Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



«Nous laissons aux jeunes un monde difficile»

Dans un monde chamboulé par le dérèglement climatique, l'émergence de l’intelligence artificielle et les nouveaux équilibres internationaux qui se dessinent, des collégiens genevois s'interrogent sur leur avenir et sur celui de l'humanité.


Weniger Luftverschmutzung – weniger lungenkranke Kinder

Im Kinderspital Birmingham sank die Zahl der Kinder mit Atemproblemen um einen Fünftel. Das Spital liegt in einer «Clean Air Zone».


Eight times more children will face extreme heatwaves by 2050s, Unicef says

Without action on climate crisis, far greater numbers will also experience floods, wildfires and droughts, according to report


Growing Up in Climate Chaos

When you’re a teenager, everything can feel like a crisis. But for these teenagers living in areas around the world affected by climate change, the sense of growing crisis is real — not in some hazy future but today, disrupting their adolescence in ways both large and small.


To keep its profits, Big Oil stole our future 

Children’s education, and their prospects, are suffering as a result of extreme heat driven by climate change – and dirty energy giants are the culprits


Kids Are Particularly Vulnerable to Extreme Weather. What Are We Doing About It?

A growing body of research shows the hazards of climate change on children’s public health. Many countries’ climate adaptation plans don’t take that into account, experts say.


Yes, you should prepare your kids for climate disasters

The catastrophic effects of climate change can happen anywhere. Here’s how to help your kids cope before, during, and after an emergency.


How to Parent in a World Under Siege?

In her elegant essay collection, “Lessons for Survival,” Emily Raboteau confronts climate collapse, societal breakdown and the Covid pandemic while trying to raise children in a responsible way.


A brave new way to teach kids about climate emotions

You can’t just teach kids the facts about the climate crisis and leave it at that.


More people not having children due to climate breakdown fears, finds research

It was just over a decade ago that Emma Smart and her husband, Andy, first decided they would not have children. Back then, her friends and family did not understand.


Wetterbedingungen – Millionen Minderjährige flüchten vor Extremwetter

Einem UNO-Bericht zufolge mussten zwischen 2016 und 2021 43.1 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche wegen extremen Wetterbedingungen fliehen. In der Zukunft dürften noch mehr Minderjährige betroffen sein. 43.1 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche wurden in den Jahren zwischen 2016 und 2021 vertrieben.


Children Have a Right to Sue Nations Over Climate, U.N. Panel Says

Young people around the world are increasingly taking their governments to court for failing to reduce climate pollution, and on rare occasions, they are winning.


Die Klimakrise im Kinderzimmer. Fünf Ratschläge, wie Eltern mit ihren Kindern übers Klima sprechen können

Katharina van Bronswijk ist Psychologin und Verhaltenstherapeutin für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche. Sie engagiert sich bei Psychologists/Psychotherapists for Future, hält Vorträge und ist Autorin (u.a. 'Klima im Kopf', Oekom 2022).


Protecting Children in a Warming World | Carter Dillard

“Family planning systems around the world weren't based on what children need. They were based on what parents want, and largely because world leaders in the 20th century didn't want to invest in children.


The moral duty we have to kids growing up in the climate crisis

Hi there! Welcome to Gen Dread, a newsletter about how the climate crisis is making us feel, why that’s happening, and what we can do about it. Subscribe now to find community, comfort, and practical coping strategies from experts all around the world.


»’Klimaangst› ist eine rationale Reaktion«

Vor allem Kinder und Jugendliche haben Angst vor der Klimakatastrophe, sagt der Umweltpsychologe Gerhard Reese. Ein Gespräch über die psychischen Folgen der Klimakrise und den möglichen Umgang damit.


Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world

Some “climate anxiety” is the product of telling kids — falsely — that they have no future.


Kinder haben keine sichere Zukunft

Die Pandemie haben wir auf Kosten von Kindern und Jugendlichen bewältigt: geschlossene Schulen, auf Eis gelegte Vereine, fehlende soziale Kontakte. Die starken Eindämmungsmaßnahmen führen dazu, dass Gesundheitsstörungen bei Kindern drastisch zunehmen.


2 million children risk starving to death in Horn of Africa: U.N. aid chief

GENEVA, April 26 (Reuters) - U.N. aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday that close to 2 million children risk starving to death as the Horn of Africa faces one of its worst droughts in decades.


Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey

Climate change has important implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to climate anxiety.


New Research Shows How Health Risks to Children Mount as Temperatures Rise

The first nationwide study on rising temperatures and younger Americans found that hotter days were associated with more visits to emergency rooms.