor allem aber müssten die Treiber der Entwaldung bekämpft werden. Für den deutschen Wald sei der Klimawandel nicht das größte Problem.


Au Brésil, Swiss Re assure des terres agricoles déboisées illégalement

Une enquête de lauréat du Prix d’investigation de Public Eye Reportage réalisé par André Campos, Naira Hofmeister, Gil Alessi, France Júnior, Ruy Sposati, Carolina Motoki et Bruna Bronoski Photos: Ruy Sposati, Lilo Clareto, Fernando Martinho, João Laet · Vidéos de drone:Ruy Sposati, Fern


Swiss Re versichert in Brasilien illegal abgeholztes Agrarland

Eine Untersuchung von Gewinner des Public Eye Investigation Award Reportage von André Campos, Naira Hofmeister, Gil Alessi, France Júnior, Ruy Sposati, Carolina Motoki und Bruna Bronoski Fotos: Ruy Sposati, Lilo Clareto, Fernando Martinho, João Laet · Drohnenvideos:Ruy Sposati, Fernando Martinh


«Die Regierung will einfach alle raus­schmeissen»

Vertrieben im Namen des Klimas: Wo reiche Staaten ihre CO₂-Emissionen kompensieren wollen, geschieht dies nicht selten auf Kosten der lokalen Bevölkerung. Die kenianische Aktivistin und Anthropologin Milka Chepkorir fordert eine Umkehr.


Aufstand gegen fragwürdige CO2-Zertifikate

Retten wir die Erde, nicht den Kapitalismus! In etwa so lässt sich zusammen­fassen, was der damalige bolivianische Präsident Evo Morales der Welt­gemeinschaft am Uno-Klimagipfel 2010 im mexikanischen Badeort Cancún zurief.


* CARBON OFFSETTING * Geld verdienen mit Klimaschutz – Dubais dubiose Geschäfte mit den Wäldern Afrikas

Liberias Regierung hat Grosses vor: Sie will ihren Wald retten und daran auch noch verdienen. Foto: Getty Images Liberia ist die grüne Lunge Westafrikas.


Q&A: What the ‘underwhelming’ Three Basins Summit means for tropical forests

Rainforest countries from across three continents agreed at the Three Basins Summit in Brazzaville last week to work together to finance and protect their ecosystems – but failed to firm up a unified alliance.


Kampagne für die Paradies-Wälder

Rumänien ist ein Hotspot des Naturschutzes – in doppeltem Sinne. Das südosteuropäische Land verfügt noch über mehr als 525.000 Hektar Ur- und Naturwälder, das ist mehr, als jeder andere EU-Mitgliedsstaat außer Skandinavien aufzubieten hat.


Ackerflächen statt Wälder: Damit China autarker wird, macht es Umweltprogramme rückgängig

Die Wüste nördlich der Industriestadt Baotou in der Inneren Mongolei erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 150 mal 90 Kilometer – gelbbrauner Sand, so weit das Auge reicht.


Plantagen kaufen für den Dschungel

Seit mehr als zehn Jahren treibt eine kleine Organisation auf Borneo die Rettung des Regenwalds voran – und bedient sich dafür der Ölpalme.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * After Decades Of Oil Drilling, Indigenous Waorani Group Fights New Industry Expansions In Ecuador

After 50 years of expanding oil operations in its Amazonian region, Ecuador will close the door on crude extraction in three oil fields that are home to Indigenous communities, including one of the country’s uncontacted groups.


Les crédits carbone ont un effet limité dans la lutte contre la déforestation

Sur la quinzaine de projets de compensation examinés par l'étude, tous réalisés selon le protocole REDD+ sur le marché volontaire du carbone, seuls 5,4 millions de crédits sur 89 millions, soit environ 6%, ont réellement permis de réduire les émissions de carbone, ont rapporté cette semain


Amazon’s emissions ‘doubled’ under first half of Bolsonaro presidency

The first half of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency was so destructive for the Amazon that it was comparable to the record 2016 El Niño drought and heatwave in terms of carbon emissions, according to scientists.


