Climate Update
Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.
U.S. Methane Emissions Keep Climbing
Satellite data shows the U.S. releasing more and more of the potent greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, researchers said, despite pledges to cut back.
Why methane levels are rising with no ‘hint of a decline’
Levels of methane in the atmosphere have soared by record-breaking amounts since 2020, according to new research.
FAO draft report backs growth of livestock industry despite emissions
Experts say the UN’s food agency has shied away from recommending less animal farming, though cutting methane emissions is a quick way to curb warming
Global methane emissions rising at fastest rate in decades, scientists warn
Researchers call for immediate action to reduce methane emissions and avert dangerous escalation in climate crisis
Leaking Methane Needs an Urgent Fix
Citizens and scientists are joining forces to tackle methane leaks, a major contributor to global warming.
M&S invests £1m in tackling methane from burping and farting cows
Retailer works on changing diet with aim of cutting 11,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year
“Reprehensible”: Fossil fuel industry infiltrates civil rights convention
Al Sharpton invited methane representatives to his National Action Network convention, where they fear-mongered attendees about renewables.
* METHANE * US landfills emit far more methane than previously known
Aerial monitoring finds they emit methane at levels at least 40 percent higher than previously reported to the EPA.
Wissenschaft rätselt – Starker Methananstieg: Was bedeutet das?
Noch nie hat das Treibhausgas Methan in der Atmosphäre so stark zugenommen wie in den letzten drei Jahren. Zeitenwende – oder natürliche Schwankung?
Servono misure più affidabili per mappare e ridurre le emissioni di metano
Ciò significa che tra tutte le azioni di contrasto al cambiamento climatico, la riduzione delle emissioni di metano è quella che può dare i maggiori risultati nel più breve termine.
Companies still missing in action on methane-cutting goals
The farming and fossil fuel industries must help governments cut methane emissions 30% this decade by harnessing existing technologies and changing practices
* METHANE * Fossil fuel firms must plug methane leaks to meet climate targets, warns watchdog
Spending to clean up their operations would be equivalent to only 5% of profits made last year, IEA estimates
Urbakterien wandeln Wasserstoff in Methan um. Was bringt das für die Energiewende?
Mikroorganismen tief unter der Oberfläche erzeugen klimafreundlich Methan aus Wasserstoff. Möglicherweise lässt sich dies industriell nutzen. Denn die Infrastruktur für Methan existiert bereits.
Tracking an Invisible Climate Menace From 360 Miles Above
There’s a new eye in the sky that’s designed to detect emissions of methane, an invisible yet potent gas that is dangerously heating the world.
Biden misses chance to tackle “huge” US landfill emissions
As satellites reveal huge methane leaks from landfills across the USA, the Biden Administration has run out of time to tackle them before November’s election. When garbage is taken to a landfill, bacteria decompose it and produce methane as a by-product.
Le Groenland, un puits de méthane plutôt qu’une source d’émission
Le Groenland absorbe plus de méthane – puissant gaz à effet de serre qui accélère le réchauffement climatique – qu'il n'en émet. C'est ce qu'indique une étude de l'Université de Copenhague publiée dans la revue Nature Communications Earth & Environment.
Futterzusatz soll den Methanausstoss von Kühen verringern
Das französische Unternehmen Bel subventioniert den Futterzusatz Bovaer, der Methangas bei Kühen um ein Drittel senkt. Das Produkt ist jetzt auch in der Schweiz als klimaschonend anerkannt.
* COP28 | METHANE * Government, Corporate and Philanthropic Interests Coalesce On Curbing Methane Emissions as Calls at COP28 for Binding Global Methane Agreement Intensify – Inside Climate News
The Environmental Protection Agency announced new regulations at the COP28 global climate summit in Dubai on Saturday that will reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry by nearly 80 percent.
What does China’s new methane plan mean for its climate goals?
Earlier this month, China published its long-awaited plan to reduce methane emissions. The document is seen as an important step for China, which is the world’s largest emitter of methane.
Öl- und Gasanlagen setzen grosse Mengen des Klimakillers Methan frei. Das bringt die Energieindustrie zunehmend unter Druck
«Entweicht Methan aus einer Gasanlage oder Pipeline, ist es unsichtbar. Das ist der Knackpunkt», sagt der spanische Forscher Daniel Zavala-Araiza. Methan ist nach Kohlendioxid das zweitwichtigste Treibhausgas und damit einer der grossen Treiber des menschengemachten Klimawandels.
