Climate Update
Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.
Nickel mining for electric vehicles is destroying lives in Indonesia
Indonesia’s abundant nickel reserves are crucial for a low carbon world. But extracting them is ruining local peoples’ lives and causing rampant deforestation
* COP29 | FOSSIL FUEL LOBBYING * Saudi Arabia and Russia to U.N.: Don’t Talk About a Fossil Fuel Exit
A handful of oil-producing nations ensured that a United Nations General Assembly resolution on climate change steered clear of a call to transition away from fossil fuels.
* SCHWEIZ | CO2-«KOMPENSATION» * E-Busse in Bangkok
Im Oktober berichtete der Beobachter erstmals über arbeitsrechtliche Probleme beim Klima-Prestigeprojekt des Bundes in Thailand. Im Rahmen des Pariser Klimaabkommens finanziert die Schweiz Elektrobusse in Bangkok.
* COP29 * Energiekonzern Socar: zwischen Schein und Sein
Der aserbaidschanische Konzern Socar will die Förderung von Erdgas stark ausbauen. An der Klimakonferenz in Baku stellt Socar hingegen vor allem das Engagement für Sonnen- und Windstrom in den Fokus. Der Bericht von der Klimakonferenz und das Gespräch mit Zentralasienexperte Stefan Meister.
‘When the water subsided, I saw our house was gone’ – This is climate breakdown
Leoncia Ibanez lived in Sitio Gipit, a small settlement on the outskirts of Antipolo. In August 2024, Super Typhoon Carina, also called Gaemi, hit the Philippines; combined with monsoon rains, it caused widespread flooding. The torrential rain and high winds were made worse by the climate crisis, which is also making such tropical storms more common.
* COP29 * Saudi Arabia Is a ‘Wrecking Ball’ in Global Climate Talks
Despite endorsing a transition away from fossil fuels last year, Saudi officials have since worked to undermine it in at least five U.N. forums, diplomats said.
* COP29 * Before and After COP29, Azerbaijan Is a Risky Place for Climate Activists
The government has faced criticism for stifling dissent, raising questions about its suitability to host the world's most important climate summit.
* SCHWEIZ * Die Luftibusse: Wie sich die Schweiz in einen thailändischen Wirtschaftskrimi verstrickt hat
Wie sich die Schweiz mit einem Klima-Pionierprojekt mit dem „Elon Musk Thailands” in einen Wirtschaftskrimi verstrickt hat.
Türkei: Wenn im Acker plötzlich ein Loch klafft
Aufgrund des Klimawandels bilden sich in der Türkei zunehmend Erdlöcher, sogenannte Dolinen. Teilweise sind diese Löcher dutzende Meter tief und entstehen aus dem Nichts. Besuch bei einem Bauern, dessen Existenzgrundlage buchstäblich am Einbrechen ist.
* COP29 * How Azerbaijan locked up climate and social justice advocate ahead of COP29
Azeri economist Farid Mehralizada has argued that his country’s reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and dangerous – he is now in prison ahead of the climate summit in Baku Nargiz Mukhtarova is a women’s rights activist and researcher in Azerbaijan.
* COP29 * Repression Intensifies in the Country Hosting a Major Climate Meeting
Human rights watchdogs say Azerbaijan is in the midst of a vicious campaign of repression. But in global geopolitics, this energy-rich Caucasus country now has a lot of leverage.
* SUISSE * Controverse autour de bus électriques financés par la Suisse en Thaïlande
Dans le cadre de l'Accord de Paris sur le climat, la Suisse finance des bus électriques à Bangkok. En échange, elle obtient des certificats de compensation des émissions de CO2. Mais ce projet suscite des critiques: l'entreprise qui fabrique les bus est accusée d'enfreindre les droits syndicaux.
Indian coal giants pushed for lax pollution rules while ramping up production
Even as India agreed to phase down coal power at UN climate talks, state-run firms were lobbying government to weaken pollution regulations and expand the sector
* SCHWEIZ * E-Busse in Thailand – Schweizer Klimaprojekt in Bangkok in der Kritik
Mit der CO₂-Abgabe aus der Schweiz werden Elektrobusse in Bangkok finanziert. Doch seit einiger Zeit gibt es Kritik an den Arbeitsrechten vor Ort.