* ECUADOR REFERENDUM * The message from Ecuador is clear: people will vote to keep oil in the ground

Joy and hope are all too rarely associated with the environmental movement, but both have been in abundant supply since Ecuador’s people voted on Sunday to keep the country’s oil in the subsoil of the Yasuní national park.


* ECUADORS VOLKSENTSCHEID * Das Öl bleibt im Boden

Das Öl unter dem Yasuní-Nationalpark in Ecuador muss im Boden bleiben. Dafür stimmten knapp 60 Prozent der Wähler:innen bei einem landesweiten Referendum, das am vergangenen Sonntag parallel zu den vorgezogenen Präsidentschaftswahlen in dem südamerikanischen Land stattfand.


* REFERENDUM EN ECUATEUR * Un vote populaire arrête la production pétrolière dans une réserve amazonienne

Lors d'un référendum organisé dimanche, parallèlement à des élections générales anticipées, les Equatoriens ont dit oui à 59% à l'arrêt de la production du "bloc 43", selon les résultats publiés lundi.


* REFERÉNDUM EN ECUADOR * Los ecuatorianos votaron por detener la actividad petrolera y minera en el Yasuní y el Chocó

En los resultados oficiales, con un 95,58% escrutado, el Sí se impone en la consulta del Yasuní. Esa opción también lleva la delantera en las preguntas del Chocó Andino.


* AMAZON * What the Amazon Summit means for deforestation and climate change

Leaders of the eight Amazon basin countries committed this week to act together to prevent the rainforest “from reaching the point of no return” – although they stopped short of agreeing upon a common target for ending deforestation.


* AMAZON * As Guyana shows, carbon offsets will not save the Amazon rainforest

In theory, forest carbon offsets are a simple idea. Companies pay for a tonne of carbon reduced through forest protection and restoration to counter emissions they are continuing to emit, or have emitted in the past. It sounds like a a win-win.


* AMAZON * Protecting the Amazon | Paul Rosolie

“You cannot argue with the fact that our ocean fisheries are crashing. You cannot argue with the fact that we've lost 50% of the wildlife that was on the planet. You can't argue with the fact that we're losing rainforests, that rivers are being dammed. These are tangible things.


* AMAZON * Inside South America’s summit to save the Amazon

Good morning. “I think the world needs to see this meeting in Belém as the most important landmark ever … when it comes to discussing the climate question.


* AMAZON * Amazon nations fail to agree on deforestation goal at summit

Eight Amazon nations agreed to a list of unified policies and measures to bolster regional cooperation at a major rainforest summit in Brazil on Tuesday, but failed to agree on a common goal for ending deforestation.


Pressure grows on governments and banks to stop supporting Amazon oil and gas

An upcoming summit on protecting the Amazon has become the focus of a Indigenous and civil society-led campaign to set up an exclusion zone for fossil fuels South American nations and international financial institutions are coming under increasing pressure to stop exploiting oil and gas in the Amaz


Analyse zum Amazonas-Regenwald – Die Welt braucht diesen Wald

Die Bedeutung des Amazonas-Regenwaldes für den Planeten und seine Bewohner kann man gar nicht hoch genug einschätzen, da sind sich Wissenschaftler verschiedenster Disziplinen einig.


Amazon deforestation down by a third in 2023, says Brazilian government

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon fell by 33.6% in the first six months of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's term compared with the same period in 2022, the government says.


Destruction of world’s pristine rainforests soared in 2022 despite Cop26 pledge

An area the size of Switzerland was cleared from Earth’s most pristine rainforests in 2022, despite promises by world leaders to halt their destruction, new figures show.


Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt in Papua lässt die Bevölkerung hungern

Indonesien ist nach den USA und China der drittgrösste Klimagasproduzent der Welt. Das will das südostasiatische Land ändern. Statt Kohle verbrennt es nun zunehmend Holz – auf den ersten Blick ein nachhaltiger, weil nachwachsender Rohstoff.


The alarming decline of Earth’s forests, in 4 charts

Deforestation raged ahead again in 2022, even after scores of countries pledged to protect their forests.


