Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



Indigenous peoples give fresh impetus to fight against climate crisis

Around the world, Indigenous peoples are using ancestral knowledge to adapt to extreme weather events and protect ecosystems


Indigenous lands feel cruel bite of green energy transition 

Mining companies have been offered a path to sustainability but few are taking it – Indigenous people need to be at the table demanding change


Loggers have ‘grabbed’ around 1m hectares of Indigenous land in DRC

Logging companies have “acquired” roughly 1m hectares of Indigenous peoples’ territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2000, according to a new study.


Energiepolitik in Norwegen: Rentiere fressen kein Geld

Ein Windpark verstösst gegen Indigenenrechte, darf aber stehen bleiben. Doch die Aktivist:innen, die dagegen protestierten, stehen nun vor Gericht. Das hat auch mit der Zürcher Gesellschaft Energy Infrastructure Partners und der Berner BKW zu tun.


Zyklon weht Europas Wissen weg

Klimaanpassung darf nicht nur aus eurozentrischer Sicht erfolgen, heißt es in einem Fachartikel zu indigenem und lokalem Wissen. Die Wissenschaftler:innen untersuchten vier Fallbeispiele aus Südostasien.


Indonesia turns traditional Indigenous land into nickel industrial zone

Indonesia supplies the EV industry with critical battery materials but the sector’s rapid expansion is infringing the rights of Indigenous peoples


Trial of Land Defenders Fighting the Coastal GasLink Pipeline is Put on Hold as Canadian Police Come Under Scrutiny for Excessive Force

The defense for three activists from First Nations argues abuse of process by security forces around the pipeline construction site, as the U.N. and Amnesty International allege excessive force, surveillance and criminalization of land defenders.


Blinded, sexually assaulted, silenced: the war over lithium, Argentina’s ‘white gold’

The first time, they came at 2am and without a warrant. Rosa* was alone. She was gagged, her eyes covered, and her hands bound with a cable tie. It was the night after widespread protests against sweeping changes to the constitution in Jujuy, a northern Argentine province.


* AMAZON * Brazil’s Congress Weakens Protection of Indigenous Lands, Defying Lula

Brazilian officials served up an array of plans and figures at the recent COP28 climate summit in Dubai, presenting itself as a world leader, on track to protect its forests and the people who live there.


The Environmental Wisdom Encoded in Endangered Languages

As many Indigenous languages are at risk of disappearing, scientists and communities are joining forces to preserve the traditional ecological knowledge they harbor. Scientists had no idea whether the black-naped pheasant pigeon still existed.


* COP28 | REACTIONS * Indigenous people and climate justice groups say Cop28 was ‘business as usual’

As the leaders of the developed world hailed the Cop28 agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels as historic, Indigenous people, frontline communities and climate justice groups rebuked the deal as unfair, inequitable and business as usual.


* COP28 | INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * Indigenous Leaders Urge COP28 Negotiators to Focus on Preventing Loss and Damage and Drastically Reducing Emissions

Climate change imperils Indigenous ecosystems, food security, knowledge bases and ways of life, leaders say, making rapid action to reduce emissions a “matter of life and death.”


Judith Kimerling’s 1991 ‘Amazon Crude’ Exposed the Devastation of Oil Exploration in Ecuador. If Only She Could Make it Stop

The Education of Judith Kimerling: An American lawyer’s epic struggle to stop expanding oil operations harming Indigenous peoples in Ecuador’s Amazon. Part one.


Spanning Two Worlds, Judith Kimerling Explores Ecuador’s Rainforest and the Rule of Law That Might Save Those Who Live There

The Education of Judith Kimerling: An American lawyer’s epic struggle to stop expanding oil operations harming Indigenous peoples in Ecuador’s Amazon. Part two.


“Carbon Cowboys” Chasing Emissions Offsets in the Amazon Keep Forest-Dwelling Communities in the Dark

Couto is a quilombola, an Afro-Brazilian descendent of escaped slaves, many of whom established homes in the most forested parts of the Amazon. She grew up in a community called São João, aware that it was inextricably linked to the river and trees. Then the carbon offset developers arrived.


«Die Regierung will einfach alle raus­schmeissen»

Vertrieben im Namen des Klimas: Wo reiche Staaten ihre CO₂-Emissionen kompensieren wollen, geschieht dies nicht selten auf Kosten der lokalen Bevölkerung. Die kenianische Aktivistin und Anthropologin Milka Chepkorir fordert eine Umkehr.


