Climate Update
Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.
Ende der Fossilen
* USA * A win of sorts on something really important
A federal commission slows down the LNG rush--and Biden can drive the point home
* COP29 | FOSSIL FUEL LOBBYING * Saudi Arabia and Russia to U.N.: Don’t Talk About a Fossil Fuel Exit
A handful of oil-producing nations ensured that a United Nations General Assembly resolution on climate change steered clear of a call to transition away from fossil fuels.
* COP29 * Coalition against fossil fuel subsidies expands but misses initial targets
The UK, Colombia and New Zealand have signed on to a coalition of governments aiming to phase out fossil fuel subsidies joining 13 other mainly European nations in the alliance.
* COP29 * Saudi Arabia Is a ‘Wrecking Ball’ in Global Climate Talks
Despite endorsing a transition away from fossil fuels last year, Saudi officials have since worked to undermine it in at least five U.N. forums, diplomats said.
* UK * New coal mining licences will be banned
Legislation will be introduced to restrict licences for new coal mines as UK embraces clean energy future – PRESS RELEASE.
* COP29 | G-20 * G20 backs new climate finance goal but ignores fossil fuels
G20 leaders “commit to successful negotiations in Baku”, including on climate finance, but promise little else to unblock fraught talks
* COP29 * Fossil fuel transition talks rescued from brink of collapse at COP29
Countries now have a second chance in Baku to build consensus on how to cut emissions and transition away from fossil fuels
Plans to turn Europe’s biggest coal mine into a leisure lake prove divisive
Transition experts say repurposing Poland’s Bełchatów mine and power plant for renewables not recreation could bring more jobs, revenue and electricity
* CBD COP16 * Fossil fuel transition pledge left out of COP16 draft agreement
An earlier draft decision at the UN nature summit included a call to transition away from fossil fuels – but it has been cut from the latest version
* CBD COP16 * Fossil fuel transition pledge left out of COP16 draft agreement
An earlier draft decision at the UN nature summit included a call to transition away from fossil fuels – but it has been cut from the latest version
Kohleindustrie hat keinen Ausstiegsplan
Zahlreiche neue Kohleminen und -kraftwerke sind weltweit in Planung. Ein Ende des klimaschädlichsten Energieträgers ist laut der aktualisierten "Global Coal Exit List" nicht in Sicht, trotz des schnellen Ausbaus der Erneuerbaren.
Why we need new laws to end coal, oil and gas – now
Introducing strong policies to accelerate the rollout of renewables, coupled with a rapid, legally implemented phase-out of fossil fuels, may be our best hope for curbing global warming
* IEA WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK * Solar surge will send coal power tumbling by 2030, IEA data reveals
Global electricity generation from solar will quadruple by 2030 and help to push coal power into reverse, according to Carbon Brief analysis of data from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Kohle wohin man schaut
Die Geschichte der Kohleverstromung begann vor 140 Jahren in Großbritannien, wo nun das letzte Kohlekraftwerk schließt. Global ist die Kohle aber noch keineswegs am Ende.
How the UK became the first G7 country to phase out coal power
The UK’s last coal-fired power plant, Ratcliffe-on-Soar in Nottinghamshire, will close this month, ending a 142-year era of burning coal to generate electricity. The UK’s coal-power phaseout is internationally significant.
Kohleausstieg: Grossbritannien schliesst letztes Kohlekraftwerk
Wo vor 142 Jahren die Ära der Kohle begann, vollziehen die Briten nun als erster hoch industrialisierter Staat den Ausstieg: Sie schliessen das letzte mit diesem fossilen Brennstoff betriebene Kraftwerk.
Erneuerbare wachsen zu langsam, Fossile schrumpfen zu langsam
Der Ausbau von Windkraft und Photovoltaik muss sich global um ein Vielfaches beschleunigen, um das 1,5-Grad-Limit einzuhalten, legt eine heute veröffentlichte Analyse offen. Parallel muss aber auch der Einsatz fossiler Energien bis 2030 um zwei Drittel bis drei Viertel sinken.