La forêt vierge détruite en 2022 équivaut à la taille de la Suisse

C'est l'équivalent d'un terrain de football d'arbres tropicaux que l'on a abattus ou brûlés toutes les cinq secondes, de nuit comme de jour l'an dernier - une surface détruite de 10% supérieure à celle de 2021 -, conclut le World Resources Institute (WRI, Institut des ressources mondiales), ba


The Untold Stories of the Amazon | Heriberto Araujo

“Maria Joel was a normal housewife with four underage children whose husband was murdered. She held her husband in her arms while he was dying. She had two choices.


Zerstörung des Regenwaldes – Lulas Amazonaspolitik verspricht das fast Unmögliche

Wirtschaftswachstum und verstärkter Schutz der grünen Lunge: Brasiliens Präsident ist mit seinen Versprechen im Dilemma. Seit dem Amtsantritt des neuen brasilianischen Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Anfang Jahr ist die Abholzung im Amazonasgebiet deutlich gesunken.


More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

More than 800m trees have been cut down in the Amazon rainforest in just six years to feed the world’s appetite for Brazilian beef, according to a new investigation, despite dire warnings about the forest’s importance in fighting the climate crisis.


Brazilian Amazon at risk of being taken over by mafia, ex-police chief warns

The rapid advance of organised crime groups in the Brazilian Amazon risks turning the region into a vast, conflict-stricken hinterland plagued by heavily armed “criminal insurgents”, a former senior federal police chief has warned.


“Green” finance bankrolls forest destruction in Indonesia

Millions of dollars in green financing intended to help Indonesia reduce its carbon emissions have been invested in a project that is destroying rainforest in Papua.


China and Brazil to cooperate in stopping illegal trade fueling deforestation

China and Brazil announced this Friday a new collaborative effort to eliminate deforestation and control illegal trade causing forest loss.


What does the EU’s new deforestation law mean for climate and biodiversity?

EU policymakers are expecting to sign off on a new law in the coming weeks aiming to prevent the sale of products such as palm oil, coffee and chocolate if they have been produced on deforested land.


The Amazon’s Largest Isolated Tribe Is Dying

The illegal tin mine was so remote that, for three years, the massive gash it cut into the Amazon rainforest had gone largely ignored. So when three mysterious helicopters suddenly hovered overhead, unannounced, the miners living there scrambled into the forest.


* TIMBER FRAUD * Environmental Auditors Approve Green Labels for Products Linked to Deforestation and Authoritarian Regimes

Major environmental auditing firms ignore or fail to recognize glaring environmental damage caused by loggers and other clients whose practices they certify as sustainable, undercutting an elaborate global system meant to fight forest destruction and climate change.


* TIMBER FRAUD * How Auditing Giant KPMG Became a Global Sustainability Leader While Serving Companies Accused of Forest Destruction

Just past mile 73 on the highway that connects Canada to Alaska, north of the small city of Fort St. John in British Columbia, a dense line of spruce and pine abruptly ends. It is replaced by a vast expanse of brush and stumps scarring the clear-cut forestland.


* TIMBER FRAUD * Western Firms Certified as Socially Responsible Trade in Myanmar Teak Linked to the Military Regime

In the summer of 2021, as Myanmar’s military junta pressed a bloody campaign against its pro-democracy opponents, a 220-year-old U.S. lumber company that boasts of its commitment to responsible forestry quietly struck a deal with a subsidiary of a timber-processing firm with links to the junta.


Kentucky Residents Angered by U.S. Forest Service Logging Plan That Targets Mature Trees

This story by Inside Climate News is part of Deforestation Inc., a global investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. WILLIAMSBURG, Kentucky—Brandon Bowlin learned of the U.S.


* HOLZBETRUG * Auf den Spuren der Holzmafia

Einmal zwangen sie ihn, sich nackt auszuziehen, nachdem sie sein Gesicht blutig geschlagen hatten. Es gibt ein Video, das die Tat dokumentiert.


Dans la jungle, les crédits carbone lavent plus vert

Les projets de compensation carbone basés sur la déforestation évitée dans les régions tropicales surestiment de beaucoup les quantités de CO2 capturées par les arbres, selon une enquête. Ces crédits sont pourtant de plus en plus prisés par les entreprises pour verdir leurs activités.


