Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.

Big Oil & Gas


Poche multinazionali sono responsabili di buona parte del riscaldamento globale

L’atmosfera non ha confini e le emissioni antropiche di gas serra provocano un riscaldamento globale che non rimane all’interno del Paese che le ha generate.


Fossil fuel firms forcing countries to compensate them, Mary Robinson says

Former Irish president and Ban Ki-moon say fossil lobbying is hampering climate progress


UK ‘net zero’ project will produce 20m tonnes of carbon pollution, say experts

Government told Net Zero Teesside gas scheme will be massive polluter despite its carbon capture claims


Oil Companies Expand Offshore Drilling, Pointing to Energy Needs

Shell and others say they plan to drill for oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico in part because doing so releases fewer greenhouse gases than drilling on land.


Charge Big Oil with conspiracy, former tobacco prosecutor says

Following the release of new internal documents, Sharon Eubanks told the Senate Budget Committee that there is evidence for a DOJ climate case against Big Oil.


New internal Big Oil documents just dropped

The Senate Budget Committee is officially reviving the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into fossil fueled climate delay.


Klimaprozess in den Niederlanden: 550 Megatonnen im Gerichtssaal

2021 wurde Shell als weltweit erster Konzern von einem Gericht dazu verpflichtet, seine CO₂-Emissionen zu reduzieren. Seither hat in Europa der klimapolitische Wind gedreht – und im Berufungsprozess spielt der Fossilgigant plötzlich die soziale Karte.


Why fossil fuel producers are oddly optimistic in the climate change era

Coal, oil, and natural gas producers have found their vision for a low-carbon world.


Oil and Gas Executives Blast ‘LNG Pause,’ Call Natural Gas a ‘Destination Fuel’

Following a global agreement to transition off fossil fuels, industry leaders gathered in Houston doubled down on oil and gas.


Oil Executives, Meeting in Texas, Cast Doubts on ‘Fantasy’ Energy Transition

The comments by a Saudi executive raised questions regarding whose predictions about the future of oil and gas are more likely to be true.


Shell abandons 2035 emissions target and weakens 2030 goal

Shell has abandoned a key climate target for 2035 and weakened another goal for 2030, according to its latest “energy transition strategy”.


World’s top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas

Executives at Texas summit claim clean-energy transition is failing and say world should ‘abandon the fantasy’ of fossil-fuel phaseout


Shell und andere Energieriesen senken ihre Klimaziele: Der Entscheid ist ein Realitätscheck für die grünen Aktivisten unter den Investoren

Der Energiegigant will sein Erdgasgeschäft ausweiten. Dafür werden die Emissionsziele reduziert. Die bittere Wahrheit ist, dass die Konzerne nicht wissen, wie sie die Energiewende überleben sollen.


Un agriculteur belge touché par le changement climatique assigne TotalEnergies en justice

« Le dérèglement climatique a des effets très concrets pour moi: pertes de rendements, surcroît de travail et un stress quand il faut composer avec un calendrier cultural déboussolé », a déclaré Hugues Falys, agriculteur dans la province de Hainaut (ouest de la Belgique).


‘A Trojan horse of legitimacy’: Shell launches a ‘climate tech’ startup advertising jobs in oil and gas

Onward touts a vision of a ‘clean energy future’, but experts say ventures like this are part of fossil fuel firms’ greenwashing plan


Fury after Exxon chief says public to blame for climate failures

Darren Woods tells Fortune consumers not willing to pay for clean-energy transition, prompting backlash from climate experts


Shell accused of trying to wash hands of Nigerian oil spill mess

Shell’s oil spills have ruined farms and fisheries and locals want compensation before it sells up


‘Litigation terrorism’: the obscure tool that corporations are using against green laws

Investor-State Dispute Settlements are legal, huge and often hush-hush – and fossil fuel firms and others are using them to hold the planet to ransom


Chicago Sues 5 Oil Companies, Accusing Them of Climate Change Destruction, Fraud

The suit says BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and Shell have hurt the city by discrediting science even as their products lead to “catastrophic consequences,” including strong storms, flooding, severe heat and shoreline erosion.


ExxonMobil zerrt «klima-aktivistische» Aktionäre vor Gericht

Der konservative Energiekonzern aus dem texanischen Houston will rebellische Aktionäre mit teuren Gerichtsverfahren abschrecken.


