Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



On Former Palm Oil Plantations, Small Farmers Are Bringing Brazil’s Forests Back to Life

Jessica Soraia's life hit a turning point four years ago. Living in Belém, Brazil, she was unemployed, her husband was battling depression and the future felt uncertain.


* AVANT TRUMP * Joe Biden en Amazonie, une visite symbolique pour le climat avant le retour de Donald Trump

Joe Biden est arrivé dimanche à Manaus pour une visite historique en Amazonie, la première d'un président américain en exercice et un symbole à quelques mois du retour de Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche, qui inquiète pour la future politique climatique des États-Unis.


Der Kampf um das Öl in Brasilien

Innerhalb der brasilianischen Regierung bahnt sich ein Konflikt um neue Offshore-Ölbohrungen an. Auf der einen Seite stehen die Umweltschützer, auf der anderen Seite praktisch alle anderen.


* COP29 * Day 1: Agenda fight and Brazil’s new target

UN climate summit kicks off in Baku, with governments approving carbon market rules and US climate envoy saying emissions to keep falling


An Alarming Glimpse Into a Future of Historic Droughts

Record dry conditions in South America have led to wildfires, power cuts and water rationing. The world’s largest river system, the Amazon, which sustains some 30 million people across eight countries, is drying up.


An ‘Elegant’ Idea Could Pay Billions to Protect Trees

Brazil is proposing a fund that would pay countries to protect tropical forests that are crucial to curbing climate change. It would generate returns, too.


* BRAZIL * Amidst Record-breaking Fires, Will Brazil Confront Its Climate Challenges?

Brazilians are currently living in a dystopian landscape. Thick smoke, oppressive heat and eerily orange sunsets blanket both major cities and small villages. Hundreds of cities are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution while thousands of hectares of forest burn.


Amazon state that will host COP30 strikes “largest carbon credit sale in history”

A coalition of governments and multinational corporations promises to pay Pará state $180m to save its rainforest


Is Brazil’s Lula a climate leader?

The Brazilian leader has run up against similar challenges to US President Joe Biden – and it’s bad news for the planet  Marcio Astrini is the executive secretary of Observatório do Clima, a network of 120 Brazilian civil society organizations.


En flammes, l’Amazonie est proche de se transformer irrémédiablement en savane

La fumée des feux de forêt au Brésil couvre 60% du territoire depuis mardi, tandis qu'au Paraguay, l’air est désormais devenu nocif. Les incendies en Amazonie ravagent aussi la biodiversité. Le point de bascule dans le rôle de régulateur joué par cette forêt tropicale se rapproche.


The World’s Largest Wetland Is Burning, and Rare Animals Are Dying

n Brazil, wildfires have roared across the Pantanal, a maze of rivers, forests and marshlands that sprawl over an area 20 times the size of the Everglades.


Brasilien: Brände im Amazonas-Regenwald erreichen Rekordhoch

Präsident Lula hat seinem Land versprochen, den Amazonas-Regenwald zu schützen. Davon ist er weit entfernt. Für seine Regierung wird das zu einem echten Problem.


* WILDFIRES * Climate change made the ‘supercharged’ 2024 Pantanal wildfires 40% more intense

Human-caused climate change made the “unprecedented” wildfires that spread across Brazil’s Pantanal wetlands in June 2024 between four and five times more likely, according to a new rapid attribution study.


* WILDFIRES * In Brazil, Early Wildfires Break Records — and Raise Alarm

Huge blazes are spreading hundreds of miles across some of the most biodiverse parts of Brazil, with the worst of the annual fire season still weeks away.


* WILDFIRES * Devastation as world’s biggest wetland burns: ‘those that cannot run don’t stand a chance’

Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them


* WALDBRÄNDE * Rekordbrände im Amazonas-Regenwald

Expertinnen und Experten haben 2024 so viele Waldbrände wie zuletzt vor 20 Jahren registriert.


How Faith Communities in Latin America Are Defending Land and Lives

"If we lose nature, we lose ourselves, too." Those were the words of one female faith leader whose community was endangered by construction of the Belo Monte Dam in Altamira, Brazil.


Images of a Brazilian City Underwater

Torrential rains have caused one of Brazil’s worst floods in modern history, leaving more than 100 dead and nearly an entire state submerged.