Ouverture du One Forest Summit au Gabon

Aujourdʹhui, au Gabon, sʹouvre un sommet qui sʹintéresse à lʹimpact du climat sur les bassins forestiers. Le "One Forest Summit" sʹinscrit dans la lutte contre le dérèglement climatique et la protection de la nature.


Internationale Recherche zu Holz-Labels – Der grosse Schwindel mit Öko-Holz

«Sauber, umweltfreundlich und CO2-neutral»: So steht es auf den Pellets-Säcken einer Firma namens «Ameco», die bei der Kasse eines Baumarkts in Volketswil liegen. Auf den Verpackungen prangt dazu noch ein Gütesiegel: «ENplus A1».


Die Regenwald-Retter müssen für ihr Comeback kämpfen

Es sind martialische Videos, die das brasilianische Umweltministerium derzeit im Netz postet: Dichter Regenwald, über dem Helikopter kreisen, Rauchsäulen steigen auf, Feuer lodern.


Study Documents a Halt to Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest After Indigenous Communities Gain Title to Their Territories

Most people know that Brazil’s rainforests are rapidly disappearing, and that the loss accelerates global climate change while harming the communities living under the trees’ canopy.


Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples

Only 5% of net forest loss occurs in Indigenous territories and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon – even though these areas contain more than half of the region’s forest.


Un tiers de la forêt amazonienne dégradée par l’activité humaine

Les dommages infligés à la forêt amazonienne, qui recouvre neuf pays, sont significativement plus importants que ceux qui avaient été observés auparavant, ont indiqué l'équipe de recherche dont les membres proviennent notamment de l'université brésilienne Estadual de Campinas.


In the Amazon, Indigenous and Locally Controlled Land Stores Carbon, but the Rest of the Rainforest Emits Greenhouse Gases

Forests managed by Indigenous peoples and other local communities in the Amazon region draw vast amounts of planet-warming carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere while the rest of the rainforest has become a net source of the greenhouse gas, a new report has found.


Der Boden heizt mit

In Deutschland gibt es fast keine Urwälder mehr, und auch im Rest Europas existieren nur noch wenige unberührte Waldflächen. Die Urwaldinsel Vilm bei Rügen, der Białowieża-Nationalpark in Polen, der Muddus-Nationalpark in Schweden – das sind drei Beispiele dafür.


Life and Much Death in the Amazon

In 1970, the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil launched one of the world’s most ambitious construction projects: the Trans Amazonian Highway, a 2,600-mile road across the Amazon River basin.


Thirteen critical questions for international climate action in 2023

Last year was shaped by events that barely anyone predicted – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, horrendous floods in Pakistan and a hard-fought breakthrough on finance for victims of climate disaster.


With forests in peril, she’s on a mission to save ‘mother trees’

Suzanne Simard helped people see forests as complex communities. Now she's translating that research into a roadmap for protecting trees amid climate change.


Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point’?

To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. One of the first times Luciana Vanni Gatti tried to collect Amazonian air she got so woozy that she couldn’t even operate the controls.


Lula revives $1 billion Amazon Fund and environmental protections

On his first day in office as Brazil’s president, Lula da Silva signed a package of seven executive orders to protect the environment In his first day in office, Brazil’s new president, Lula da Silva, signed a package of seven executive orders aimed at controlling deforestation in the Amazon a


Neue Regierung in Brasilien – Lula an der Macht: Zeitenwende im Regenwaldschutz?

Die Hoffnung auf einen Neustart im Amazonasschutz ist gross. Doch Bolsonaro hinterlässt ein schweres Erbe. Kaum war Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva im Amt, machte er klar: Regenwaldschutz sei in Brasilien ab sofort Staatsangelegenheit.


Seven reasons to be cheerful about the Amazon in 2023 – and three to be terrified

For anyone who cares about the Amazon rainforest, there will be an extra reason to celebrate the new year countdown in Brazil on 31 December because the first stroke of midnight will mark the last moment in power of Jair Bolsonaro.


