Climate Update
Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.
Climate change made ‘monsoon downpour’ behind Kerala landslides 10% more intense
The “monsoon downpour” that triggered deadly landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district last month was made 10% heavier by human-caused climate change, a new rapid attribution study says. The landslides followed an “exceptional spell of monsoon rain” on 30 July.
Indian official calls EU carbon border tax unfair and unacceptable
Ajay Seth said the EU’s proposals on its carbon border adjustment mechanism were “not practical” for a developing country like India
Indien setzt konsequent auf den Ausbau der Solarenergie. Das steckt hinter dem Boom
Um die ambitionierten Klimaschutz-Ziele zu erreichen, muss die indische Regierung aber noch einige Probleme angehen.
Indien Monsun: Tote und hunderte Verschüttete bei Erdrutschen
Die Naturkatastrophe traf am Montag Gebirgsdörfer im Bundesstaat Kerala und die Bewohner im Schlaf überrascht.
* LANDSLIDES * What to Know About the Deadly Landslides in Southern India
The death toll has risen to at least 126 in Kerala State after heavy rain sent huge mudslides through an area known as a tourist destination.
* GLISSEMENTS DE TERRAINB * Plus de 120 morts en Inde
Des glissements de terrain provoqués par de fortes pluies de mousson ont dévasté mardi des plantations de thé dans l'Etat du Kerala, dans le sud de l'Inde, faisant au moins 122 morts selon un nouveau bilan, et au moins 3000 réfugiés dans des camps de secours d'urgence dans le district.utti Rajan, a déclaré à la presse que 122 corps avaient été récupérés. Cent vingt-huit personnes ont été hospitalisées après avoir été secourues, indiquait plus tôt le ministre en chef de l'Etat, Pinarayi Vijaya
* HEAT * Indien: heiß, sehr heiß
Indien erlebt die bisher längste Hitzewelle mit Temperaturen bis 50 Grad. Mit kühlen öffentlichen Räumen, Wasserspenden und Versicherungen sollen die Folgen gemildert werden.
* ELECTIONS INDIA * Modi Will Feel the Heat in a Third Term. And Not Just Politically.
Farmers have repeatedly protested over grievances tied to global warming, a major political and economic test given the importance of India’s rural economy.
* CHALEUR * Une vague de chaleur en Inde provoque “des centaines de morts”
Un tribunal indien a exhorté le gouvernement à décréter l'urgence nationale face à la vague de chaleur que subit depuis plusieurs jours l'Inde, avec des températures bien au-dessus des 45°C. Selon cette juridiction, la canicule a fait des "centaines" de morts.
* CHALEUR * La chaleur tue 33 agents électoraux en Inde au dernier jour du scrutin
Au moins 33 agents électoraux indiens sont morts à cause de la chaleur le dernier jour des élections nationales, samedi, dans le seul État d'Uttar Pradesh (nord), a déclaré un responsable électoral, alors qu'une partie de l'Inde subit une succession de vagues de chaleur exceptionelle.
What do India’s elections mean for coal communities and climate change?
As prime minister of India for the past decade, Narendra Modi has overseen a rapid expansion of the country’s coal-mining and coal-fired power generation. That expansion since 2014 has come with impacts on coal communities and the environment, from forced evictions and deforestation through to rising emissions. The Modi government has plans for continued expansion, with 93 gigawatts (GW) of coal generation capacity expected to be built by 2032.
* ELECTIONS | INDIA * India election 2024: What the manifestos say on energy and climate change
Hundreds of millions of Indians will head to the polls from April 19 to 1 June amid scorching heat to cast their votes in the world’s biggest elections.
What will it take to protect India’s angry farmers from climate threats?
Indebted farmers, facing falling yields and water scarcity, want legally guaranteed price support for more crops – but that may not fix their climate woes
* HEAT | DROUGHT * India’s Bengaluru is fast running out of water, and a long, scorching summer still looms
Bhavani Mani Muthuvel and her family of nine have around five 20-liter (5-gallon) buckets worth of water for the week for cooking, cleaning and household chores.