Wie sich Regenwälder durch fruchtfressende Vögel erholen könnten

Tropische Vögel, die im Atlantischen Regenwald Brasiliens leben, verbreiten Pflanzensamen und könnten so die Wiederaufforstung der Region unterstützen. Erschwert wird das aber durch die Fragmentierung des Waldes, wie ein Team der ETH Zürich herausgefunden hat.


* BRASILIEN * «Es sieht aus wie eine Kriegs-Szene»: Eine Millionenstadt steht unter Wasser

Vom Hochwasser seien etwa 850’000 Einwohner in 340 Ortschaften des Bundesstaates Rio Grande do Sul betroffen. In den meisten von ihnen wurde der Notstand ausgerufen.


Torrential rainstorms cause death and destruction in Brazil

This part of South America is no stranger to major rainfall, but last week’s storms were particularly devastating


De fortes intempéries au sud du Brésil font plus de 50 morts

Le bilan s'est alourdi samedi au Brésil où des inondations ont dévasté l'Etat du Rio Grande do Sul depuis plusieurs jours, faisant au moins 56 morts et 67 disparus dans cette région du sud du pays. La capitale régionale Porto Alegre est fortement touchée.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Global billionaires tax to fight climate change, hunger rises up political agenda

Brazil and France want the G20 to get behind a global minimum tax on billionaires’ wealth, also backed by IMF chief


* FORÊTS * Au Brésil, Emmanuel Macron affiche un front commun avec Lula dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique

Le président brésilien, qui a accueilli son homologue français à Belem, est parvenu à freiner la déforestation en Amazonie. Mais sa politique en faveur de nouveaux forages pétroliers est critiquée.


* WÄLDER * Wenn der Amazonas brennt, rufen sie Romeritos Brigade

Noch nie hat es in Amazonien so viel gebrannt wie in diesem Jahr. Mit altem Wissen und moderner Technik versuchen indigene Feuerwehr­leute den Regenwald zu retten. Eine Reportage von einem Brennpunkt des Klimawandels.


* HEAT * Record heat index of 62.3C scorches Rio de Janeiro

The reading is the city’s highest in a decade. Heat index measures what a temperature feels like, taking into account humidity.


Regenwaldabholzung im brasilianischen Amazonas geht weiter zurück

Die Abholzung im brasilianischen Amazonasregenwald ist einem Bericht zufolge in den ersten beiden Monaten des Jahres auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit 2018 in diesem Zeitraum gewesen.


Rains Are Scarce in the Amazon. Instead, Megafires Are Raging.

Hundreds of square miles of the rainforest have burned as countries in the region battle a record number of fires fueled by extreme weather.


* TROCKENHEIT * Im Amazonas verwandelt sich der Regenwald zur Savanne

Anhaltende Dürre bedroht das kostbare Ökosystem in Südamerika. Eine neue Studie versucht, zu erfassen, was der Mensch damit zu tun hat.


Global warming was primary cause of unprecedented Amazon drought, study finds

Human-induced global warming, and not El Niño, was the primary driver of last year's severe drought in the Amazon that sent rivers to record lows, required deliveries of food and drinking water to hundreds of river communities and killed dozens of endangered dolphins, researchers said Wednesday.


Optimism dries up in Amazon as Lula drifts from climate priorities

Brazil’s president inspired hope a year ago but approval of a new highway shows he remains a concrete-and-oil state builder


* DEFORESTATION * Brazil cracks down on illegal gold miners

“Things are going downhill with the new government”, said one gold miner when detained by Brazil’s federal police


* AMAZON * Brazil lawmakers approve using green fund to pave road through Amazon rainforest

The lower house of Brazil’s Congress has approved a bill to relax environmental licensing to pave a highway cutting through the heart of the Amazon that scientists say will threaten the future of the world’s largest tropical rainforest.


* AMAZON * Brazil’s Congress Weakens Protection of Indigenous Lands, Defying Lula

Brazilian officials served up an array of plans and figures at the recent COP28 climate summit in Dubai, presenting itself as a world leader, on track to protect its forests and the people who live there.