Was kostet der Amazonas-Regenwald?

Die Rettung des Amazonas-Regenwaldes kostet viel Geld. Ihn nicht zu retten ist allerdings noch teurer, wie eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie zeigt.


EU agrees new law to kick deforestation out of supply chains

EU legislators reached an agreement in the early hours of Tuesday (6 December) to pass a new law guaranteeing that products sold in the EU are not linked to the destruction or degradation of forests.


EU agrees law to crack down on deforestation in supply chains

European Union legislators reached an agreement in the early hours of Tuesday to pass a new law guaranteeing that products sold in the EU are not linked to the destruction or degradation of forests.


L’Europe interdit l’importation de produits issus de la déforestation: et la Suisse?

L'Union européenne a adopté un accord pour interdire l'importation de matières premières provenant de la déforestation importée. La Suisse, quant à elle, reste fidèle à sa politique des petits pas.


Die Axt im Karpaten-Wald

Die Karpaten bilden das größte noch bestehende, geschlossene Laubwaldgebiet in Europa. (Foto: Dan Câmpean/​Greenpeace Romania) Die Gebirgskette der Karpaten ist ein Hotspot der biologischen Vielfalt in Europa.


* COP27 – OUTCOMES * Key outcomes for food, forests, land and nature at the UN climate talks in Egypt

The COP27 summit in the Egyptian coastal resort of Sharm el-Sheikh made history by including food, rivers, nature-based solutions, tipping points and the right to a healthy environment in an overarching COP “cover decision” for the first time.


Indigenous Groups Are Key to Reversing Amazon Destruction

This time of year, global and social leaders gather at the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP) to seek solutions and to confront the climate crisis that threatens society as a whole.


* COP27 – OUTCOMES * Drei gute Nachrichten zur Klimakonferenz

Das klima update° ist ein Projekt des Klimawissen e.V. Die Produktion ist nur durch unsere Spender:innen möglich. Wenn Sie dazu beitragen wollen, geht das hier. Wir danken Ihnen hier und jetzt – aber auch noch mal namentlich im Podcast (natürlich nur, wenn Sie zustimmen).


* COP27 – BRAZIL * Lula: Retter des Regenwaldes und des Klimas?

Eine Menschentraube drängt sich um Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, den designierten brasilianischen Präsidenten, als er zum Podium schreitet. Während seiner Rede bricht die Menge immer wieder in Jubel und Lula-Gesänge aus.

* COP27 – BRAZIL * reacts to Lula’s COP27 speech: “Plans for the Amazon are very promising, but need to include a just energy transition”

Brazil – In one of the most anticipated moments of COP27, the UN climate conference, the president-elect of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presented this Wednesday (Nov 16) measures and guidelines for the conservation of the Amazon forest, the development of that region and the protection of


Die Abholzung des Regenwaldes: So, dass du es dir vorstellen kannst

Tropische Wälder spielen für das weltweite Klima eine wichtige Rolle. Sie gelten als Puffer des Klimawandels, weil sie grosse Mengen des Treibhausgases CO₂ speichern. Allerdings nur dann, wenn sie mehr Treibhausgas speichern, als sie abgeben.


At COP27, the US Said It Will Lead Efforts to Halt Deforestation. But at Home, the Biden Administration Is Considering Massive Old Growth Logging Projects – Inside Climate News

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt—The U.S. Center at the COP27 climate talks in Sharm El-Sheikh hosted a panel Monday focused on ending global deforestation by 2030, but the reality on the ground in the nation’s forests looks quite different.

* COP27 – BRAZIL * Lula vows to undo Brazil’s environmental degradation and halt deforestation

President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has told the world that “Brazil is back” at Cop27, vowing to begin undoing the environmental destruction seen under his far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, and work towards zero deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Interessen beim Naturschutz – Regenwaldstaaten fordern Entschädigung für Reduzierung der Abholzung

Die Vereinbarung sieht neben der Forderung nach Entschädigung für den Schutz des Regenwalds durch die Internationale Gemeinschaft unter anderem den Zugang zu Klimafinanzierung vor.