Aufstand gegen fragwürdige CO2-Zertifikate

Retten wir die Erde, nicht den Kapitalismus! In etwa so lässt sich zusammen­fassen, was der damalige bolivianische Präsident Evo Morales der Welt­gemeinschaft am Uno-Klimagipfel 2010 im mexikanischen Badeort Cancún zurief.


Der Wald ist ein Wissensspeicher

Auch der Weltklimarat anerkennt mittlerweile: Von indigenen Gemeinschaften lässt sich lernen, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen möglich wird. Und im Amazonasbecken erprobt eine «Pluriversität» einen radikalen Ansatz.


Höchstes Gericht in Brasilien – Brasilien: Mehr Gerechtigkeit für die indigene Bevölkerung

Ein Gesetz, das Indigenen verbieten wollte, weitere Ansprüche auf die Rückgabe von Land zu erheben, ist ungültig. Gerichtsentscheid zugunsten der indigenen Bevölkerung: Das oberste Gericht Brasiliens hat nach monatelangen Beratungen ein umstrittenes Gesetz für ungültig erklärt.


“They will not stop until our ancestral lands are one infertile wasteland” – Indigenous leader calls for communities to abandon “corrupt” UN

An indigenous leader has called for indigenous people around the world to abandon the United Nations and create the United Indigenous Nations.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * After Decades Of Oil Drilling, Indigenous Waorani Group Fights New Industry Expansions In Ecuador

After 50 years of expanding oil operations in its Amazonian region, Ecuador will close the door on crude extraction in three oil fields that are home to Indigenous communities, including one of the country’s uncontacted groups.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * How Indigenous Techniques Saved a Community From Wildfire

The wildfire was blazing a clear path toward a Canadian lakeside tourist spot in British Columbia with a population of 222,000 people. The fire advanced on the city of Kelowna for 19 days — consuming 976 hectares, or about 2,400 acres — of forest.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * He Tracks Elusive Amazon Tribes, but Only From the Shadows

Jair Candor had been searching the Amazon rainforest for three days when he heard their voices.


Zuger Rohstoffgruppe beutet Indigene aus

Red. Das Folgende ist die Zusammenfassung einer Recherche der Menschenrechtsorganisation Public Eye. Der Regenwald von Borneo bekam nach der Holz- und Palmölindustrie einen neuen Feind: die Kohlekonzerne.


The Untold Stories of the Amazon | Heriberto Araujo

“Maria Joel was a normal housewife with four underage children whose husband was murdered. She held her husband in her arms while he was dying. She had two choices.


Biden Administration Bans Drilling Around Native American Cultural Site

The Biden administration took action on Friday to block new oil and gas leasing on federal land around Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, one of the nation’s oldest and most culturally significant Native American sites.

‘Green colonialism’: Indigenous world leaders warn over west’s climate strategy

World Indigenous leaders meeting this week at an annual UN summit have warned that the west’s climate strategy risks the exploitation of Indigenous territories, resources and people.


Carbon credit rule-makers must engage Indigenous People

Many have heard the expression that tropical rainforests are ‘the lungs of the Earth’. But for Indigenous Peoples, the rainforest is more like our beating heart. Forests are the center and soul of our communities, our culture, and our health.


The Amazon’s Largest Isolated Tribe Is Dying

The illegal tin mine was so remote that, for three years, the massive gash it cut into the Amazon rainforest had gone largely ignored. So when three mysterious helicopters suddenly hovered overhead, unannounced, the miners living there scrambled into the forest.

There’s no greater feminist cause than the climate fight – and saving each other

Last summer, a third of Pakistan was underwater. My country, the fifth most populous in the world, was submerged. Two million homes were destroyed, thousands of acres of agricultural land were flooded and 90% of the crops in Sindh, a food belt, were damaged.


6 Indigenous Climate Activists we’re celebrating this International Women’s Day

Did you know that Indigenous people are saving 80% of the world’s biodiversity? Despite their deep connection to and knowledge of, precious natural resources like the Amazon rainforest and Arctic Ice, Indigenous peoples voices are rarely heard on the world forum.

Un peuple autochtone dénonce le projet de mine de terres rares en Suède

Les terres rares sont un sous-produit du fer. Ce gisement découvert dans la plus grande mine souterraine du monde pourrait répondre aux besoins toujours plus grands de ces composants indispensables à la transition vers le tout-électrique.


Ausbeutung im Amazonas – Indigener Philosoph: «Hört auf, die Welt zu verschlingen!»

Mit dem Mythos von Nachhaltigkeit würden Politik und Unternehmen die Ausbeutung der Welt vorantreiben, kritisiert Ailton Krenak. Der brasilianische Philosoph fordert eine Diät für die Industriestaaten. Amazonien, das grösste und vielfältigste Ökosystem, steht kurz vor dem Umkippen.


