Résultats de la recherche

Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



* HEAT * We could be heading into the hottest summer of our lives

High temperatures across the US have the potential to increase risks for drought, wildfires, and hurricanes. The United States could be in for another scorcher this summer, per a new study from the National Weather Service (NWS).


The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

Dangerous, polluting SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.


* DÜRRE * Wassermangel auf Hawaii

Hawaii kämpft mit einer Dürre. Das Grundwasser ist verschmutzt, und das wenige Wasser brauchen Hotels für die Touristen. Der Wassermangel hat historische Gründe. Hawaiis Inseln gehören eigentlich zu den niederschlagsreichsten der Erde.


Charge Big Oil with conspiracy, former tobacco prosecutor says

Following the release of new internal documents, Sharon Eubanks told the Senate Budget Committee that there is evidence for a DOJ climate case against Big Oil.


New internal Big Oil documents just dropped

The Senate Budget Committee is officially reviving the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into fossil fueled climate delay.


«La guerre de l’info sur le climat» : sur la piste des climato-dénialistes, de la France aux États-Unis

On compte plus de 40% de climatosceptiques, en France comme aux États-Unis. Cet effarant constat est le point de départ de l’enquête réalisée par les équipes d’AFP Factuel et de «Complément d’enquête», diffusée ce jeudi soir sur France 2.


* ELECTIONS | USA * Al Gore Thinks Trump Will Lose and Climate Activists Will Triumph

Mr. Gore spoke at a climate leadership conference hosted by his nonprofit organization.


* METHANE * US landfills emit far more methane than previously known

Aerial monitoring finds they emit methane at levels at least 40 percent higher than previously reported to the EPA.


U.S. Steel Is Trying Carbon Capture. Experts Aren’t Impressed.

It’s the first project to turn steel-related emissions into products. But can it scale?


Biden sets out to supercharge industrial decarbonization

A conversation with Rebecca Dell of ClimateWorks and Evan Gillespie of Industrious Labs.


Companies Are Poised to Inject Millions of Tons of Carbon Underground. Will It Stay Put?

A new report highlights the risk 120,000 abandoned oil and gas wells pose to carbon dioxide storage in Louisiana, home to more proposals to pump the greenhouse gas underground than any other state.


* USA * “Trump würde diesmal womöglich aus der Klimakonvention austreten”

Biden wie Trump rechnen nicht damit, dass im Wahlkampf viele Stimmen mit Klimapolitik zu holen sind, sagt die Grünen-Abgeordnete Lisa Badum nach einer USA-Reise. Gewinnt Trump, könnten die USA nicht nur das Paris-Abkommen, sondern auch die Klimarahmenkonvention verlassen.


* CARS | USA * Biden Administration Announces Rule Aimed at Expanding Electric Vehicles

The regulation would require automakers to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids by gradually tightening limits on tailpipe pollution.


* USA * Milliardär will neue Gas- und Ölförderung verhindern

Zuerst ging er gegen die Kohle vor, jetzt gegen Hersteller von Plastik und Düngemittel. Denn die Klimakrise bedrohe die Menschheit.


California Votes to Consider Health and Environment in Future Energy Planning

State regulators approved a plan to determine how to weigh “non-energy benefits” in decisions about energy resources, as the state pursues 100 percent zero-carbon electricity by 2045.


Under Biden, US oil production is as high as it’s ever been

Biden is not “waging war” on American energy. He’s boosting it.


Coming Soon to Manhattan, a Brand-New Tiny Forest

Pocket-size forests filled with native plants have been embraced worldwide for their environmental benefits. Now one is planned for New York City.


New Data Details the Risk of Sea-Level Rise for U.S. Coastal Cities

A new study of sinking and rising land along American coasts offers a more specific understanding of potential flooding in 32 coastal cities.


Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world?

Biden needs to decide if he likes the climate more than he hates China.


Trump election win could add 4bn tonnes to US emissions by 2030

A victory for Donald Trump in November’s presidential election could lead to an additional 4bn tonnes of US emissions by 2030 compared with Joe Biden’s plans, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.


In Chicago, It’s Summer in February

An unseasonably warm winter peaked on Tuesday with melting ice rinks and 70-degree weather. Temperatures will plummet from there, but even so, this winter without winter has left some people rattled.


Populism imperilling global fight against climate breakdown, says John Kerry

US climate chief hits out at ‘disinformation’ being used as tactic by special interests to delay action


U.S. Seeks to Boost Nuclear Power After Decades of Inertia

Measures moving through Congress to encourage new reactors are receiving broad bipartisan support, as lawmakers embrace a once-contentious technology.


A Carbon Tax Is Back on the Table

The Trump tax cuts expire in 2025, which means things are about the get wacky in Washington.


Ski resorts’ era of plentiful snow may be over due to climate crisis, study finds

US ski industry is losing billions as average season has become five to seven days shorter in past half century


US-Ölkonzerne investieren Milliarden in Fracking

Das Ende des fossilen Zeitalters ist absehbar, wenn eine Klimakatastrophe verhindert werden soll. Trotzdem investieren US-Ölkonzerne Milliarden in die Übernahme kleinerer Konkurrenten. Das ist nur auf den ersten Blick ein Widerspruch.