EU agrees law to curb methane emissions from fossil fuel industry
The EU has struck a deal that will force the fossil fuel industry to rein in dangerous methane pollution. Under the proposed law, which is the first of its kind, coal, oil and gas companies would be required to report their methane emissions and take steps to avoid them.
Vereiste Böden der Arktis – Tickt am Meeresgrund eine Zeitbombe?
In der menschenleeren Tundra auf der Yamal-Halbinsel im Norden Sibiriens tauchten vor fast zehn Jahren mysteriöse Krater auf. Wie sich später herausstellte, hatte Methangas diese bis zu 60 Meter tiefen Löcher in die Landschaft gesprengt.
Rising methane could be a sign that Earth’s climate is part-way through a ‘termination-level transition’
Since 2006, the amount of heat-trapping methane in Earth’s atmosphere has been rising fast and, unlike the rise in carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane’s recent increase seems to be driven by biological emissions, not the burning of fossil fuels.
«Klimakiller» Rindvieh – Kühe sind besser als ihr Ruf
Kühe schlachten gegen den Klimawandel? Was Bauernpräsident Markus Ritter als «Schnapsidee» bezeichnet, ist in Irland eine ernsthafte Überlegung. In einem internen Papier skizziert das Landwirtschaftsministerium in Dublin Möglichkeiten, wie das Land seine Klimaziele erreichen könnte.
Turkmenistan moves towards plugging massive methane leaks
The president of Turkmenistan has launched two initiatives aimed at cutting the colossal leaks of methane from the country’s oil and gas industry. Success would represent a major achievement in tackling the climate crisis.
‘Mind-boggling’ methane emissions from Turkmenistan revealed
Methane leaks alone from Turkmenistan’s two main fossil fuel fields caused more global heating in 2022 than the entire carbon emissions of the UK, satellite data has revealed.
Gas-Importeure sollen weniger Methan ausstoßen
Vor allem zwei Treibhausgase treiben den Klimawandel an: Kohlendioxid und Methan. Letzteres ist für etwa 30 Prozent des globalen Temperaturanstiegs seit der Industrialisierung verantwortlich. Doch beim Kampf gegen die Klimakrise ging es bislang vor allem um CO2. Das soll sich nun ändern.
Verluste der Öl- und Gasindustrie – Drei riesige Methanlecks pro Tag belasten das Klima
Am Nachmittag des 6. November 2022 hörten die Einwohner der Ortschaft Jackson in Pennsylvania plötzlich ohrenbetäubende Geräusche. Als ob ein Düsenjet im Tiefflug über die ländliche Gegend donnern würde, so beschrieben es Anwohner. Wenig später roch es überall nach faulen Eiern.
‘Exceptional’ surge in methane emissions from wetlands worries scientists
Methane emissions from wetlands have risen faster this century than in even the most pessimistic climate scenarios, new research finds. From the Arctic to the tropics, wetlands encompass around 6% of the planet’s surface.
The Paris Agreement Will Fail Without Slashing Methane Emissions From Dairy and Meat, Researchers Say
If humanity continues producing and consuming food as it does today, those food systems alone will drive Earth’s average temperature up by nearly 1 degree Celsius by the end of the century, scientists warned in a new study.
Revealed: 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks risk triggering climate tipping points
More than 1,000 “super-emitter” sites gushed the potent greenhouse gas methane into the global atmosphere in 2022, the Guardian can reveal, mostly from oil and gas facilities. The worst single leak spewed the pollution at a rate equivalent to 67m running cars.
Growing Body of Research Suggests Offshore Oil’s Methane Pollution Is Underestimated
Flying 10,000 feet above the Gulf of Mexico, in a plane outfitted with infrared imaging equipment, researchers could see methane gas bubbling under water, likely from an undetected pipeline leak.
Thirteen critical questions for international climate action in 2023
Last year was shaped by events that barely anyone predicted – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, horrendous floods in Pakistan and a hard-fought breakthrough on finance for victims of climate disaster.