«Peak Oil» im Verkehr in Sicht
Elektroautos sparen bereits heute fast 1,8 Millionen Barrel Öl pro Tag ein. Ölproduzenten könnten bald vor einem Nachfrageproblem stehen. Der Klimanutzen der E‑Autos hängt aber vom Strommix ab.
Britain makes coal history
At the end of this month, Britain’s last coal-fired power station will close.
The demise of coal, as it turns out, is a lot of gas
A few years ago, the world was on a path to ending coal, the most carbon-intensive fossil fuel and the single biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions. Active and sustained campaigning brought coal closer to the point of death and the world to a coal-free future.
* ECUADOR * Using Direct Democracy to Keep Oil in the Ground Is More Complex Than it Seems
Last year, Ecuadorians voted to shield part of the Amazon from oil drilling. How the decision will be implemented is still to be determined.
G20 countries turning backs on fossil fuel pledge, say campaigners
Promise to ‘transition away from fossil fuels’ made at Cop28 climate talks has been left out of draft resolutions
Elections Matter – and not just here
A decision by Britain's new labor government may leave an entire oil field untouched
Fossil fuel transition back in draft pact for UN Summit of the Future after outcry
The new text of a UN pact for the high-level event brings back a mention of the headline COP28 agreement
This Country Voted to Keep Oil in the Ground. Will It Happen?
More than 10 million Ecuadorians voted last year to ban oil operations in part of the Amazon rainforest. But heavy crude has continued to flow from the region, which is home to uncontacted Indigenous families.
Coal Power Defined This Minnesota Town. Can Solar Win It Over?
One of the nation’s largest coal-fueled electric plants is being replaced with thousands of acres of solar panels and a test of long-duration batteries.
‘Critical turning point’ for coal poses risks for China’s state power firms, says report
China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are investing in low-carbon sources and helping push the country’s energy transition towards a “critical turning point” where coal power starts to decline, a new report finds.
Kolumbiens Umweltministerin: „Wir werden für unseren klimapolitischen Ehrgeiz bestraft“
Kolumbiens Regierung will die fossile Wirtschaft klimaneutral umbauen, hat aber kaum Geld für Investitionen. Im Interview mit Table.Briefings spricht Umweltministerin Susana Muhamad darüber, wie das gelingen soll.
UK court ruling provides ammo for anti-fossil fuel lawyers worldwide
Britain’s top court ruled that emissions from burning a fossil fuel – not just producing it – should be considered in decisions on new extraction projects
Die Jahrhundertaufgabe soll im Osten stiften gehen
Seit 1990 befindet sich Ostdeutschland im Braunkohle-Ausstieg, doch wie in diesem Jahrhundert die Folgekosten bewältigt werden können, ist weiter unklar. Die Grünen warben kürzlich erneut für ihr Stiftungsmodell.
IEA calls for next national climate plans to target coal phase-down
Countries have agreed to reduce power generated from coal, but shutting down plants is an economic and social challenge, especially in emerging economies
G7 countries must deliver on COP28 promise to cut fossil fuels
For Pacific Island nations like mine, the transition to clean and renewable energy is not just a goal but a necessity for survival
These Teens Adopted an Orphaned Oil Well. Their Goal: Shut It Down.
Students, nonprofit groups and others are fund-raising to cap highly polluting oil and gas wells abandoned by industry.
* FINANCIAL MARKETS * Investor Nuns’ Shareholder Resolutions Aim to Stop Wall Street Financing of Fossil Fuel Development on Indigenous Lands
Faith-based climate advocates’ transparency efforts are more than a “Hail Mary.”
G7 beschließt Kohleausstieg mit Einschränkung
Ist der Kohleausstiegs-Beschluss des G7-Gipfels wirklich der "historische Erfolg", als der er gefeiert wird? Die Formulierungen im Abschlussdokument lassen zweifeln. Zumal die G7-Länder noch weit hinter eigenen Zusagen zurückbleiben.