* COP29 * In a warring world, Azerbaijan’s COP29 truce appeal draws fire as “PR exercise”
Baku wants all countries to lay down arms for the UN climate summit – but doubts grow as warring states sign up and conflicts intensify
* SCHWEIZ * Schweiz finanziert Busse in Bangkok – und bekommt ein Problem
Bei einem Engagement des Bundes in Thailand gibt es arbeitsrechtliche Probleme. Wenn sich die Vorwürfe bestätigen, droht dem Prestigeprojekt das Aus.
Japan backs fossil fuels in Southeast Asian “zero emission” initiative
Japan’s Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) supported 56 projects using fossil fuel technologies in Southeast Asia — including LNG and carbon capture
Nepal Flooding and Landslides Kill at Least 190 People
The mountainous country is experiencing more extreme weather driven by climate change, including melting glaciers that add to the frequency and severity of flooding.
* DROUGHT * Cracks and sinkholes appear across Iran amid groundwater crisis
Subsidence caused by groundwater depletion beginning to affect key infrastructure such as airports and roads
Can the world stop a massive oil spill in the middle of a war zone?
If the race to stop a spill in the Red Sea fails, it would be one of the worst in history.
* FLOODS | WORLDWIDE * Why everywhere seems to be flooding right now
Unique factors have driven torrential rains around the world — but there’s also a likely common thread.
* FLOODS WORDLWIDE * Floods Wreak Havoc Across Four Continents
Flooding events around the world share a common factor of an atmosphere made warmer by climate change. What can be done to help citizens prepare?
* COP29 * Bloqué sur la finance climatique, l’Azerbaïdjan propose 14 textes non contraignants
Le président de la prochaine conférence climatique, qui se tiendra à Bakou à partir du 11 novembre, a dévoilé une série d’initiatives pouvant être adoptées par les Etats sur la base du volontariat. Mais sur le sujet qui fâche, les négociations n’avancent pas
* COP29 * Eine Klimakonferenz im Zwangsfrieden
Aserbaidschans Herrscher inszeniert sich vor der COP-29 als Friedensstifter. Doch er hält den Konflikt mit Armenien am Köcheln.
‘Typhoons have prevented me going to school’: The children behind South Korea’s landmark climate win
Hannah Kim, eight, and Jeah Han, 12, are part of a group of activists that won a four-year fight to tackle climate inaction. For them, it is just the beginning
Court Orders South Korea to Take Stronger Action on Climate Change
A ruling by the Constitutional Court declared the nation’s current measures insufficient and a violation of the rights of future generations.
Record Rainfall Spoils Crops in China, Rattling Its Leaders
Some vegetables cost more than they have in five years. Top Chinese officials have made a point of showing that they’re doing something about it.
Two Years After Deadly Floods Hit Pakistan, It’s Happening Again
Millions of people still recovering from the devastation of 2022 are bracing for the possibility of losing what they’ve rebuilt.
Climate change made ‘monsoon downpour’ behind Kerala landslides 10% more intense
The “monsoon downpour” that triggered deadly landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district last month was made 10% heavier by human-caused climate change, a new rapid attribution study says. The landslides followed an “exceptional spell of monsoon rain” on 30 July.
Das Gas vor Gazas Küste
Israel ist dabei, eine der wichtigsten Erdgas-Exportnationen zu werden. Eine politisch sensible Sonderrolle spielt dabei ein kleines Gasfeld vor der Küste des Gazastreifens.
Inside the Petrostate Hosting This Year’s Global Climate Negotiations
In Azerbaijan, the causes and effects of climate change are on vivid display and the painful trade-offs needed to fight it are acutely felt.
La mousson, un phénomène climatique en plein dérèglement
L’agriculture de l’Asie du Sud, et particulièrement de l’Inde, dépend de la manne pluviométrique apportée par la mousson. Une saison des pluies en plein dérèglement
* SCHWEIZ * Nach Klimaversprechen – Bund unterstützt doch wieder fossile Energieprojekte im Ausland
Eigentlich hat der Bund vor drei Jahren international verkündet, dass er keine neuen fossilen Energieprojekte im Ausland mehr unterstütze. Nun zeigt sich: Der Bund tut es doch. Konkret unterstützt eine Anstalt des Bundes ein neues Gaskraftwerk im autoritär-regierten Turkmenistan.
Indonesien hat ein Kohleproblem. Das ist ein Problem für die Welt
Indonesien ist eines der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder der Welt, eine aufstrebende Wirtschaftsmacht und eine der grössten Emittenten. Das bedeutet: Energie- und klimapolitische Entscheidungen in Indonesien betreffen die Welt.