Neuseelands Forschende sind Kuhrülpser-Experten
Von Impfungen über Kombucha bis Gentechnik haben sie schon alles Mögliche versucht, um den Methanausstoss des Viehs zu senken. Wenn sich jemand mit Kuhrülpsern auskennt, sind es die Forschenden in Neuseeland.
La pollution des transports est-elle «bonne» pour lutter contre le méthane?
En 2020, la concentration de méthane dans l'atmosphère a bondi alors que la pollution des transports chutait dans des proportions inédites du fait des confinements de la pandémie de Covid-19. Pour les chercheurs, il existe un lien entre les deux phénomènes — même s'il est contre-intuitif.
Methan-Reduktion kann Klimawandel entscheidend begrenzen
1,5 Grad Celsius. Das von uns gesetzte Klimaziel gerät langsam aber stetig ausser Reichweite.
Trois graphes pour comprendre le problème de méthane de la planète
A la COP26, une centaine d'Etats s'étaient engagés à réduire leurs émissions de méthane de 30% d'ici 2030. Ce jeudi, une cinquantaine de pays supplémentaires ont rejoint l'alliance. Ils sont appelés à allier la parole aux actes en proposant des plans d'action concrets.
* COP27 – CHINA * China’s surprise visit to US-EU event hints at cooperation on methane
China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua unexpectedly dropped in on a Cop27 ministerial meeting led by the US and the EU, raising hopes that the world’s largest emitter will renew cooperation around methane emissions.
* COP27 – METHANE PLEDGE * Neuer Methan-Appell an fossile Industrie
Fracking-Bohrung in Pennsylvania: Die USA rufen andere Staaten zur Methan-Minderung auf, während sie selbst hohe Emissionen verantworten. (Foto: George Sheldon/Shutterstock) In den Schlagzeilen war Methan zuletzt wegen der Lecks in den Gaspipelines Nord Stream 1 und 2.
D’où viennent les émissions records de méthane?
C’est encore une mauvaise nouvelle pour le climat: alors que les émissions de CO2 ont rebondi l’an dernier, après une pause transitoire due à la pandémie, la concentration de méthane dans l’atmosphère s’est aussi nettement accrue en 2021, d’après des données récemment rendues publ
Fear of farmer protests hampers methane-cutting ambition
Around the world, the fear of farmers’ protests is deterring governments from reducing methane emissions from cows and sheep. At Cop26 last year, over 100 governments said they would collectively reduce emissions of methane, a particularly damaging greenhouse gas, by 30% between 2020 and 2030.
La NASA a détecté des “super-émetteurs” de méthane depuis l’espace
Ces "super-émetteurs" sont généralement des sites liés aux secteurs des énergies fossiles, du traitement des déchets ou encore de l'agriculture.
Atmospheric levels of all three greenhouse gases hit record high
Scientists warn world ‘is heading in wrong direction’ amid rise in nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane
Methane Might Be a Bigger Climate Problem Than Thought, Study Finds
Flaring, meant to burn off the planet-warming gas at industrial sites, doesn’t always work as intended, according to researchers.
Noch mehr Methan
An den Nord-Stream-Pipelines ist ein viertes Leck festgestellt worden. Für die Klima- und Umweltbelastung, die durch den Sabotageakt ausgelöst wurde, macht das keinen großen Unterschied.
Fuite des gazoducs Nordstream : un danger majeur pour le climat
Les gazoducs Nord Stream 1 et 2, qui relient la Russie à l’Allemagne, ont été tous deux subitement touchés par des fuites inexpliquées en mer Baltique, ont annoncé, mardi 27 septembre, les autorités danoises et suédoises, suscitant des soupçons de sabotage.
It’s Happened Before: Paleoclimate Study Shows Warming Oceans Could Lead to a Spike in Seabed Methane Emissions
The slowdown of a key ocean current could release methane that is frozen in layers of organic seabed sediments along some of the world’s coastlines, a new study shows.
Methane Hunters: What Explains the Surge in the Potent Greenhouse Gas?
Every year, 6,000 flasks arrive at a laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. Inside each is a sample of air, taken from one of a chain of 50 monitoring stations that spans the globe.
Methane much more sensitive to global heating than previously thought – study
Methane is four times more sensitive to global warming than previously thought, a new study shows. The result helps to explain the rapid growth in methane in recent years and suggests that, if left unchecked, methane related warming will escalate in the decades to come.