Minister consulted BP over incentives to maximise oil production, FoI reveals

Meeting took place days after BP reported record profits while households were squeezed by high energy bills


New Evidence Reveals Fossil Fuel Industry Sponsored Climate Science in 1954

Documents shed light on the earliest-known instance of climate science funded by the fossil fuel industry, adding to growing understanding of Big Oil’s knowledge of climate change.


Der Klimaschutz braucht Geld: Erdölgiganten sind in der Schusslinie

Noch fliessen Milliarden in die Kohle, Erdöl und Erdgas. Das fossile Zeitalter regiert weiter – auch wenn die Vormacht der schmutzigen Brennstoffe zu bröckeln anfängt.


Shell to sell big piece of its Nigeria oil business, but activists want pollution cleaned up first

Shell has reached an agreement with a consortium of companies to sell its onshore business in Nigeria's Niger Delta in a deal worth $2.4 billion


American Petroleum Institute Plans Election-Year Blitz in the Face of Climate Policy Pressure

The massive oil industry group will take on Biden policies, argue for fossil fuel expansion as part of the greenhouse gas solution.


* COP29 * Activists Call for Process ‘Overhaul’ After Oil Industry Veteran Confirmed to Lead COP29

Azerbaijan named a former state oil executive as the summit’s president, marking the second consecutive year a fossil fuel insider will helm the U.N. climate talks. Climate advocates call it an “enormous conflict of interest.”


* COP29 * La prochaine COP29 en Azerbaïdjan sera dirigée par un vétéran du pétrole

Pour la deuxième année consécutive, un homme proche des énergies fossiles présidera la conférence de l'ONU sur le climat. L'Azerbaïdjan a nommé son ministre de l'Ecologie et des Ressources naturelles Mukhtar Babayev, ancien de la compagnie pétrolière Socar, comme président de la COP29 qui se tiendra en novembre à Bakou.


* COP28 | AL JABER * Cop28 president says his firm will keep investing in oil

The president of the Cop28 climate summit will continue with his oil company’s record investment in oil and gas production, despite coordinating a global deal to “transition away” from fossil fuels.


* COP28 | OUTCOME * Oil Companies Are Fine With Call to Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Eni, the Italian energy giant, praised the “great pragmatism” of the meeting.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Wenn die Erdöllobby Klimapolitik macht

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The Oil and Gas Industry Is Behind Offshore Wind Misinformation

On November 6, 2023, an op-ed was published in a local Delaware paper that described offshore wind as an “environmental wrecking ball.


* COP28 | LOBBYING * Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters

The Opec oil cartel has warned its member countries with “utmost urgency” that “pressure against fossil fuels may reach a tipping point with irreversible consequences” at Cop28, in leaked letters seen by the Guardian.


Blaues Feigenblatt für fossile Geschäfte

Mittels CO2-Speicherung will der staatliche Öl- und Gaskonzern Adnoc seine Geschäfte fortsetzen. Nicht nur der emiratische Konzern gefährdet mit seinen fossilen Projekten das Klima sowie die Artenvielfalt und die Gesundheit der Menschen, wie Analysen zeigen.


* COP28 | DENIAL * Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal.


Profite über alles

Die Öl- und Gaskonzerne hätten die von ihnen verursachten Klimaschäden begleichen und trotzdem noch hohe Gewinne einfahren können, zeigt eine neue Studie. Auf ihre freiwilligen Klimaverpflichtungen ist offenbar kein Verlass.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS LOBBYING * Files Suggest Climate Summit’s Leader Is Using Event to Promote Fossil Fuels

As the host of global climate talks that begin this week, the United Arab Emirates is expected to play a central role in forging an agreement to move the world more rapidly away from coal, oil and gas.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * The ‘inevitable’ fossil fuel fight set to dominate Cop28

Phasing down fossil fuels is “inevitable” and “essential”. It is hard to imagine the CEO of an oil major saying that 10 years, five years, even one year ago.


* COP28 | COP-PRÄSIDIUM * Ausgerechnet ein Ölmagnat soll den Klimaschutz auf Kurs bringen

Die letzten zwei Jahre war es der Ukrainekrieg, nun der Nahostkonflikt. Der globale Klimaschutz ist auch dieses Jahr nicht zuoberst auf der Agenda der internationalen Politik. Trotzdem hat das Gastgeberland, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, an der diesjährigen Klimakonferenz grosse Erwartungen.