Indien setzt konsequent auf den Ausbau der Solarenergie. Das steckt hinter dem Boom
Um die ambitionierten Klimaschutz-Ziele zu erreichen, muss die indische Regierung aber noch einige Probleme angehen.
* LANDSLIDES * What to Know About the Deadly Landslides in Southern India
The death toll has risen to at least 126 in Kerala State after heavy rain sent huge mudslides through an area known as a tourist destination.
* GLISSEMENTS DE TERRAINB * Plus de 120 morts en Inde
Des glissements de terrain provoqués par de fortes pluies de mousson ont dévasté mardi des plantations de thé dans l'Etat du Kerala, dans le sud de l'Inde, faisant au moins 122 morts selon un nouveau bilan, et au moins 3000 réfugiés dans des camps de secours d'urgence dans le district.utti Rajan, a déclaré à la presse que 122 corps avaient été récupérés. Cent vingt-huit personnes ont été hospitalisées après avoir été secourues, indiquait plus tôt le ministre en chef de l'Etat, Pinarayi Vijaya
UAE’s Altérra invests in fund backing fossil gas despite “climate solutions” pledge
Four months after partnering with the new “landmark” climate vehicle at COP28, a BlackRock fund put money into a US gas pipeline
* COP29 * It’s time for Azerbaijan to shift gears on diplomacy ahead of COP29
Amid record-breaking climate impacts, the COP29 host nation needs to ramp up action for an ambitious outcome in Baku
* TAIFUN * Tote und Verletzte in Taiwan – Öltanker vor Philippinen gesunken
Auf den Philippinen sind laut lokalen Behörden im Zuge des schweren Tropensturms «Gaemi» über 30 Menschen bei Erdrutschen und Sturzfluten ums Leben gekommen.
China’s clean energy pushes coal to record-low 53% share of power in May 2024
Clean energy generated a record-high 44% of China’s electricity in May 2024, pushing coal’s share down to a record low of 53%, despite continued growth in demand.
How Rebuilding Forests Helped Pangolins, Orangutans and People
Land restored by local residents in Borneo drew an array of wildlife after nonprofit groups first addressed the needs of nearby villagers.
* INTEMPÉRIES * Près de 50 morts et des centaines de blessés dans des intempéries dans l’est de l’Afghanistan
Au moins 47 personnes ont été tuées et 350 blessées lundi lors de violentes tempêtes et pluies dans la ville de Jalalabad et ses environs, dans l'est de l'Afghanistan, ont annoncé mardi les autorités locales.
Development Banks Can Catalyze the Clean Energy Transition, Starting in South and Southeast Asia
South and Southeast Asia are in many ways central to the global clean energy transition.
* HEAT * Pakistan Withers Under Deadly Heat and Fears the Coming Rains
Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, endured days of temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit, made worse by power cuts and high humidity.
* FLOODING * Landslides Kill at Least 15 in Nepal
In this monsoon season, so far there have been more than 60 weather-related fatalities. With roads cut off and more rain expected, the toll could rise.
* INTEMPÉRIES * Plus de 240’000 personnes évacuées en raison de pluies torrentielles dans l’est de la Chine
Plus de 240'000 personnes ont été évacuées dans l'est de la Chine après les fortes pluies qui se sont abattues sur une grande partie du pays, faisant gonfler le cours du fleuve Yangtze, a rapporté l'agence officielle Chine nouvelle.
Afghanistan’s ‘deadly’ early spring rainfall made twice as likely by El Niño
The extreme rainfall that hit Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran in April and May this year was made twice as likely by El Niño, a new rapid attribution study shows.
* HEAT * Indien: heiß, sehr heiß
Indien erlebt die bisher längste Hitzewelle mit Temperaturen bis 50 Grad. Mit kühlen öffentlichen Räumen, Wasserspenden und Versicherungen sollen die Folgen gemildert werden.
* CHALEUR * A La Mecque, près de 1000 pèlerins ont succombé à la chaleur extrême
Les proches de pèlerins portés disparus pendant le hadj en Arabie saoudite ont fouillé les hôpitaux mercredi. Ils redoutaient le pire après la mort de plus de 900 fidèles lors de ce grand pèlerinage musulman annuel, la plupart en raison de la canicule.
* HITZE * Tote bei Hadsch in Saudi-Arabien wegen extremer Hitze
In sengender Hitze nehmen Millionen Gläubige in Saudi-Arabien an der muslimischen Pilgerfahrt Hadsch teil. Wegen der extremen Hitze von über 40 Grad sind mindestens 19 Menschen gestorben. Sie kamen aus Jordanien und dem Iran.