Windkraft auf Kosten indigener Völker: Greta protestiert gegen Windanlagen

Nach Protesten gegen Windkraftparks im Gebiet der Samen vollzieht norwegische Regierung eine Kehrtwende. Auch Greta Thunberg unterstützte den Protest. STOCKHOLM taz | Am Freitagvormittag kam endlich das Eingeständnis.


Greta Thunberg protests wind farm “violating human rights” in Norway

Indigenous and environmental activists, including Greta Thunberg, blocked access to several Norwegian government ministries on Tuesday, expanding a protest demanding the removal of wind turbines from reindeer pastures.


Greta Thunberg impliquée dans un blocage de ministères en Norvège

"Aujourd'hui, nous fermons l'Etat", a lancé la musicienne et militante samie Ella Marie Haetta Isaksen aux protestataires pour la plupart vêtus du costume traditionnel bleu et rouge de cette population qui vit dans une zone couvrant le nord de la Norvège, de la Suède et de la Finlande, ainsi que


Indigenes Wissen für alternative Zukünfte

Das Wissen von indigenen Gemeinschaften wurde jahrhundertelang ignoriert und marginalisiert.


Indigenous people are Earth’s greatest champions. Listen to us – and watch biodiversity thrive

This week the UK government is holding a meeting to discuss generating more finance to conserve and restore nature. This is following its adoption of a global biodiversity framework in Montreal – the so-called biodiversity Cop15 – in December.


Study Documents a Halt to Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest After Indigenous Communities Gain Title to Their Territories

Most people know that Brazil’s rainforests are rapidly disappearing, and that the loss accelerates global climate change while harming the communities living under the trees’ canopy.


How Native Americans Will Shape the Future of Water in the West

As a child, Stephen Lewis heard stories about a river that, for the most part, no longer flowed. “How I grew up was that it was a theft, that it was stolen from us,” he told me late last year. “There was what we used to call the Mighty Gila River, and now it was just pretty much dry.

A Copper Mine Could Advance Green Energy but Scar Sacred Land

SUPERIOR, Ariz. — As Wendsler Nosie finished his evening prayers sitting before a mesquite fire, a ceremonial yucca staff festooned with eagle feathers by his side, he gazed sternly toward a distant mesa where mining companies hope to extract more than a billion tons of copper.


Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples

Only 5% of net forest loss occurs in Indigenous territories and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon – even though these areas contain more than half of the region’s forest.


Listening to the Endangered Sounds of the Amazon Rainforest

Watching the first few minutes of “The Territory,” a new documentary set in the Amazon rainforest, is like listening to a symphony of deforestation. The film opens with the sound of an engine revving, the camera lingering on a boot pressed down on a dusty gas pedal.


Ölprojekt in Alaska – Bohrloch ins Herz der Wildnis

Eine Ölpipeline schlängelt sich durch die Landschaft in Alaska. Foto: Getty Images Weht am Dach eines Hauses eine Flagge, heisst das: Wal gefangen! Und an diesem Herbsttag wehen in Nuiqsut an der Nordküste Alaskas viele Fahnen. Darunter, auf Tischen unter freiem Himmel, liegen Berge von Fleisch.


Indigenous Groups Are Key to Reversing Amazon Destruction

This time of year, global and social leaders gather at the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP) to seek solutions and to confront the climate crisis that threatens society as a whole.


Conservation led by Indigenous and local communities

How can communities govern their lands in the present and preserve it for future generations? We will hear about two entirely different examples of community-led protected areas.


Zerstörung mithilfe von Schweizer Banken

Energiekonzerne investieren in Texas Milliarden, um klimaschädliches Erdgas in die Welt zu exportieren. Indigene Aktivist:innen fordern nun hiesige Geldgeber auf, sich aus diesem Geschäft zurückzuziehen. «Nehmen Sie Ihr Geld weg von der Credit Suisse.


Last stand in the Amazon

Can science help Indigenous peoples protect themselves and the world’s largest rainforest? Drug runners, gold miners and loggers are rapidly invading the remote Peruvian Amazon, home to isolated people and a wealth of biodiversity.


A Thousand Miles in the Amazon, to Change the Way the World Works

The plan was to meet in Altamira, Brazil, and travel 1,000 miles across the northern Amazon as a kind of people’s court.

In Pivotal Climate Case, UN Panel Says Australia Violated Islanders’ Human Rights

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has declared that the Australian government violated the human rights of Indigenous Torres Strait Islanders by failing to adequately protect them from the severe impacts of climate change.