TotalEnergies est-elle une entreprise criminelle ?

Il faudrait un livre entier pour décrire et analyser toutes les controverses sur TotalEnergies. Depuis plus de 50 ans, l’entreprise française est au cœur de polémiques et arrive toujours à s’en sortir, bien aidée par les pouvoirs publics, sans vraiment en payer le prix.


Betting on climate disaster. The possible futures of the (US) oil and gas industry.

In the last few years, the energy transition has moved from being a wished-for hypothetical to becoming a large-scale global trend. As this happens, it shakes up our understanding of the future. Some analysts are tempted, already, to define our situation as “mid-transition”.


Pétrole, un lobby tout-puissant

Comment le lobby pétrolier, et Exxon Mobil en particulier, ont œuvré depuis cinq décennies à entraver toute mesure visant à réduire le réchauffement climatique au nom de leurs intérêts. Avec l’éclairage d’experts et d’acteurs de premier plan, une édifiante enquête.


Im Würgegriff der Ölkonzerne

Die zweiteilige Doku zeigt, wie Ölkonzerne und ihre Verbündeten in der Politik jahrzehntelang Zweifel an der Ursache des Klimawandels schürten und notwendige Gegenmaßnahmen behinderten. Sie fragt nach den Gründen für die lange Untätigkeit angesichts der wachsenden Bedrohung und nach der Verantwortung der mächtigen Ölkonzerne, insbesondere der von ExxonMobil.


* COP28 * Inside COP28’s Big ‘Experiment’: What Happens When You Put a Fossil Fuel Exec in Charge of Solving Climate Change

For a taste of the United Arab Emirates, try the cappuccino at Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Palace hotel. At around $25, it’s a quality cup of coffee, but the gold flakes that come sprinkled on top are its primary selling point.


* COP28 * Die Untergangsberater

In knapp drei Wochen beginnt die Weltklimakonferenz in Dubai. Wird sie zur Farce? Der Konferenzpräsident ist Ölmanager – und er hat einen selbstmörderischen Plan für die Klimapolitik. McKinsey sei Dank.


A Record Oil Gusher Infuses Tiny Guyana With Wealth and Worries

The South American country has become the next energy powerhouse, bringing jobs, rib-eye steaks—and a jarring new realityGEORGETOWN, Guyana—New supermarkets here are stocked with prime Texas rib-eyes. A recently opened waterfront hotel offers executive suites for $750 per night.


Backroom deals, mystery companies and a ‘killer lake’: inside DRC’s gas and oil auction

Since the auction for the oil and gas blocks was launched last year, the government has struggled to attract bidders and a number of major companies, such as TotalEnergies, have said they will not take part.


Greta Thunberg charged with public order offence after London oil protest

Greta Thunberg has been charged with a public order offence after she was arrested while taking part in a protest against a conference in London described as “the Oscars of oil”.


Why Biden’s multibillion-dollar bet on hydrogen energy is such a big deal

Clean hydrogen can be a lot dirtier than it seems, especially when the fossil fuel industry gets involved.


Exxon Mobil Strikes $60 Billion Deal for Shale Giant

Exxon Mobil announced on Wednesday that it was acquiring Pioneer Natural Resources for $59.5 billion, deepening its reliance on fossil fuel production even as many global policymakers grow increasingly concerned about climate change and the oil industry’s reluctance to shift to cleaner energy.


Shell called out for promoting fossil fuels to youth via Fortnite game

Climate activists are calling out Shell for partnering with popular video gamers and online youth influencers to promote fossil fuels to a younger generation. The oil giant, which in July reported quarterly profits of more than $5bn (£3.


Klage gegen “Lügen von Big Oil”

Die größte Ölraffinerie an der US-Westküste gehört Chevron und steht südlich von Los Angeles. (Bild: Pedro Szekely/​Flickr) Kalifornien gilt als "Sushine State" und Inbegriff des amerikanischen Traums. Doch der drittgrößte US-Bundesstaat ist auch ein Hotspot des Klimawandels.


Inside Exxon’s Strategy to Downplay Climate Change

Internal documents show what the oil giant said publicly was very different from how it approached the issue privately in the Tillerson eraExxon Mobil issued its first public statement that burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change in 2006, following years of denial.