* COP29 * Azerbaijan accused of media crackdown before hosting Cop29
State reportedly arrested at least 25 journalists and activists in last year as it prepares for September climate summit
* HEAT * A Matter of Survival as South Asia’s Heat Wave Reaches 127 Degrees (53C)
Pakistan and India are sweltering. For laborers, not working because of the extreme temperatures can mean not eating.
* ELECTIONS INDIA * Modi Will Feel the Heat in a Third Term. And Not Just Politically.
Farmers have repeatedly protested over grievances tied to global warming, a major political and economic test given the importance of India’s rural economy.
* CHALEUR * Une vague de chaleur en Inde provoque «des centaines de morts»
Un tribunal indien a exhorté le gouvernement à décréter l'urgence nationale face à la vague de chaleur que subit depuis plusieurs jours l'Inde, avec des températures bien au-dessus des 45°C. Selon cette juridiction, la canicule a fait des "centaines" de morts.
* CHALEUR * La chaleur tue 33 agents électoraux en Inde au dernier jour du scrutin
Au moins 33 agents électoraux indiens sont morts à cause de la chaleur le dernier jour des élections nationales, samedi, dans le seul État d'Uttar Pradesh (nord), a déclaré un responsable électoral, alors qu'une partie de l'Inde subit une succession de vagues de chaleur exceptionelle.
Agrivoltaics Boost Food and Energy Production in Asia
Every autumn morning at an aquaculture site near the mouth of the Yellow River in China's Dongying City, Shandong Province, farmers begin packaging shrimp for their customers. Their harvest is increasingly more bountiful thanks to an innovative way of farming that integrates renewable energy into agriculture.
* HEAT & WAR * On beaches of Gaza and Tel Aviv, two tales of one heatwave
While Palestinians in Gaza fear death from heat in makeshift tents, Israelis in Tel Aviv stay cool in air-conditioned homes – highlighting the unequal effects of extreme weather
A Dacca, l’architecture pour relever les défis urbains
Au Bangladesh, les impacts du réchauffement climatique et la congestion urbaine sont des problématiques auxquelles tente de répondre une nouvelle vague de bâtisseurs. En chef de file, Rafiq Azam, dont le travail dans la capitale est désormais remarqué jusque sur la scène internationale
* INONDATIONS * Plus de 100 morts en deux jours lors de crues soudaines en Afghanistan
Des crues soudaines dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan ont fait au moins 100 morts ce week-end, ont annoncé les autorités locales. D'autres personnes sont portées disparues, alors que quelque 2000 habitations ont été détruites et des milliers d'autres endommagées.
* AZERBAIDJAN * In Nagorno-Karabakh, the net zero vision clashes with legacy of war
Neat rows of new houses with solar panels on their turquoise roofs radiate out from the quiet central square of Aghali, a government-branded “smart village” in south-western Azerbaijan.
* AZERBAIDJAN * Azerbaijan pursues clean energy to export more ‘god-given’ gas to Europe
Baku rolls out its first large-scale renewables, but a rise in clean energy does not mean leaving fossil fuels in the ground
Chinas Automobilsektor hat enorme Überkapazitäten aufgebaut
Die Autoproduzenten in China betreiben zu viele Fabriken. Besonders bei Verbrennern ist der Produktionsüberschuss gewaltig.
Why Japan is struggling to kick its coal dependency
If a wealthy, advanced economy is having a hard time getting off coal, what does it mean for the rest of the world?
What do India’s elections mean for coal communities and climate change?
As prime minister of India for the past decade, Narendra Modi has overseen a rapid expansion of the country’s coal-mining and coal-fired power generation. That expansion since 2014 has come with impacts on coal communities and the environment, from forced evictions and deforestation through to rising emissions. The Modi government has plans for continued expansion, with 93 gigawatts (GW) of coal generation capacity expected to be built by 2032.
Sturmfluten treffen Afrika, Südamerika und Asien
Schwere Überschwemmungen haben weite Teile Ostafrikas verwüstet. Es sei ein Albtraum, berichtet eine kenianische Klimaaktivistin. Zur gleichen Zeit leiden auch Regionen in Brasilien und China unter extremen Starkniederschlägen.
Mining ‘Critical Minerals’ in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Rife With Rights Abuses
A new report highlights more than 400 allegations against mining companies operating in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, home to large deposits of minerals used in low-carbon technologies.