Mehr Methan Die Selbstreinigung der Atmosphäre macht schlapp
Das besonders klimaschädliche Gas Methan verbreitet sich rasant in der Erdatmosphäre – laut einer neuen Studie ohne menschliches Zutun. Kräfte, die für einen Abbau sorgen, sind schon zu sehr geschwächt. Methan gilt als besonders klimaschädliches Treibhausgas.
New Study Says World Must Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants as Well as Carbon Dioxide to Meet Paris Agreement Goals
Smoke billows from smokestacks and a coal fired generator at a steel factory on Nov. 19, 2015 in the industrial province of Hebei, China. Credit: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
Methan-Emissionen auf Rekordhoch
... der menschenverursachten Methan-Emissionen liegt die Öl- und Gasindustrie. Bei der Förderung und dem Transport durch Pipelines oder auf Tankschiffen kommt es immer wieder zu Lecks. Als besonders klimaschädlich gilt verflüssigtes Erdgas, sogenanntes LNG.
Global hub launched to help countries slash methane emissions
Set up with $340 million of philanthropic funding, the Global Methane Hub will offer grants and technical support to implement the Global Methane Pledge.
Treibhausgase: Stärkster Methananstieg seit Beginn der Messungen
Die Konzentration des Treibhausgases Methan in der Atmosphäre ist 2021 um 17 ppb (Teile pro Milliarde) gestiegen.
Methane Leaks in New Mexico Far Exceed Current Estimates, Study Suggests
An analysis found leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin were many times higher than government estimates.
Methan: Das teure Aufräumen nach dem Boom
150 Jahre Öl- und Gasförderung haben ihren Preis. Die USA stellen erstmals Gelder bereit, um die fossile Ära aufzuräumen. Verwaiste Bohrlöcher müssen sauber verschlossen und die Umgebung saniert werden.
The mystery of methane gone missing
Humanity has an “unbalanced checkbook” of methane pollution.
It Might Be Time to Take Methane Removal Seriously
If you have ever heard of the claylike mineral known as zeolite, chances are you share your home with a cat. You may also know that it comes in a powder, and that it is good at wicking out liquids and smells—ideal for concealing the minor indignities of being a feline.
To Counter Global Warming, Focus Far More on Methane, a New Study Recommends
Flames from a flaring pit near a well in the Bakken Oil Field. Credit: Orjan F. Ellingvag/Corbis via Getty Images
Des émissions massives de méthane industriel repérées depuis l’espace
Pendant deux ans le satellite Sentinel-5P du programme Copernicus de l'agence spatiale européenne (ESA) a scruté notre planète avec Tropomi, son instrument de surveillance troposphérique (lire encadré).
Satellite images show biggest methane leaks come from Russia and US
About a tenth of the global oil and gas industry’s methane emissions have been found to come from a group of “ultra-emitter” sites located mostly in Turkmenistan, Russia and the US. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that governments recently agreed to slash by 2030.
Fuites de méthane: six pays concentrent l’essentiel de la triche
Pour la première fois, une étude internationale a évalué, grâce à des données satellitaires, les plus grandes fuites de méthane des industries pétrolières et gazières au niveau mondial. A la clé: une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. La mauvaise nouvelle.
Over 100 countries join methane pledge but China, India, Australia and Russia stay out
At the Cop26 summit in Glasgow, 104 countries have signed a commitment to reduce their methane emissions by 30% between 2020 and 2030.
Bacteria that ‘eat’ methane could slow global heating, study finds
Bacteria that consume the greenhouse gas methane could slow the rate of global heating, according to a study out this week. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas emitted from energy (natural gas and petroleum systems), industry, agriculture, land use and waste management activities.
Glencore Expands Coal Mining in an Australian Methane Hotspot
New activity at the Hail Creek Mine involves digging up coal from gas-rich seams through surface mining — an approach for which the company has said there’s no reliable way to halt fugitive methane from escaping during operation.
Meat, dairy and rice production will bust 1.5C climate target, shows study
Emissions from the food system alone will drive the world past 1.5C of global heating, unless high-methane foods are tackled. Climate-heating emissions from food production, dominated by meat, dairy and rice, will by themselves break the key international target of 1.