California Sues Giant Oil Companies, Citing Decades of Deception

The state of California sued several of the world’s biggest oil companies on Friday, claiming their actions have caused tens of billions of dollars in damage and that they deceived the public by downplaying the risks posed by fossil fuels.


California sues oil giants, saying they downplayed climate change. Here’s what to know

The state of California has filed a sweeping climate lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, as well as the domestic oil industry's biggest lobby, the American Petroleum Institute.


Kalifornien verklagt Ölriesen wegen Klimawandel

BP, Shell und weitere Ölgiganten sollen sich vor Gericht verantworten, wenn es nach dem Willen von Kaliforniens Gouverneur Newsom geht. Der US-Bundesstaat gibt den Konzernen eine Mitschuld an der Erderwärmung und wirft ihnen vor, die Öffentlichkeit getäuscht zu haben.


The oil industry’s cynical gamble on Arctic drilling

Companies like ConocoPhillips are banking on a future filled with oil. The Biden administration can’t make a move in the Arctic without a political mess.


Shell signals retreat from carbon offsetting

Shell has become the latest large company to pull back from carbon offsets amid concerns many have no environmental impact, it has emerged, as the Carbon Trust discontinues its “carbon neutral” labelling scheme based on offsetting.


Öl- und Gasmultis als “Brandbeschleuniger”

Dekarbonisierung beschränkt sich bei den Energieriesen offenbar weitgehend auf die Selbstdarstellung. (Bild: James Jones/​Shutterstock) Die Erderwärmung soll bei maximal zwei Grad Celsius gestoppt werden, besser bei 1,5 Grad. So steht es im Pariser Klimavertrag von 2015.


Russisches Öl: Expansion nach Dubai

Schweizer Rohstoffkonzerne waren lange die wichtigsten Händler russischen Öls. Das soll sich mittlerweile geändert haben. Vieles bleibt aber im Dunkeln, weil es in der Schweiz an Transparenz mangelt und ein griffiges Embargogesetz fehlt.


* FOSSILENERGIE * Öl und Gas glänzen am hellsten: Shell und andere Energieriesen rudern bei der Klimawende zurück

Der Druck der europäischen Öffentlichkeit auf die hiesigen Erdöl- und Erdgaskonzerne, mehr für den Klimaschutz zu tun, ist immens. Zum Leidwesen der Umweltschützer gibt es aber Gegendruck: Die Mehrheit der internationalen Eigentümer der Konzerne erwartet eine höhere Rendite.


BP’s £2bn profits cause anger amid climate crisis

BP has angered climate campaigners by reporting profits of $2.6bn (£2bn) for the second quarter of the year as the climate crisis triggers extreme heatwaves around the world. The fossil fuel company blamed falling oil and gas markets for the drop in profits from $8.

Wissenschaft bittet Öl-Firmen zur Kasse

In dieser Folge sprechen Marcus Schödel und Klimaökonomin Claudia Kemfert zunächst über die katastrophalen Bilder, die uns derzeit aus Griechenland und anderen Ländern erreichen. Es geht um die Wald- und Buschbrände, unter anderem auf der Insel Rhodos. Kemfert äußert sich bestürzt.


Dozens of oil & industry lobbyists attended secretive shipping emissions talks

Lobbyists from oil companies such as Shell, ExxonMobil and Saudi Aramco joined government negotiators at recent secretive talks on how to cut emissions from the shipping sector, Climate Home has learned.


Exxon posts 56% profit slump, joins peers in energy price hit

HOUSTON, July 28 (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) on Friday reported a 56% slump in second-quarter profit, missing Wall Street bets and joining rivals hurt by a sharp drop in energy prices and lower fuel margins.


Big oil quietly walks back on climate pledges as global heat records tumble

It was probably the Earth’s hottest week in history earlier this month, following the warmest June on record, and top scientists agree that the planet will get even hotter unless we phase out fossil fuels.


* SOUTH POLE * Herr Girod, wieso geschäften Sie als Grüner mit dreckigen Ölkonzernen?

Interview zu Greenwashing-Vorwürfen Herr Girod, wieso geschäften Sie als Grüner mit dreckigen Ölkonzernen? Die Firma South Pole soll Ölkonzernen wie Shell und der russischen Gazprom dabei helfen, Greenwashing zu betreiben – indem sie mit Zertifikaten deren CO₂-Ausstoss kompensiert.