* AMAZONAS * Über dem Amazonasgebiet steigt Rauch auf statt Feuchtigkeit – das hat viel mit dem Menschen zu tun

Eine schwere Dürre plagt den Amazonas-Regenwald. Mehrere Faktoren kommen zusammen: Abholzung, das Wetterphänomen El Niño, Brände sowie der Klimawandel. Kann sich der Regenwald noch regenerieren?


Deforestation falls for 8th straight month in the Amazon rainforest, but rises in the cerrado

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has decreased for the eighth consecutive month, but damage is rising in the cerrado, a tropical woody grassland that’s adjacent to Earth’s largest rainforest.


Brasilien: Kippt das System Regenwald?

Dem Amazonas setzt vieles zu: das Wetterphänomen El Niño, aber auch die Folgen des Klimawandels. Für die Menschen, die im Amazonas leben, sind die Folgen schon jetzt massiv. Ist die Entwicklung noch umkehrbar?


Trockenheit in Brasilien – Darum plagt den Amazonas eine Jahrhundertdürre

Die Regierung im Amazonas hat den Notstand ausgerufen: Schiffe liegen auf dem Trockenen, Delfine verenden. Drei Gründe für die Dürre. Der Amazonas leidet unter der schlimmsten Trockenheit seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen vor über 120 Jahren.


Südamerika wird als Öllieferant wichtiger – neue Vorkommen vor Brasilien und Guyana sorgen für gesteigerte Förderung

Lateinamerika hat nach dem Nahen Osten die zweitgrössten Öl- und Gasreserven weltweit, etwa 15 Prozent der global nachgewiesenen Vorkommen.


Au Brésil, Swiss Re assure des terres agricoles déboisées illégalement

Une enquête de lauréat du Prix d’investigation de Public Eye Reportage réalisé par André Campos, Naira Hofmeister, Gil Alessi, France Júnior, Ruy Sposati, Carolina Motoki et Bruna Bronoski Photos: Ruy Sposati, Lilo Clareto, Fernando Martinho, João Laet · Vidéos de drone:Ruy Sposati, Fern


Swiss Re versichert in Brasilien illegal abgeholztes Agrarland

Eine Untersuchung von Gewinner des Public Eye Investigation Award Reportage von André Campos, Naira Hofmeister, Gil Alessi, France Júnior, Ruy Sposati, Carolina Motoki und Bruna Bronoski Fotos: Ruy Sposati, Lilo Clareto, Fernando Martinho, João Laet · Drohnenvideos:Ruy Sposati, Fernando Martinh


Water level at Amazon port in Brazil hits lowest point in 121 years amid drought

The water level at a major river port in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest has hit its lowest point in at least 121 years, as a historic drought upends the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and damages the jungle ecosystem.


Höchstes Gericht in Brasilien – Brasilien: Mehr Gerechtigkeit für die indigene Bevölkerung

Ein Gesetz, das Indigenen verbieten wollte, weitere Ansprüche auf die Rückgabe von Land zu erheben, ist ungültig. Gerichtsentscheid zugunsten der indigenen Bevölkerung: Das oberste Gericht Brasiliens hat nach monatelangen Beratungen ein umstrittenes Gesetz für ungültig erklärt.


Lula scraps Bolsonaro’s cuts to Brazilian climate target ambition

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva addresses the audience at the summit of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), in Belem, Brazil August 8, 2023. (Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/Brazil Presidency/Reuters)


Amazon’s emissions ‘doubled’ under first half of Bolsonaro presidency

The first half of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency was so destructive for the Amazon that it was comparable to the record 2016 El Niño drought and heatwave in terms of carbon emissions, according to scientists.


Analyse zum Amazonas-Regenwald – Die Welt braucht diesen Wald

Die Bedeutung des Amazonas-Regenwaldes für den Planeten und seine Bewohner kann man gar nicht hoch genug einschätzen, da sind sich Wissenschaftler verschiedenster Disziplinen einig.


Amazon deforestation down by a third in 2023, says Brazilian government

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon fell by 33.6% in the first six months of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's term compared with the same period in 2022, the government says.


Zerstörung des Regenwaldes – Lulas Amazonaspolitik verspricht das fast Unmögliche

Wirtschaftswachstum und verstärkter Schutz der grünen Lunge: Brasiliens Präsident ist mit seinen Versprechen im Dilemma. Seit dem Amtsantritt des neuen brasilianischen Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Anfang Jahr ist die Abholzung im Amazonasgebiet deutlich gesunken.


Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips were killed in the Amazon: A year later their Indigenous allies risk death to carry on the work

Three assassins walked into a bar deep in the Brazilian Amazon one night last October. Beers flowed, tongues loosened and the men were overheard bragging about their latest job. “We’re looking for this Orlando bloke.


More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

More than 800m trees have been cut down in the Amazon rainforest in just six years to feed the world’s appetite for Brazilian beef, according to a new investigation, despite dire warnings about the forest’s importance in fighting the climate crisis.


Brazilian Amazon at risk of being taken over by mafia, ex-police chief warns

The rapid advance of organised crime groups in the Brazilian Amazon risks turning the region into a vast, conflict-stricken hinterland plagued by heavily armed “criminal insurgents”, a former senior federal police chief has warned.


The Amazon’s Largest Isolated Tribe Is Dying

The illegal tin mine was so remote that, for three years, the massive gash it cut into the Amazon rainforest had gone largely ignored. So when three mysterious helicopters suddenly hovered overhead, unannounced, the miners living there scrambled into the forest.


Ausbeutung im Amazonas – Indigener Philosoph: «Hört auf, die Welt zu verschlingen!»

Mit dem Mythos von Nachhaltigkeit würden Politik und Unternehmen die Ausbeutung der Welt vorantreiben, kritisiert Ailton Krenak. Der brasilianische Philosoph fordert eine Diät für die Industriestaaten. Amazonien, das grösste und vielfältigste Ökosystem, steht kurz vor dem Umkippen.


Die Regenwald-Retter müssen für ihr Comeback kämpfen

Es sind martialische Videos, die das brasilianische Umweltministerium derzeit im Netz postet: Dichter Regenwald, über dem Helikopter kreisen, Rauchsäulen steigen auf, Feuer lodern.


Study Documents a Halt to Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest After Indigenous Communities Gain Title to Their Territories

Most people know that Brazil’s rainforests are rapidly disappearing, and that the loss accelerates global climate change while harming the communities living under the trees’ canopy.


Amazon’s least-deforested areas are due to ‘vital role’ of Indigenous peoples

Only 5% of net forest loss occurs in Indigenous territories and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon – even though these areas contain more than half of the region’s forest.


Listening to the Endangered Sounds of the Amazon Rainforest

Watching the first few minutes of “The Territory,” a new documentary set in the Amazon rainforest, is like listening to a symphony of deforestation. The film opens with the sound of an engine revving, the camera lingering on a boot pressed down on a dusty gas pedal.


Un tiers de la forêt amazonienne dégradée par l’activité humaine

Les dommages infligés à la forêt amazonienne, qui recouvre neuf pays, sont significativement plus importants que ceux qui avaient été observés auparavant, ont indiqué l'équipe de recherche dont les membres proviennent notamment de l'université brésilienne Estadual de Campinas.


In the Amazon, Indigenous and Locally Controlled Land Stores Carbon, but the Rest of the Rainforest Emits Greenhouse Gases

Forests managed by Indigenous peoples and other local communities in the Amazon region draw vast amounts of planet-warming carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere while the rest of the rainforest has become a net source of the greenhouse gas, a new report has found.


Life and Much Death in the Amazon

In 1970, the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil launched one of the world’s most ambitious construction projects: the Trans Amazonian Highway, a 2,600-mile road across the Amazon River basin.


Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point’?

To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. One of the first times Luciana Vanni Gatti tried to collect Amazonian air she got so woozy that she couldn’t even operate the controls.


Lula revives $1 billion Amazon Fund and environmental protections

On his first day in office as Brazil’s president, Lula da Silva signed a package of seven executive orders to protect the environment In his first day in office, Brazil’s new president, Lula da Silva, signed a package of seven executive orders aimed at controlling deforestation in the Amazon a


Neue Regierung in Brasilien – Lula an der Macht: Zeitenwende im Regenwaldschutz?

Die Hoffnung auf einen Neustart im Amazonasschutz ist gross. Doch Bolsonaro hinterlässt ein schweres Erbe. Kaum war Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva im Amt, machte er klar: Regenwaldschutz sei in Brasilien ab sofort Staatsangelegenheit.