What Can ‘Green Islam’ Achieve in the World’s Largest Muslim Country?
Clerics in Indonesia are issuing fatwas, retrofitting mosques and imploring congregants to help turn the tide against climate change.
* CHALEUR * Les records tombent au Vietnam, écrasé par la canicule
Plus de 100 records de température sont tombés au Vietnam en avril, selon les données officielles du service météorologique local, tandis qu'une vague de chaleur meurtrière frappe l'Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est.
* ELECTIONS | INDIA * India election 2024: What the manifestos say on energy and climate change
Hundreds of millions of Indians will head to the polls from April 19 to 1 June amid scorching heat to cast their votes in the world’s biggest elections.
* FLOODING * Rainstorms Kill More Than 130 Across Afghanistan and Pakistan
Pakistani officials warned of more flooding and heavy rainfall next week, stoking fears of a particularly brutal monsoon season to come.
* FLOODING * Dubai’s Extraordinary Flooding: Here’s What to Know
Images of a saturated desert metropolis startled the world, prompting talk of cloud seeding, climate change and designing cities for intensified weather.
* CHINA * »China will zunächst einen funktionierenden CO₂-Markt etablieren«
Wie China sein Erfassungs- und Bilanzierungssystem für Treibhausgas-Emissionen aufbaut, erläutert Janz Chiang, Klimapolitik-Analyst in Peking. Das Land erwartet, dass die EU künftig die chinesische Bilanzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks ebenso wie Chinas Emissionshandelssystem anerkennt. Teil 4 der Serie.
* INONDATIONS * Une dépression extratropicale à l’origine des pluies record à Dubaï
Les pluies record survenues mardi aux Emirats arabes unis ont été causées par une dépression extratropicale, confirme un météorologue de MétéoSuisse dans le 19h30 de mercredi, démentant des hypothèses rapportées par l'agence de presse Bloomberg. Elles laissaient croire à des pluies provoquées par intervention humaine via la technique de l'ensemencement de nuages.
* HEAT * Schools close and crops wither as ‘historic’ heatwave hits south-east Asia
Governments across region grappling for response as temperatures soar to unseasonable highs
* WAR & CLIMATE * Lynzy Billing Wins a 2024 Izzy for Environmental Reporting on Afghanistan
A year after America’s withdrawal from the country following 20 years of war, Billing spent weeks on the ground interviewing Afghan villagers whose air and water were poisoned by massive U.S. military installations.
* WAR & CLIMATE * ‘Ecocide in Gaza’: does scale of environmental destruction amount to a war crime?
Satellite analysis revealed to the Guardian shows farms devastated and nearly half of the territory’s trees razed. Alongside mounting air and water pollution, experts says Israel’s onslaught on Gaza’s ecosystems has made the area unlivable
Elezioni 2024: l’Indonesia del nichel, del carbone e della deforestazione
A metà marzo l’Indonesia ha ufficializzato l’esito delle elezioni di febbraio: ne è uscito vincitore Prabowo Subianto, già ministro della difesa del governo uscente, che ha promesso continuità con le politiche degli ultimi anni, incluse quelle climatiche, energetiche e ambientali.
Aserbaidschan: Der Klimagipfel des Diktators
Mit der Wiederwahl des diktatorisch regierenden aserbaidschanischen Präsidenten geht auch die katastrophale Klimapolitik des Landes weiter. Der Gastgeber des diesjährigen Weltklimagipfels geht mit schlechtem Beispiel voran.
* HEAT | DROUGHT * India’s Bengaluru is fast running out of water, and a long, scorching summer still looms
Bhavani Mani Muthuvel and her family of nine have around five 20-liter (5-gallon) buckets worth of water for the week for cooking, cleaning and household chores.
* INDIEN * Lichtblicke vor Kohlebergen
Indien baut Solaranlagen satt, hängt aber noch zu sehr an fossilen Energien. Regierungschef Narendra Modi dürfte auch nach der Parlamentswahl den Energiemix bestimmen. Ein Zwei-Grad-Pfad liegt in weiter Ferne.
They Want to Make Palm Oil in a Lab. Without Palm Trees
Palm oil. It’s in your snacks, your soap, pretty much everything. But palm oil plantations have caused vast deforestation. Can these three tech executives help fix things?