Grösstes Projekt für grüne Energie – Dieses Kraftwerk könnte die ganze Schweiz mit Strom versorgen
Er wird fünfmal so gross wie Paris und aus dem Weltraum sichtbar sein: In Indien entsteht der weltgrösste Energiepark. Dahinter steckt eine Familie, die ausgerechnet mit Kohle reich wurde.
* INDIEN * Lichtblicke vor Kohlebergen
Indien baut Solaranlagen satt, hängt aber noch zu sehr an fossilen Energien. Regierungschef Narendra Modi dürfte auch nach der Parlamentswahl den Energiemix bestimmen. Ein Zwei-Grad-Pfad liegt in weiter Ferne.
India wants its own solar industry but has to break reliance on China first
The Indian government wants to supply solar PV to its domestic market and the world. But dependence on its geopolitical rival for components and technology makes it a challenging task.
India’s Plans to Double Coal Production Ignore Climate Threat
The south Asian giant is setting new targets to use more coal, despite committing to transitioning away from fossil fuels.
Drought leaves Karnataka farmers in distress; 456 end lives this year
Bengaluru: Karnataka is grappling with an acute drought this year, leaving crops unviable, existing yields destroyed, and farmers in severe distress. Tragically, the dire situation has led 456 farmers, burdened by the weight of debt, to end their lives this year so far.
* COP28 | RENEWABLES’ TARGET * Why didn’t China and India sign Cop28 tripling renewables pledge?
Three months ago in Delhi, leaders of G20 major economies backed a tripling of global renewable energy capacity by 2030. Then last Saturday in Dubai, a much bigger group of nations signed a similar pledge.
Grüne Energie – Indiens Probleme mit der Mini-Solaroffensive
In Indien sind in den letzten Jahren rund 4000 Mini-Solaranlagen installiert worden. Sie sollten Strom in entlegene Dörfer bringen, die vom Stromnetz abgeschnitten sind. Wenige Jahre nach dem Start laufen die meisten nicht mehr. Millionen-Investitionen in eine grüne Zukunft sind verschwendet.
Africa and India push rich nations to phase out fossil fuels faster
Six weeks ahead of the Cop28 climate talks, negotiators from Africa and India have set out separate plans to push developed countries to do more to move away from fossil fuels.
Katastrophale Überschwemmungen – Heftige Sturzfluten in Indien
Nach einer Sturzflut in Indien gibt es mehr als ein Dutzend Tote und mehr als 100 Vermisste. 14 Brücken seien stark beschädigt worden oder eingestürzt, berichten indische Medien unter Berufung auf Behördenangaben. Auch mehrere Dörfer seien überschwemmt worden. Die Rettungsarbeiten dauern an.
Discredited: The Voluntary Carbon Market in India
The global voluntary carbon market (VCM) sector has exploded in recent years, and India has been an integral part of this boom. The country has become the world’s second-largest source of projects for carbon offsets.
Why India is rebuffing a coal-to-clean deal with rich nations
More than a year ago, leaders of the G7 group of big wealthy countries announced they were working on a series of deals to move emerging economies away from fossil fuels, particularly coal.
Klimaschutz in Indien – Modis leeres Klimaversprechen
Auf der globalen Bühne forciert Narendra Modi den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Doch wie ernst ist ihm wirklich damit? Eine vierspurige Autobahnbrücke in einem Vorort der Wirtschaftsmetropole Mumbai. Rechts und links fällt der Blick auf ausgedehnte, grüne Mangrovenwälder.
* INONDATIONS & TEMPS EXTREMES * Une soixantaine de personnes ont perdu la vie après de fortes pluies en Inde
Plusieurs jours de pluies torrentielles ont détruit des ponts et des bâtiments, emporté des véhicules dans les Etats indiens de l'Uttarakhand et de l'Himachal Pradesh, situés dans le nord du pays.
* HEAT * India heatwave: nearly 100 dead amid warnings to stay indoors
At least 96 people died in two of India’s most populous states over the past several days, with swaths of the country reeling from a sweltering heatwave.