Seven reasons to be cheerful about the Amazon in 2023 – and three to be terrified

For anyone who cares about the Amazon rainforest, there will be an extra reason to celebrate the new year countdown in Brazil on 31 December because the first stroke of midnight will mark the last moment in power of Jair Bolsonaro.


Destruction of Brazil’s Cerrado savanna soars for third year in a row

An aerial view shows deforestation near a forest on the border between Amazonia and Cerrado in Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso state, Brazil in 2021 (REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli) Deforestation in Brazil’s Cerrado savanna rose for the third year in a row, government data showed on Wednesday, destroying a


Brazil’s incoming government set to scrap gas pipelines and power plants

The incoming Brazilian government is considering cancelling a network of gas power plants and pipelines planned by the current president Jair Bolsonaro, according to the likely new environment minister Marina Silva.


Indigenous Groups Are Key to Reversing Amazon Destruction

This time of year, global and social leaders gather at the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP) to seek solutions and to confront the climate crisis that threatens society as a whole.


* COP27 – BRAZIL * Lula: Retter des Regenwaldes und des Klimas?

Eine Menschentraube drängt sich um Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, den designierten brasilianischen Präsidenten, als er zum Podium schreitet. Während seiner Rede bricht die Menge immer wieder in Jubel und Lula-Gesänge aus.

* COP27 – BRAZIL * reacts to Lula’s COP27 speech: “Plans for the Amazon are very promising, but need to include a just energy transition”

Brazil – In one of the most anticipated moments of COP27, the UN climate conference, the president-elect of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presented this Wednesday (Nov 16) measures and guidelines for the conservation of the Amazon forest, the development of that region and the protection of

* COP27 – BRAZIL * Lula vows to undo Brazil’s environmental degradation and halt deforestation

President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has told the world that “Brazil is back” at Cop27, vowing to begin undoing the environmental destruction seen under his far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, and work towards zero deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.


What Lula’s stunning victory means for the imperiled Amazon rainforest

Lula has pledged to restore the Amazon. Will it be enough? Brazil, the largest nation in South America and home of the iconic Amazon rainforest, will have a new leader come January 1: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.


Hoffnung für den Amazonas-Regenwald

Der Regenwaldschutz hat unter Bolsonaro einen schweren Rückschlag erlitten. (Foto: Kathrin Henneberger) Das war knapp. Mit 50,9 Prozent der Stimmen hat Lula da Silva von der Arbeiterpartei gestern die Stichwahl um das Präsidentenamt in Brasilien für sich entschieden.


Last stand in the Amazon

Can science help Indigenous peoples protect themselves and the world’s largest rainforest? Drug runners, gold miners and loggers are rapidly invading the remote Peruvian Amazon, home to isolated people and a wealth of biodiversity.


Lula will update Brazil’s ‘insufficient’ climate plans if elected: advisor

If elected as Brazil’s president, Lula da Silva will update the country’s “insufficient” climate plan, his environmental spokesperson told Climate Home.


A Thousand Miles in the Amazon, to Change the Way the World Works

The plan was to meet in Altamira, Brazil, and travel 1,000 miles across the northern Amazon as a kind of people’s court.


In Brazil, the World’s Largest Tropical Wetland Has Been Overwhelmed With Unprecedented Fires and Clouds of Propaganda

The photo presentation in this story was produced in collaboration with the Starling Lab for Data Integrity at Stanford University and the University of Southern California.


Vor den Wahlen in Brasilien erreichen die Brände im Amazonasregenwald neue Rekorde

Am zweiten Wochenende im September wachten die Menschen in São Paulo unter einer dichten Rauchglocke auf. Es roch intensiv nach Feuer und Russ. Die Umweltagentur Climatempo wies nach, dass die Russpartikel aus dem rund 4000 Kilometer entfernten Amazonasgebiet stammten. Eine gewaltige Entfernung.


Bolsonaro election loss could cut Brazilian Amazon deforestation by 89%

A loss for Jair Bolsonaro in the upcoming Brazilian presidential election could lead to Amazon deforestation in his nation falling by 89% over the next decade, according to new analysis conducted for Carbon Brief.