G7 agree to end use of unabated coal power plants by 2035
Agreement gives leeway to countries heavily reliant on coal and allows power plants fitted with carbon-capture technology
The Oil Crash Is Coming Sooner Than We Think
Oil in the North Sea is expected to be net-energy negative by 2031. This means that in 2031, it’ll cost more energy to extract the fossil fuels than we would gain by using them, rendering extraction unfeasibly expensive.
Clean, cheap or fair – which countries should pump the last oil and gas?
The world will need oil and gas for a few decades more – and the debate is heating up over who should get to produce and sell it
The Ukraine war is no excuse for endless fossil fuel expansion
We need to get serious about transitioning off fossil fuels
California’s Oil Country Faces an ‘Existential’ Threat. Kern County Is Betting on the Carbon Removal Industry to Save It.
“We are at a very, very difficult crossroads.”
How fossil fuels went from sidelines to headlines in climate talks
When Romain Ioualalen started a new campaigning job at Oil Change International, he was tasked with putting fossil fuels on the agenda of international climate talks. That was in April 2020, just after the start of the pandemic.
“A la carte menu”: Saudi minister claims Cop28 fossil fuel agreement is only optional
Abdulaziz bin Salman’s interpretation of the agreement was slammed as “incredibly misleading” as the text “calls on” all governments to transition from fossil fuels
* REVIEW 2023 * Climate scientists hail 2023 as ‘beginning of the end’ for fossil fuel era
Cautious optimism among experts that emissions from energy use may have peaked as net zero mission intensifies
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * Après la COP28, fin de partie pour les énergies fossiles ?
Chaque année, les négociations des COP sur le climat se déroulent un peu plus sous pression. Année la plus chaude jamais connue par l’humanité, 2023 a battu les records.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Inizia la transizione, ma con molte concessioni all’Oil & Gas
Il phase-out, l’abbandono graduale dei combustibili fossili, non è stato inserito nel testo finale del Global Stocktake (GST).
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Kemferts Klima-Podcast : Die Greenwashing-Konferenz von Dubai auf Apple Podcasts
Kein Ausstieg aus den fossilen Energien, stattdessen ein "Übergang" weg davon. Bei der Klimakonferenz in Dubai haben sich die Staaten darauf geeinigt. Klima-Ökonomin Kemfert: Dieser Minimal-Kompromiss wird nicht reichen.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Klimagipfel endet im Wünsch-dir-was
Der Erfolg der Weltklimakonferenz in Dubai bemisst sich an ihrer wichtigsten Aufgabe: ob die Staaten der Welt beim Klimaschutz real vorangekommen sind. Das ist nicht einfach zu beantworten. Bei der COP 28 war für alle etwas dabei.
* COP28 | AL JABER * Cop28 president says his firm will keep investing in oil
The president of the Cop28 climate summit will continue with his oil company’s record investment in oil and gas production, despite coordinating a global deal to “transition away” from fossil fuels.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Klimakonferenz findet Kompromiss zu fossilen Energien
Die Klimakonferenz wäre an der Formulierung zur Zukunft der fossilen Energien fast gescheitert. In der Nacht auf Mittwoch fand sich aber ein Kompromiss, mit dem alle Länder ähnlich unzufrieden sind. Das reichte, um den "VAE-Konsens" zu verabschieden.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * L’accord obtenu à la COP28 à Dubaï est-il vraiment historique?
Jusqu'à présent, seules des mesures de "réduction" du charbon avaient été inscrites, notamment lors de la COP26 à Glasgow en 2021. Ni le pétrole ni le gaz n'avaient été explicitement désignés jusqu'à cette COP28 à Dubaï, marquant ainsi la levée d'un tabou longtemps préservé.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * ‘The future is renewable’: How a huge gamble sealed Cop28 deal
Not long before the crucial final meeting of Cop28 climate summit, a seemingly chance meeting took place in the heavily guarded VIP lounge next to the main conference hall in Dubai.