To preserve Amazon, indigenous groups call for debt forgiveness

A member of the A'i Cofan community guard walks across the Aguarico River in Ecuador's Amazon, where indigenous groups were granted power to block mining projects after a ruling by the country's Constitutional Court, in Sinangoe, Ecuador March 5, 2022. Picture taken March 5, 2022.

The Last Days of Isle de Jean Charles: A Louisiana tribe’s struggle to escape the rising sea

ISLE DE JEAN CHARLES - When she was a girl, Theresa “Betty” Billiot would open the back door to a view of cattle grazing in pastures, cotton fields and wild prairie dotted with duck ponds. Now she opens the same door and sees nothing but the rising sea.


Face aux dérèglements climatiques ces femmes indiennes réinventent une culture ancestrale

Les dérèglements liés à la crise climatique —sécheresse, hausse des températures — ont une conséquence dramatique pour une grande partie de l’humanité : l’effondrement des ressources alimentaires.


Indigenous activists among Goldman environmental prize winners

Indigenous activists and lawyers who took on transnational corporations and their own governments to force climate action are among the 2022 winners of the world’s pre-eminent environmental award.


Amazon tribes turn the tables on intruders with social media

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — It was dusk on April 14 when Francisco Kuruaya heard a boat approaching along the river near his village in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. He assumed it was the regular delivery boat bringing gasoline for generators and outboard motors to remote settlements like his.


Karyn Pugliese on small, mighty newsrooms and Indigenous climate solutions

Each month, Covering Climate Now speaks with a different journalist about their experiences on the climate beat and their ideas for pushing our craft forward.


Protect Indigenous people’s rights or Paris climate goals will fail, says report

Paris climate agreement goals will fail unless the rights of Indigenous people who protect rainforests are honoured, according to a new report.


Growing up Maasai and the art of healing the Earth

The world is crafting a plan to save nature. Will Indigenous people get a say? For some Indigenous Maasai tribes in Kenya, birdwatching is not so much a leisure activity as it is a survival tactic.


Using Science and Celtic Wisdom to Save Trees (and Souls)

MERRICKVILLE, Ontario — There aren’t many scientists raised in the ways of druids by Celtic medicine women, but there is at least one. She lives in the woods of Canada, in a forest she helped grow.


Ecuador Court Gives Indigenous Groups a Boost in Mining and Drilling Disputes

The ruling, which requires the government to seek consent for new projects, could put the brakes on the president’s plan to increase oil production.


Kampf um Windmühlen – Wie Geld aus der Schweiz einen Konflikt in Norwegen befeuert

Die Samen sind das Urvolk des Nordens. Auf Fosen stehen sie der Windlobby gegenüber – und dem Stromkonzern BKW. Eine Reportage aus dem norwegischen Niemandsland.


Want to know how to save nature? Ask Indigenous scientists.

Nature conservation needs a transformation, according to a new book by environmental scientist Jessica Hernandez. Victor Manuel Hernandez believes he wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for a banana tree.

‘A death sentence’: Indigenous climate activists denounce Cop26 deal

Indigenous communities facing an upsurge in land grabs, water shortages and human rights violations as a result of the Cop26 deal have accused world leaders of sacrificing them in order to postpone meaningful climate action and shield corporate profits.


Les peuples autochtones face au dérèglement climatique (3/5)

Leurs savoirs et savoir-faire ancestraux se révèlent particulièrement efficaces pour la protection de la biodiversité et des écosystèmes. Les peuples autochtones ont, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, un rôle important à jouer dans la recherche d’alternatives.


Cop26 legitimacy questioned as groups excluded from crucial talks

The legitimacy of the Cop26 climate summit has been called into question by civil society participants who say restrictions on access to negotiations are unprecedented and unjust.


Indigenous Women in Peru Seek to Turn the Tables on Big Oil, Asserting ‘Rights of Nature’ to Fight Epic Spills

Aerial scenes from the Northern Amazon from the town of Iqitos to the Amazon oil town of Trompederos, Peru, June 11, 2007. Credit: Brent Stirton/Getty Images


Indigenous autonomy and landscape stewardship

In this episode we speak about Indigenous land governance and autonomy in contrast to expansion of the nation state and international corporations. Our first guest Dr.


Dokfilm über die Samen – Wie eine Aktivistin mit Nadel und Faden ihr Volk retten will

Das Land der Samen kennt keine Grenzen – wird jedoch zusehends bedroht: vom Klimawandel und Grossbauten. Der Dokfilm «Gestickte Kunst für das Land der Samen» porträtiert die Textilkünstlerin und Aktivistin Britta Marakatt-Labba, die mit ihren Stickereien dagegenhält.