* SOUTH POLE * Geheimverträge mit Ölriesen, wackelige Klimaversprechen: Bei South Pole proben Mitarbeiter den Aufstand

Die Zürcher Firma South Pole hat einen kometenhaften Aufstieg hingelegt. Ein kleines Startup mit einer Handvoll Mitarbeitern wuchs innerhalb von wenigen Jahren zum Einhorn heran; was bedeutet, dass South Pole mittlerweile über eine Milliarde Dollar wert ist.


‘Game changing’: spate of US lawsuits calls big oil to account for climate crisis

Climate litigation in the US could be entering a “game changing” new phase, experts believe, with a spate of lawsuits around the country set to advance after a recent supreme court decision, and with legal teams preparing for a trailblazing trial in a youth-led court case beginning next week.


Oil companies are laughing while the world burns

Over the July 4th holiday, while Americans were firing up their barbecues and setting off fireworks, the world broke a new record.  Earth had her three hottest days ever recorded since instrumental measurements began in the 1850s.


I thought fossil fuel firms could change. I was wrong

More than most members of the climate community, I have for years held space for the oil and gas industry to finally wake up and stand up to its critical responsibility in history. But what the industry is doing with its unprecedented profits over the past 12 months has changed my mind.


Climat : la discrète marche arrière des géants du pétrole

Lors d’une manifestation pour le climat, à Londres, le 27 juin 2023. L’histoire oubliera peut-être ce bref moment où les principaux responsables du désastre climatique ont fait mine de faire partie de la solution.


Fossil Companies Face $50B Lawsuit Over 2021 Heat Dome Deaths

A county government in Oregon is suing more than a dozen fossil fuel companies for the costs it incurred in a 2021 heat emergency that killed at least 69 of its residents, in a move that could help prepare the ground for similar legal action in Canada.


Fossil fuel lobbyists will have to identify themselves when registering for Cop28

Fossil fuel lobbyists will have to identify themselves as such in registering for the UN Cop28 climate summit, making polluting and carbon-intensive industries more accountable at the annual talks.


Shell drops target to cut oil production as CEO guns for higher profits

Shell has abandoned plans to cut oil production each year for the rest of the decade, in a shift in approach to firmly target fossil fuels and increase payouts to shareholders under its new chief executive, Wael Sawan.


UN Considering Reforms to Limit Influence of Fossil Fuel Industry at Global Climate Talks

Halfway through the annual cycle of global climate talks between COP27 in Egypt and COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is holding technical meetings in Bonn through June 15 under a swirl of intensifying climate and political storms.


Fossil fuel company net zero plans ‘largely meaningless,’ report says

LONDON, June 11 (Reuters) - The number of fossil fuel companies setting net-zero emissions targets has risen sharply over the past year, but most fail to address key concerns, making them "largely meaningless", a report showed on Monday.


British Museum ends BP sponsorship deal after 27 years

BP’s sponsorship of the British Museum has ended after 27 years, new disclosures make clear, bringing to a close one of the highest-profile and most controversial of such deals in recent years, and marking the almost complete retreat of the fossil fuel giant from the British arts world.


«Wir tun was!»: Kleines Greenwashing-ABC am Beispiel Shell

Was tun, wenn man sein Geld mit Umweltverschmutzung verdient, aber dringend ein grünes Image braucht? Man legt Klimaziele fest und kommuniziert diese möglichst breit und oft. Wie grün sie tatsächlich sind, tritt dabei in den Hintergrund. Ein Beispiel für diese Art Klimakommunikation ist Shell.


Questions for Shell over Iran links

Leaked documents show connections between Shell's joint venture in Iraq and Mapna, a company with ties to the Iranian regime


Italy’s Eni Faces Lawsuit Alleging Early Knowledge Of Climate Change

Italian oil major Eni is facing the country’s first climate lawsuit, with environmental groups alleging the company used “greenwashing” to push for more fossil fuels despite knowing of the risks posed by burning its products since 1970.


Shell makes record quarterly profits of nearly $10bn

Royal Dutch Shell made record first-quarter profits of more than $9.6bn (£7.6bn) in the first three months of this year, even as oil and gas prices tumbled from last year’s highs. The better-than-expected adjusted earnings topped its previous first-quarter profit record set last year at $9.


Putting Big Oil’s profits in perspective

Activists from Greenpeace set up a mock-gas station price board showing the true climate cost of fossil fuels. Source: Daniel Leal/AFP/Getty Images The climate crisis just keeps getting worse. And the business of causing it just keeps getting better.