Australia ends finance for fossil fuel expansion overseas – now focus turns to local subsidies
The Australian government has been praised for joining a global partnership committed to stopping billions of dollars in foreign aid and loans being spent on fossil fuel expansion, but the decision has also prompted renewed calls for it to reconsider polluting subsidies at home.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * No ‘phase-out’, but Dubai deal puts oil and gas sector on notice
Countries have agreed on the need to shift away from burning fossil fuels for the first time in the UN climate process, at Cop28 talks in Dubai. The “UAE consensus” did not go so far as to call for a “phase-out” as more than a hundred countries wanted.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Cop28 failed to halt fossil fuels’ deadly expansion plans – so what now?
Petrostates fought fiercely against the call from 130 nations at Cop28 for a fossil fuel phase-out. That is because they are engaged in a colossal fossil fuel phase-up, already working on double the extraction that the planet can cope with.
* COP28 | REACTIONS * Indigenous people and climate justice groups say Cop28 was ‘business as usual’
As the leaders of the developed world hailed the Cop28 agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels as historic, Indigenous people, frontline communities and climate justice groups rebuked the deal as unfair, inequitable and business as usual.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai
Nearly every country in the world has agreed to “transition away from fossil fuels” – the main driver of climate change – at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. It is the first time such an agreement has been reached in 28 years of international climate negotiations.
* COP28 | OUTCOME * Oil Companies Are Fine With Call to Move Away From Fossil Fuels
Eni, the Italian energy giant, praised the “great pragmatism” of the meeting.
* COP28 | REACTIONS * Achim Steiner: «Es reicht nicht, aber es ist nicht schlecht.»
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* COP28 | LOBBYING * Wenn die Erdöllobby Klimapolitik macht
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* COP28 | LOBBYING * Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters
The Opec oil cartel has warned its member countries with “utmost urgency” that “pressure against fossil fuels may reach a tipping point with irreversible consequences” at Cop28, in leaked letters seen by the Guardian.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * How a Fossil Fuel Treaty Could Support the Paris Agreement and Wind Down Production
One of the most important questions surrounding the COP28 climate summit is whether nations will finally agree to phase out fossil fuels, which are responsible for the vast majority of climate-warming pollution.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * Why defining the ‘phaseout’ of ‘unabated’ fossil fuels is so important at COP28
The future of fossil fuels – and whether to agree to phase them “down” or “out” – is shaping up to be a key battle at the COP28 climate talks in Dubai.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUEL PHASEOUT * More Than 100 Countries at COP28 Call For Fossil Fuel Phaseout
Climate activists and countries hard hit by climate disasters seek to break the fossil fuel industry’s stranglehold on global climate talks.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUEL PHASEOUT * Cop28 president says ‘no science for fossil fuel phase-out’ claim was misinterpreted
The president of Cop28 has been forced into a fierce defence of his views on climate science, after the Guardian revealed his comment that there was “no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C”.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * The EU Parliament Calls For Fossil Fuel Phase Out Ahead of COP28
The resolution outlines the position of elected European Union lawmakers going into COP28 and could help ensure that negotiators focus on a phaseout at the negotiations beginning Nov.
* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * The ‘inevitable’ fossil fuel fight set to dominate Cop28
Phasing down fossil fuels is “inevitable” and “essential”. It is hard to imagine the CEO of an oil major saying that 10 years, five years, even one year ago.
Die Kohle von Lindner
Seit Mitte Oktober laufen im Braunkohlekraftwerk Jänschwalde in Brandenburg wieder zwei Blöcke als sogenannte "Winterreserve". Auch im vergangenen Winter hatte der Betreiber, die Lausitz Energie AG, die beiden Anlagen aufgrund der gesetzlichen Vorschriften angeworfen.
Gesundheitsexpert:innen fordern Ausstieg aus fossilen Energien
Die Klimakrise ist auch eine Gesundheitskrise. Schon heute sterben zahlreiche Menschen vorzeitig an den Folgen des Klimawandels oder an Krankheiten, die durch den Klimawandel beeinflusst werden.