Masdar: Die Öko-Utopie in der Wüste wackelt
Eine klimaneutrale Stadt mitten in der Wüste bei Abu Dhabi. Das war der Plan bei Baubeginn vor 16 Jahren. Heute ist davon nur ein Bruchteil realisiert. Kritische Stimmen bezeichnen Masdar City gar als kompletten Misserfolg. Das sehen allerdings nicht alle so.
Germany uses funding to pressure climate groups on Israel-Gaza war
Many Global South climate groups are funded by the German government, a political ally of Israel, and feel unable to criticise Israel’s military action in Gaza
Indonesien hat ein Kohleproblem. Das ist ein Problem für die Welt
Indonesien gehört zu den zehn grössten Emittenten weltweit – auch wenn, pro Kopf gerechnet, der weltweite Anteil stark sinkt. Das Land hat sich gleichzeitig dazu verpflichtet, bis 2060 die Treibhausgasemissionen auf netto null zu reduzieren – eine Verpflichtung, an der Prabowo auch während des Wahlkampfs festgehalten hat.
Indonesia turns traditional Indigenous land into nickel industrial zone
Indonesia supplies the EV industry with critical battery materials but the sector’s rapid expansion is infringing the rights of Indigenous peoples
Saudi Arabia cancels plan to raise oil pumping cap
Analysts said Saudi Arabia’s government may be losing faith that the world wants to keep buying more of its oil
Wind and solar capacity in south-east Asia climbs 20% in just one year, report finds
Solar and wind capacity in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region increased by 20% in 2023, bringing the total to more than 28 gigawatts (GW).
La mousson aurait-elle attiré les premiers Homo sapiens en Asie ?
Le climat terrestre a été particulièrement changeant au début de l’humanité, alternant à intervalles serrés des périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires, notamment pendant la période où apparaissent les premiers Homo sapiens en Afrique, il y a environ 300'000 ans.
“A la carte menu”: Saudi minister claims Cop28 fossil fuel agreement is only optional
Abdulaziz bin Salman’s interpretation of the agreement was slammed as “incredibly misleading” as the text “calls on” all governments to transition from fossil fuels
* COP29 * La prochaine COP29 en Azerbaïdjan sera dirigée par un vétéran du pétrole
Pour la deuxième année consécutive, un homme proche des énergies fossiles présidera la conférence de l'ONU sur le climat. L'Azerbaïdjan a nommé son ministre de l'Ecologie et des Ressources naturelles Mukhtar Babayev, ancien de la compagnie pétrolière Socar, comme président de la COP29 qui se tiendra en novembre à Bakou.
* DEFORESTATION * Indonesia promises to fine palm oil companies operating in forests
An Indonesian official said it would levy $310 million in fines on growers of palm oil on land which should be forest
* COP28 | AL JABER * Cop28 president says his firm will keep investing in oil
The president of the Cop28 climate summit will continue with his oil company’s record investment in oil and gas production, despite coordinating a global deal to “transition away” from fossil fuels.
* COP29 * Azerbaijan chosen to host Cop29 after fraught negotiations
Azerbaijan has been announced as the host of next year’s climate summit after fraught negotiations. Under UN rules it was eastern Europe’s turn to take over the rotating presidency but the groups need to unanimously decide on the host.
Climate Change Drives New Cases of Malaria, Complicating Efforts to Fight the Disease
There were an estimated 249 million cases of malaria around the globe last year, the World Health Organization said on Thursday, significantly more than before the Covid-19 pandemic and an increase of five million over 2021. Malaria remains a top killer of children.
Vietnam charts uncertain coal path as finance falls short
But, as vague ambitions now turn into concrete plans, the reality looks rather different. A timeline for the early closure of coal power plants is absent from the investment blueprint for the Just Energy Transition Partnership (Jetp) unveiled at a Cop28 side event on Friday.
The new ‘scramble for Africa’: how a UAE sheikh quietly made carbon deals for forests bigger than UK
The rights over vast tracts of African forest are being sold off in a series of huge carbon offsetting deals that cover an area of land larger than the UK.
Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s grand plan to ‘hook’ poor countries on oil
Saudi Arabia is driving a huge global investment plan to create demand for its oil and gas in developing countries, an undercover investigation has revealed. Critics said the plan was designed to get countries “hooked on its harmful products”.
Slow start for Indonesia’s much-hyped carbon market
In September, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo opened the country’s first carbon exchange IDX Carbon, declaring “this is Indonesia’s real contribution to fight with the world against climate crisis”. In the launch video, a calm female voice makes a plea over jangly guitar.