Nigeria: Shell geht, die Ölverschmutzung bleibt

Vor zwei Jahren kündigte Shell an, die Onshore-Ölförderung in Nigeria nach mehr als 60 Jahren einzustellen. Seit 1958 bohrt der Öl-Multi an der Mündung des Niger nach Öl.

They cleaned up BP’s massive oil spill. Now they’re sick – and want justice

After 18 rounds of chemotherapy, Samuel Castleberry is tired. If it were up to him, he’d still be working his trucking job. The 59-year-old was making a decent living and felt fit. But in June 2020, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which has already spread to his liver.


Shell admits 1.5C climate goal means immediate end to fossil fuel growth

Growth in oil and gas production ends immediately in Shell’s latest pathway for staying below 1.5C, new Carbon Brief analysis reveals. The admission that continued growth in fossil fuel output is incompatible with 1.


Consultants close to industry shaped Austalia’s controversial carbon credit policy

Consultants advising the Australian government on its carbon credit policy were simultaneously working with the carbon credit industry and an unnamed “natural gas producer”, documents obtained by Climate Home News reveal.


Revealed: How Shell cashed in on dubious carbon offsets from Chinese rice paddies

Shell is a partner in a series of contested rice farming offsetting projects in China that could generate millions of worthless carbon credits, Climate Home News has found. The initiatives are meant to slash methane emissions by changing irrigation methods in rice paddies.


Big oil firms touted algae as climate solution. Now all have pulled funding

One by one, big oil firms have touted their investments in algae biofuels as the future of low-carbon transportation – and one by one, they have all dropped out.


Exxon’s Climate Opponents Were Infiltrated by Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation

In the midst of perpetrating what federal prosecutors say was a massive corporate hacking campaign, Israeli private detective Aviram Azari in 2017 received welcome news. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8


Die Schweiz überwacht Öl-Sanktionen zu Russland kaum

Red. Die Nichtregierungsorganisation Public Eye hat soeben die Studie «Die Schweiz und der Handel mit russischem Öl: Ein trügerischer Abschied?» publiziert.


Saudi Aramco Reports Record Profit as Fossil Fuels Remain ‘Essential’

Saudi Aramco, the national oil company for Saudi Arabia, reported on Sunday that the company last year had net income of $161.1 billion — a 47 percent increase over 2021 and a record since Aramco started offering shares on the local Tadawuhl stock exchange in 2019.


Saudi Aramco’ s $161bn profit is largest recorded by an oil and gas firm

Saudi Aramco has reported a record $161bn (£133bn) profit for 2022, the largest annual profit ever recorded by an oil and gas company, fuelled by soaring energy prices and rising global demand.


Fossil fuel companies donated $700m to US universities over 10 years – study

Six fossil fuel companies funnelednearly $700m in research funding to 27 universities in the US from 2010 to 2020, according to new research.


Öl ins Feuer

Finanziert Russland seinen Krieg gegen die Ukraine über den Schweizer Handelsplatz für Rohstoffe? Bund und Kantone wissen es nicht. Und sie wollen es nicht wissen.


Die Spur der Pesos

Erdöl, Korruption und ein Briefkasten: Wie Schaffhausen vom grössten Wirtschaftsskandal der ­Geschichte Kolumbiens profitiert. von Simon Muster, Mattias Greuter (Text) und Mattia Mastroianni (Illustrationen)


Klimabericht-Podcast Die schmutzigen Klimalügen der Ölindustrie

Große Konzerne wie Exxon ließen früh den Klimawandel erforschen. Schon in den Siebzigerjahren wussten sie, was ihre fossilen Brennstoffe bewirken. Doch statt Aufklärung folgten Kampagnen, um ihre Profite zu schützen.


UAE’s Cop28 boss calls for “course correction” on climate change

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) climate envoy and designated president of the Cop28 climate summit said on Tuesday that the world needed a “course correction” to limit global warming.


Sociétés pétrolières: des profits colossaux en 2022 et une fracture atlantique

Les 5 majors du pétrole enregistrent plus de 150 milliards de dollars de bénéfices en 2022. De quoi relancer le débat sur la taxation des superprofits, sur fond de fracture de plus en plus claire entre l'Europe et les Etats-Unis. C’est la danse des dollars.