* COP28 * The West wants to help developing countries transition to renewables. It’s off to a rocky start
The Komati coal-fired power plant, located 88 miles east of Johannesburg in South Africa’s coal heartland, has been called the flagship of the country’s budding energy transition. At its peak, the facility, which came online in 1961, produced 2 percent of the country’s power supply.
Why all fossil fuels must decline rapidly to stay below 1.5C
With 151 countries, 257 cities and 969 companies having announced net-zero targets, it is clear that much of society now understands the need to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by mid-century in order to limit dangerous warming.
* CLIMATE FINANCE * EU countries hammer out joint stance for Cop28 climate summit
EU countries on Monday (16 October) adopted a common stance for the United Nations Cop28 international climate conference but language on the EU’s emissions reduction target and fossil fuel exit goal was softened to reach a unanimous decision.
Africa and India push rich nations to phase out fossil fuels faster
Six weeks ahead of the Cop28 climate talks, negotiators from Africa and India have set out separate plans to push developed countries to do more to move away from fossil fuels.
* UN CLIMATE AMBITION SUMMIT * China opposes ‘not realistic’ global fossil fuel phase-out
China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said today that a global fossil fuel phase-out is unrealistic, dampening hopes that such an aim could be agreed at the Cop28 climate talks.
* PEAK OIL * Oil companies cautious about drilling as energy transition looms
CALGARY, Alberta, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Government policies to fight climate change are discouraging oil companies from investing heavily in new production even as they turn in record profits - a dynamic that could spell tight supply and high prices as clean energy alternatives seek to fill the void.
* PEAK OIL * Peak Oil Is Near, Energy Agency Says, but Climate Change Is Far From Solved
Cleaner energy technologies like electric cars and solar panels are spreading so rapidly that the global use of oil, coal and natural gas could peak this decade, but countries will still need to pursue more aggressive measures if they want to limit global warming to relatively safe levels, the world
‘Beginning of the end’ of fossil fuel era approaching, says IEA
The world’s demand for oil, gas and coal will begin to decline this decade in “the beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era, according to the global energy watchdog.
World at ‘beginning of end’ of fossil fuel era, says global energy agency
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Une coalition de pays réclame une « sortie urgente » des énergies fossiles
Une coalition de dix-huit pays menée par les Îles Marshall a réclamé vendredi 'une sortie urgente des énergies fossiles' et 'un pic des gaz à effet de serre d'ici à 2025'. Cela au terme d'un sommet sur le climat à Bruxelles à cinq mois de la COP28.
UAE’s al Jaber says Cop28 will fast-track phase down of fossil fuels
The United Arab Emirates’ Cop28 will accelerate an energy transition that “phases down the use of fossil fuels”, its president-designate Sultan al Jaber said, raising expectations for the climate summit in Dubai.
Keine Festlegung im Osten auf Kohleausstieg 2030
Windkraft am Kohlekraftwerk Jänschwalde in der Lausitz: Wie wird die Transformation gesteuert? (Bild: Thomas Knauer/Visdia/Shutterstock) Die letzte Frist, um das Heizungsgesetz fertigzustellen, hat die Ampel am Freitag eingehalten.
India pauses plans to add new coal plants for five years, bets on renewables, batteries
BENGALURU, India (AP) — The Indian government will not consider any proposals for new coal plants for the next five years and focus on growing its renewables sector, according to an updated national electricity plan released Wednesday evening.
Australia Eyes a Fraught Pivot from Coal Power to Renewables
The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau. Sign up to get it by email. When it was first announced in 2017 that Australia’s oldest power station, Liddell, would close, the news set off a political firestorm.
India mulls end to coal plant construction
India plans to stop building new coal-fired power plants, apart from those already in the pipeline, by removing a key clause from the final draft of its National Electricity Policy (NEP), sources said.
Approvisionnement en énergie: «Les énergies fossiles doivent être entièrement remplacés»
Dübendorf, St. Gallen und Thun, 28.04.2023 - Interview de Peter Richner, expert en énergie et directeur adjoint de l'Empa, sur notre avenir énergétique - et la difficulté des "prévisions".