Brazil election: Lula challenges Bolsonaro’s deforestation record, backs oil development

The climate crisis and rainforest conservation are emerging as major issues in Brazil’s upcoming presidential election. Yet both leading candidates are pushing for new fossil fuel infrastructure.


Was a British Journalist the Latest Victim of Bolsonaro’s War on the Amazon?

Ms. Brum is a journalist and a documentary filmmaker who covers environmental issues and lives in the Amazon rainforest. Monday began, for me, with a call that became a horror story.


Heavy rain kills 44 in northeast Brazil

At least 44 people have died in northeast Brazil amid heavy rains over the weekend. Reporting contributed by journalist Marcia Reverdosa in Sao Paulo.


‘Record after record’: Brazil’s Amazon deforestation hits April high, nearly double previous peak

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon surged to record levels for the month of April, nearly doubling the area of forest removed in that month last year – the previous April record – preliminary government data has shown, alarming environmental campaigners.


Amazon tribes turn the tables on intruders with social media

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — It was dusk on April 14 when Francisco Kuruaya heard a boat approaching along the river near his village in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. He assumed it was the regular delivery boat bringing gasoline for generators and outboard motors to remote settlements like his.


Brazil accused of backsliding in updated climate pledge to UN

Brazil has been accused of using a carbon accounting trick to cover for weakened ambition in its updated climate plan submitted to the UN last week. Under the plan, Brazil pledged to cut emissions 50% between 2005 and 2030 – up from 43% previously. A goal of 37% emissions cuts by 2025 remains.


Brazil’s climate politics are shifting. That matters for the whole planet.

I’d like you to meet Manuela. She’s my partner on Climate Forward, and you’ll hear from her regularly when I’m out on reporting trips and unavailable to write the newsletter. Today, she takes you inside the climate politics of her home country, Brazil. In Brazil, beef isn’t just food.


* UKRAINEKRIEG * Ukraine-Krieg und Düngermangel: Bolsonaros Vernichtungspaket

«In Anbetracht des Krieges in Osteuropa besteht die Gefahr, dass es zu einer Verknappung von Kalium oder einem Preisanstieg kommt», twitterte Brasiliens Präsident Jaír Bolsonaro am 2. März 2022. Und vom Kalium hänge Brasiliens Ernährungssicherheit ab.


Amazon deforestation: Record high destruction of trees in January

The number of trees cut down in the Brazilian Amazon in January far exceeded deforestation for the same month last year, according to government satellite data. The area destroyed was five times larger than 2021, the highest January total since records began in 2015.


Des défoliants chimiques déversés sur l’Amazonie pour accélérer la déforestation

En Amazonie, des agents chimiques défoliants sont pulvérisés par avion dans les zones forestières indigènes. Le glyphosate et le 2,4-D, entre autres, provoquent la défoliation des arbres, qui finissent affaiblis ou morts dans un processus qui prend des mois.


Die Axt im Urwald

Die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace hat eine verheerende Umwelt- und Menschenrechtsbilanz für die bisherige Amtszeit von Brasiliens Präsident Jair Bolsonaro gezogen.


Pesticides released into Brazil’s Amazon to degrade rainforest and facilitate deforestation

Chemicals created to kill agricultural pests are being sprayed by aircraft into native forest areas. Glyphosate and 2,4-D, among others, cause the trees to defoliate, and end up weakened or dead in a process that takes months.


Record Floods Stun Brazil’s Northeast, Killing at Least 20

In northeast Brazil, local officials say they have never before seen flooding on this scale. Tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes.


Brazil’s Amazon beef plan will ‘legalise deforestation’ say critics

For many, the overriding image of agriculture in the Amazon is one of environmental destruction. About 80% of deforestation in the region has been attributed to cattle ranching, tainting beef exports.


Waldverlust in Amazonien stark angestiegen

Auf der Klimakonferenz diesen Monat in Glasgow gab Brasilien den Waldschützer. Bis 2028 solle die illegale Abholzung im Amazonas-Gebiet beendet werden, ließ Präsident Jair Bolsonaro verkünden.


Brazil launches first raids against Amazon tree-cutters under Lula’s new government

An agent of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) gets ready before going to an operation to combat of deforestation, in Uruara, Para State, Brazil January 19, 2023. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino