Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



* CLIMATE FINANCE * Behind the billionaire climate tax

One economist explains why taxing the rich and paying the poor actually has a chance of becoming a reality.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Nobel Prize-winning economist calls for climate tax on billionaires

And she called for the money to be sent directly to the world's most climate-vulnerable people.


* ECONOMICS * ‘We’re All Climate Economists Now’

With climate change affecting everything from household finances to electric grids, the profession is increasingly focused on how society can mitigate carbon emissions and cope with their impact.


Mariana Mazzucato – Sie weiss, was es braucht, damit der Klimaschutz funktioniert

Mariana Mazzucato ist überzeugt, dass es ohne wirtschaftliches Wachstum nicht geht. Und sie erklärt, wie Innovation gelingt.


‘We can’t pretend the ecological crisis is separate’: the economist thinking differently about climate breakdown

James Meadway, once a Labour adviser and now a podcast host, says the separation between climate and economy has to end


William Nordhaus Owes Us An Apology

Last week I interviewed actuary Sandy Trust on how the financial system is modelling the risks of climate change all wrong, the difference between scientific assessment and risk assessment, and the fact we face catastrophic risks to our economy and planet if we continue as we are.


* CLIMATE INEQUALITY * Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty

Questions of social and economic class must be at the centre of our response to the climate crisis, to address the huge inequalities between the carbon footprints of the rich and poor and prevent a backlash against climate policies, the economist Thomas Piketty has said.


L’incompétence des économistes en matière de climat dénoncée par l’ONG Finance Watch

Cette ONG parle d'un grave décalage: des raisonnements économiques erronés, un manque de considérations pour la recherche scientifique sur le climat... Dans son rapport, Finance Watch n'y va pas avec le dos de la cuillère. A ses yeux, nous nous dirigeons vers un monde en surchauffe.


Mainstream economists accused of playing down climate threat

Mainstream economics has consistently understated the economic damage of climate change, according to two recent reports. As economic models fail to include tipping points, floods, droughts or indoor work, they hugely underplay the economic damage that global warming will do, the reports argue.


‘Green Growth’ Won’t Prevent Climate Collapse. ‘Degrowth’ Might

In its March report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that there is a “rapidly closing window of opportunity” to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.


How Economics Overpowers Culture | Lisi Krall

“Agriculture severs the ties of humans to the more-than-human world. We're no longer embedded in the rhythm and dynamic of the more-than-human world. 10,000 years ago, homo sapiens began farming a grain surplus.


Jenseits des Wachstums-Dogmas

Die meisten ökonomischen Theorien gehen davon aus, dass es auch in einer sozialen Marktwirtschaft nicht ohne Wachstum geht. Werden Sie am Panel dieser Annahme widersprechen?


White House Aims to Reflect the Environment in Economic Data

Forests that keep hillsides from eroding and clean the air. Wetlands that protect coastal real estate from storm surges. Rivers and deep snows that attract tourists and create jobs in rural areas.


How Scientists From the “Global South” Are Sidelined at the IPCC

When Yamina Saheb started work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2019, she was stunned at the treatment meted out to researchers from the “global south.


Marx dachte ökologisch

Der Wissenschaftler Kohei Saito landete mit einem ökokommunistischen Manifest in Japan einen Bestseller.


The world’s in a ‘polycrisis’ — and these countries want to quash it by looking beyond GDP

LONDON — For a small but growing network of countries, the world's go-to metric of economic health is no longer fit for purpose. Mostly led by women, Finland, Iceland, Scotland, Wales and New Zealand are all members of the Wellbeing Economy Governments partnership.


What ecological economists need to know about the financial sector – Katie Kedward

There’s one huge structural driver of unsustainability that ecological economists rarely talk about, is fiendishly complex, and deliberately opaque in part to avoid accountability. We’re talking about the financial sector.


Herman Daly, 84, Who Challenged the Economic Gospel of Growth, Dies

Perhaps the best-known ecological economist, he faulted his mainstream peers for failing to account for the environmental harm growth can bring.


Dieser Politologe ist gegen CO2-Steuern aber für Subventionen

Herr Meckling, der Krieg in der Ukraine hat auch bei uns zu einer akuten Energiekrise geführt. Sie haben untersucht, wie Länder in der Vergangenheit auf Energieprobleme reagiert haben und wie erfolgreich ihre Strategien waren.


Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board

To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. Economists have been examining the impact of climate change for almost as long as it’s been known to science.


«Notwendig ist ein Fokus auf Gerechtigkeit»

Was bringen CO₂-Steuern und Ausgleichszahlungen zum Schutz der Biodiversität wirklich? Adrienne Buller hat die Rezepte, mit denen der freie Markt die Klimakrise regeln soll, empirisch untersucht.


L’économique et le vivant : Dépasser le stade des croyances pour se confronter aux réalités

Tout le monde semble submergé par la complexité des défis que représente le réchauffement climatique. Je prétends, au contraire, que dès lors qu’on lève le nez du guidon, comme lorsqu’on escalade une montagne, les grandes lignes du paysage se dégagent facilement.


The Way We Talk About Climate Change Is Wrong

Climate activism in the United States and Europe is typically framed as sacrifice for the sake of future generations: We must consume less now to extend the expiration date on human civilization as we know it.


Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. “The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Science”

Roger Pielke, Jr. has been on the faculty of the University of Colorado Boulder since 2001, where he teaches and writes on a diverse range of policy and governance issues related to science, technology, environment, innovation and sports. Roger is a professor in the Environmental Studies Program.


“It’s a Very Western Vision of the World”

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) not only shows that urgent and drastic changes will be necessary to avert even more devastating consequences of global warming than those which are already unavoidable, but also mentions, for the first time, the possibi


* IPCC REPORT * Podcast: Economics, Conflicts of Interest, Media Manipulation & More

The audio companion to Part 1 includes both Joyashree Roy and Julia Steinberger on reducing the demand for fossil fuels, plus a look at conflicts of interest within the IPCC process, and Max Boykoff on the media's role in climate action. Transcript is below as well!


Neue Gradmesser des Fortschritts

Einige Messgrößen, ergänzt um wichtige Warnleuchten, so könnte das Indikatorentableau für die neue Wohlstandsmessung aussehen.