An Alternative India | Ashish Kothari
“What we need are systems across the country, across the globe, of this kind of political and economic localisation where people are able to take control over their ecosystems, their actual resources, their knowledge, their technologies, and also invite knowledge and technologies from outside if t
India pauses plans to add new coal plants for five years, bets on renewables, batteries
BENGALURU, India (AP) — The Indian government will not consider any proposals for new coal plants for the next five years and focus on growing its renewables sector, according to an updated national electricity plan released Wednesday evening.
India mulls end to coal plant construction
India plans to stop building new coal-fired power plants, apart from those already in the pipeline, by removing a key clause from the final draft of its National Electricity Policy (NEP), sources said.
Une vague de chaleur exceptionnelle étouffe les populations d’Asie du Sud
Le Bangladesh a connu la semaine dernière sa plus haute température enregistrée en près de 60 ans, et en Inde au moins 13 personnes sont mortes de coup de chaleur, tout comme deux habitants de la Thaïlande, selon plusieurs médias locaux.
Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close
Maximiliano Herrera, a climatologist and weather historian, described the unusually high temperatures as the “worst April heatwave in Asian history”.
On India’s shore, rising salinity means daily water struggle
Saltwater’s intrusion into freshwater is a growing problem linked to climate change, and its effects can be seen in places like India’s southwestern shore
Ein Land ohne Frühling
Indien droht erneut ein "Jahr ohne Frühling", nachdem im Wintermonat Februar in einigen Regionen bereits Rekordtemperaturen erreicht wurden.
Indien erlebt Hitzewelle schon im Februar
Indien droht erneut ein „Jahr ohne Frühling“, nachdem im Wintermonat Februar in einigen Regionen bereits Rekordtemperaturen erreicht wurden.
India announces $4.3 billion investment in clean energy
The Indian government has pledged to invest $4.3 billion in green technology to clean up the country’s economy and create jobs. In the announcement, Indian authorities included a focus on solar power from the Himalayan region of Ladakh and green hydrogen production.
Short Seller Attack Shows Risks of Going Global for Adani Empire
Sure enough, the global spotlight has arrived — but not the sort he craved.
Casteism and Climate Change: a deadly combination in South Asia
I’ve spoken to many people outside of South Asia about the caste system. Their understanding of it rarely goes beyond – “a social stratification based on the kind of work you do.” In reality, in many parts of India and its neighboring countries, caste is all pervasive.
‘It was a set-up, we were fooled’: the coal mine that ate an Indian village
In a lined notebook, Bhole Nath Singh Armo, a lean 28-year-old man wearing a blue shirt and matching baseball cap, drew a map of his village. He pointed his pen at the middle to mark the temple where the village deity had lived.
India Chases Clean Energy, but Economic Goals Put Coal First
Continue reading the main story“I will not compromise on the availability of power,” India’s energy minister has declared in defense of fossil fuel use, which is heavily subsidized.Meena Devi cooking on a wood-fired stove outside her home in New Delhi.Credit...
Mangel an Reis – Indiens Bauern stehen vor einer zerstörten Ernte
Indien exportiert global am meisten Reis. Die schlechte Ernte in diesem Jahr stellt die Bauern vor grosse Probleme. Reisbauer Sudhir Sudhakar Mamunkar stapft mit seinen Nachbarn übers. Feld.
Air Quality in India’s Capital Is Dreadfully Bad. Again
Toxic air in New Delhi and large parts of northern India this week has prompted school closures, traffic restrictions and political infighting.
Survey reveals 84% Indian adults believe global warming cannot be ignored; only half attribute it to human-related causes
A massive majority (84%) of Indians seem convinced that global warming is a reality that can no longer be ignored. This is 15 per cent higher than in 2011, when 69 per cent of Indians were of the opinion that global warming was now a reality.
Q&A: What does India’s updated Paris Agreement pledge mean for climate change?
India’s government has, following a long delay, finally submitted an updated climate pledge under the terms of the Paris Agreement.
Face aux dérèglements climatiques ces femmes indiennes réinventent une culture ancestrale
Les dérèglements liés à la crise climatique —sécheresse, hausse des températures — ont une conséquence dramatique pour une grande partie de l’humanité : l’effondrement des ressources alimentaires.
Pipelines Reach More Homes, But As Climate Changes, India’s Women Still Make Long Marches For Water — Article 14
Nashik district (Maharashtra): Hausabai Jhole’s routine of years was to wake up at 5 am and, before her morning gargle or tea, set off on a 2.5-km journey with other women to fetch water.
India approves climate plan with increased ambition, clarifying energy goals
The document increases ambition from India’s previous target, set in 2016, to reduce emissions for each unit of GDP 33-35% from 2005 levels by 2030.
Deadly heatwaves show why India needs to get serious on climate adaptation
This March was India’s hottest since records began 122 years ago. The temperature hit 49C in several states of India by the end of May.
Canicule en Inde: survivre au réchauffement climatique dans les quartiers pauvres
Le mois de mars 2022 a été le plus chaud jamais enregistré en Inde, et les mois suivants ont également battu des records dans plusieurs villes. Le Pakistan voisin est aussi touché. L'enfer du réchauffement climatique devient une réalité dans ces pays.
Hitzewelle in Südasien durch Klimawandel wahrscheinlicher
Indiens Landwirtschaft ist so stark unter Druck, dass dieses Jahr kein Weizen exportiert werden kann. (Foto: Hardik Kalasua/Pixabay) Weil sich das Klima seit Beginn der industriellen Revolution um 1,2 Grad erwärmt hat, sind Hitzewellen heute heißer und treten häufiger auf.
Climate Change Fuels Heat Wave in India and Pakistan, Scientists Find
Warming since preindustrial times has made the extreme heat in South Asia, now in its third month, at least 30 times more likely.
Millions Displaced and Dozens Dead in Flooding in India and Bangladesh
Heavy rains have washed away towns, villages and infrastructure, as extreme weather events become more common in South Asia.
The extraordinary heat wave in India and Pakistan, explained
What makes South Asia’s recent severe temperatures so surprising. Nearly one in eight people on Earth are enduring a relentless, lethal heat wave that is stretching into its third week.
Communities in India flooded by ‘Amphan-scale cyclones’ could triple by 2100
New research, published in Climate Resilience and Sustainability, finds that if a storm the size of cyclone Amphan hits the Bay of Bengal in 2100, it would expose “vastly” more people to extreme flooding – mainly due to sea level rise.
Der Boden-Guru auf dem Motorrad
Jagadish "Jaggi" Vasudev, genannt Sadhguru, fährt 30.000 Kilometer für den Bodenschutz. Auf seiner Sechszylinder-BMW trägt er Motorradkleidung. (Foto: Scott Ferguson/Wikimedia Commons) "Sadhguru" ist ein Ehrentitel. Er bedeutet so viel wie "wahrer Guru" oder "Wahrheitsguru".
Kohle in Indien und China – Die grösste Klimasünderin feiert ein Comeback
Kein anderer Rohstoff schadet dem Klima so stark wie Kohle. Doch wegen des Kriegs in der Ukraine und der Hitze in Indien ist sie gefragt wie nie. Davon profitiert auch eine Schweizer Firma.
Rekordtemperaturen in Indien – Diese Karte zeigt, wo 1 Milliarde Menschen unter extremer Hitze leiden
In der Luft bis 46 Grad, am Boden bis 65 Grad: Die Inderinnen und Inder erleben ein «Jahr ohne Frühling» – und der wärmste Monat steht ihnen erst noch bevor. In verschiedenen Weltregionen ist es derzeit sehr heiss: in Nordafrika, auf der Arabischen Halbinsel und in Südasien.
South Asia’s 2022 heatwave and the role of climate change
For weeks, blistering heat has swept across India, Pakistan and other parts of Asia – leaving millions of people struggling with severe impacts. The extreme heat first began in early March, with temperatures reaching above 47C in India by the end of April and 49.5C in Pakistan in May.