Energieversorgung: «Ein Ersatz fossiler Energieträger ist dringend nötig»
Dübendorf, St. Gallen und Thun, 28.04.2023 - Interview mit Peter Richner, Stellvertretender Direktor Empa, zu unserer Energiezukunft – und der Schwierigkeit von "Prognosen".
Record clean-power growth in 2023 to spark ‘new era’ of fossil fuel decline
The power sector is about to enter a “new era of falling fossil generation,” as coal, oil and gas are pushed out of the grid by a record expansion of wind and solar power, according to new analysis by climate thinktank Ember.
G7 vows more effort on renewables but sets no coal phaseout deadline
The Group of Seven richest countries set higher 2030 targets for generating renewable energy, amid an energy crisis provoked by Russia's war on Ukraine, but they set no deadline to phase out coal-fired power plants. At a meeting hosted by Japan, ministers from Japan, the U.S.
Es braucht keine fossilen Kraftwerke
Ein Forschungsteam der ZHAW kommt zum Schluss, dass die vom Bund geplanten fossilen Reservekraftwerke für die Stabilität des Schweizer Stromnetzes nicht gebraucht werden. Damit bestärken sie den Klimastreik, der sich gegen die fossilen Ausbaupläne seit längerem wehrt.
L’industrie fossile est-elle la nouvelle menace nucléaire? L’idée fait son chemin
Un traité de non-prolifération des énergies fossiles pour accélérer la décarbonation de l'économie. C'est l'idée portée par plusieurs Etats, ainsi que par un nombre croissant d'ONG, de villes et de scientifiques. Peut-elle faire boule de neige?
Nations seek compromise on fossil fuel phase-out ahead of Cop28
Governments will continue to discuss whether to call for a phase-out of fossil fuels ahead of the Cop28 climate talks, the Egyptian Cop27 president told reporters after a gathering of 50 climate ministers in Copenhagen today.
«Grünes Paradoxon» mit der Kohle – Wie die Energiewende gelingen kann
«Das Ende der Kohle ist in Sicht», verkündet die Website der Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) recht feierlich.
How quickly does the world need to ‘phase down’ all fossil fuels?
India and China were widely criticised at COP26 in 2021 when they pushed to tone down the language on coal consumption that emerged from the climate summit.
The world promised to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. Instead, it doubled them.
The pact included a historic promise to stop pouring billions each year into financial aid for fossil fuels. It called on governments to accelerate the “phase-out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies,” which keep the price of fossil fuels artificially low.
UAE minister calls for “phase out” of oil and gas
Governments failed to agree on this wording at previous climate talks and this phrase is likely to divide nations at the Cop28 summit in Dubai in November.
IPCC asks emerging countries to drop coal faster than rich nations did
The scientists who plan out how to limit global warming to 1.5C have asked coal-reliant countries to phase out the fuel faster than is realistic, a new study says. The study published in the journal Nature found that a typical 1.
Momentum grows towards 2050 zero carbon shipping target
Cruise ship Carnival Breeze docking in Grenada, January 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic put most tourism on hold (Pic: Larry Syverson/Flickr) Momentum is growing behind calls to decarbonise global shipping, as several large emerging economies joined rich nations and climate vulnerable Pacific
Rich nations mobilise $15.5bn for Vietnam’s coal-to-clean transition
Wealthy countries and banks will provide $15.5 billion to help Vietnam transition away from coal, the UK foreign ministry announced on Wednesday. Half of the money is to come from governments, the Asian Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation.
Pour un approvisionnementénergétique suisse et sûr en 2035
Chaque jour, 150 espèces animales et végétales s’éteignent dans le monde. Les incendies, famines et inondations se font de plus en plus fréquents. Pour la planète, notre base existentielle, la crise de la biodiversité et celle du climat sont les plus grandes menaces induites par l’homme.
Approvvigionamento energetico sicuro in Svizzera 2035
Ogni giorno in tutto il mondo si estinguono fino a 150 specie animali e vegetali. Incendi, carestie e inondazioni si verificano con sempre maggiore frequenza.