Indian Court Rules That Nature Has Legal Status on Par With Humans—and That Humans Are Required to Protect It
The woodland at dawn in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary on Nov. 19, 2009 in Palakkad, Tamil Nadu, India. Credit: Phil Clarke Hill/In Pictures via Getty Images
The Extreme Heat Pummeling India and Pakistan Is About to Get Worse
The Indian subcontinent has recorded above-average temperatures for weeks. Heat-related weather watches or alerts are now in effect for hundreds of millions of people. NEW DELHI — Across a wide swath of the Indian subcontinent, scorching temperatures have damaged harvests.
In India, Summer Heat May Soon Be Literally Unbearable
NEW DELHI — On a sweltering Wednesday in June, a rail-thin woman named Rehmati gripped the doctor’s table with both hands. She could hardly hold herself upright, the pain in her stomach was so intense.
Die Hitze, die wir riefen
Indien und seine Nachbarländer erleben derzeit einen gefährlich frühen Sommerbeginn mit rekordhohen Temperaturen. Es zeigt sich deutlich: Vor allem für ärmere Menschen ist es schwierig, sich an die Folgen der Klimaerhitzung anzupassen.
‘We are living in hell’: Pakistan and India suffer extreme spring heatwaves
For the past few weeks, Nazeer Ahmed has been living in one of the hottest places on Earth.
Rekordhitze hat Indien erfasst – und es wird noch schlimmer
Indien schwitzt unter einer massiven Hitzewelle. Im März wurden die höchsten Temperaturen seit 1901 gemessen – 122 Jahre ist das her. Gleichzeitig betrugen die Niederschläge nur etwa ein Viertel bis ein Drittel des Normalwerts, wie das India Meteorological Department (IMD) mitteilte.
Umstrittener Klimaschutz – Wie China und Indien trotz Kohle die Klimawende schaffen könnten
Der Weltklimarat zeigt auf, dass es keine Investitionen in die Kohleenergie mehr geben darf. Peking und Delhi halten sich nicht daran. Das chinesische Jahr 2022 begann aus Sicht des Klimaschutzes mit irritierenden Nachrichten.
India ups climate targets, aiming for net zero by 2070
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged that India will reach net zero emissions by 2070 as he announced a suite of new climate targets at Cop26 in Glasgow.
Guest post: How much could restoring forests reduce India’s emissions?
Trisha Gopalakrishna, a DPhil Candidate in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford. Guy Lomax, a PhD Candidate in the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter.
India falsely claims forestry progress in ‘skewed’ report, experts warn
According to India’s latest State of the Forest report, India’s overall forest cover increased by 1,540 square kilometres between 2019 and 2021, while its tree cover increased by 721 sq km.
As Delhi chokes, India’s supreme court is grappling with the air pollution crisis
Inayat Singh Kakkar frequently suffers from shortness of breath, her lungs scarred by a thick smog that descends on Delhi each winter.
How can India meet its ambitious climate targets? With a little help from its cities
After lengthy deliberations, familiar cycles of recriminations and last-minute compromises, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow concluded on Saturday, leaving much work to be done on fulfilling the main agreement and forging multitudes of deals that will play an essential role in
Addict au charbon, l’Inde suffoque mais gâche la COP
Alors même que sa capitale est plongée dans un brouillard toxique, l’Inde a mené la charge pour affaiblir les engagements contre le charbon lors du sommet de la COP26, privilégiant, selon les experts, sa croissance économique au détriment de l’avenir de la planète.
Why Asia’s early heat wave is so alarming
Extreme heat is dangerous. Extreme heat when you least expect it is even worse. To keep the internal organs cool, blood flows to the skin at a higher rate. There’s more sweat, and it’s diluted more to reduce electrolyte loss (a key problem in dehydration).
Coal Baron or Climate Warrior? The Dizzying Rise of Asia’s Richest Man.
The business decisions of Gautam Adani could go a long way in determining whether India helps the world avert a climate catastrophe.
Greta Thunberg effigies burned in Delhi over support for farmer protests
Counter-protesters in Delhi have burned effigies of the Swedish environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg after she tweeted support for India's protesting farmers in posts that have prompted an investigation by Indian police.