Bei E-Autos auf der Bremse

US-Präsident Joe Biden gibt der Autoindustrie mehr Zeit für die Abkehr vom Verbrennungsmotor. Das hatte auch die Gewerkschaft der Autoarbeiter gefordert, die traditionell die Demokraten unterstützt.


* REFORESTATION * Trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds

Vast reforestation a major reason for ‘warming hole’ across parts of US where temperatures have flatlined or cooled


Another Climate Impact Hits the Public’s Radar: A Wetter World Is Mudslide City

L.A. saw 592 slides in one week, a reminder that excessive precipitation events set off more than flooding.


Atmospheric Rivers in California Create a Perfect Storm of Public Health Risks

A cycle of drought and flooding in California is driving higher cases of Valley fever, along with other diseases, research shows.


* USA * Trumps langer Schatten

Die Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA ist auch eine Klimawahl. Es droht ein erneutes Rollback.


A century of reforestation helped keep the eastern US cool

Widespread 20th-century reforestation in the eastern United States helped counter rising temperatures due to climate change, according to new research. The authors highlight the potential of forests as regional climate adaptation tools, which are needed along with a decrease in carbon emissions.


More Wall Street Firms Are Flip-Flopping on Climate. Here’s Why.

Financial giants were already trimming their climate pledges amid Republican attacks. Then came concerns about legal risks.


* USA * Republican Attacks on Biden’s Climate Law Raise Concerns Ahead of Election

Executives of companies with clean energy projects are facing questions about the potential for a rollback of the law and its incentives if a Republican wins.


Chicago Sues 5 Oil Companies, Accusing Them of Climate Change Destruction, Fraud

The suit says BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and Shell have hurt the city by discrediting science even as their products lead to “catastrophic consequences,” including strong storms, flooding, severe heat and shoreline erosion.


Nearly 15% of Americans don’t believe climate change is real, study finds

Denialism highest in central and southern US, with Republican voters less likely to believe in climate science


* GAS * What does Biden’s LNG ‘pause’ mean for global emissions?

In a surprise move, US president Joe Biden has announced a “temporary pause” on liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal expansion.


* CALIFORNIA * Las Tormentas: L.A. County Meets a Next-Level Atmospheric River

Angelenos endure deluge and mudslides from a deep-tropic system that stayed put for days


* TRUMP * ‘In a word, horrific’: Trump’s extreme anti-environment blueprint

Allies and advisers have hinted at a more methodical second term: driving forward fossil fuel production, sidelining scientists and overturning rules


* CALIFORNIE * Des trombes d’eau s’abattent sur la Californie, faisant au moins trois morts

Des trombes d'eau accompagnées de vents cinglants continuent de s'abattre sur le sud de la Californie mardi, provoquant d'importantes inondations et des glissements de terrain. Au moins trois personnes ont perdu la vie et des centaines de milliers de foyers ont été privés d'électricité.


Enshrining the Rights of Nature in Washington’s Constitution | Chaytan Inman

If they won’t get it done, then we’ll do it ourselves. Chaytan Inman is uninspired by politics.


Biden misses chance to tackle “huge” US landfill emissions

As satellites reveal huge methane leaks from landfills across the USA, the Biden Administration has run out of time to tackle them before November’s election. When garbage is taken to a landfill, bacteria decompose it and produce methane as a by-product.


The Changing Focus of Climate Denial: From Science to Scientists

The scientist Michael Mann is challenging attacks on his work in a defamation suit that’s taken 12 years to come to trial.


Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they’re being built

Across America’s power grid, there’s a growing gap between what we need and what we’ll allow.


* GAS * How the U.S. Became the World’s Biggest Gas Supplier

In just eight years, the United States has rocketed from barely selling any gas overseas to becoming the world’s No. 1 supplier.


* GAS * Understanding Biden’s LNG decision

There's a lot of politically-motivated misinformation floating around about it. Here's what's really happening.


* CP2 LNG TERMINAL * White House Said to Delay Decision on Enormous Natural Gas Export Terminal

Before deciding whether to approve it, the Energy Department will analyze the climate impacts of CP2, one of 17 proposed LNG export terminals.


Utility Must Pay $85 Million to People Affected by Oregon Wildfires, Jury Rules

The verdict is the latest legal development against PacifiCorp, which was found liable for damages for not cutting power to its customers during the devastating wildfires.


* CP2 LNG TERMINAL * US government pauses new gas export terminals in ‘historic win’ for climate

The Biden administration is freezing approvals of new LNG export permits as climate considerations take centre stage.


* CP2 LNG TERMINAL * Don’t Be Fooled By Biden’s Gas U-Turn

Last week, the Biden administration announced it is pausing export approvals for Liquified Natural Gas (LNG).


Trotz LNG-Stopp in den USA: Weltweit kaum „Abkehr von Fossilen“

Die Klimabewegung sieht die Suspendierung von neuen LNG-Projekten in den USA als Zeichen, dass der „Übergang weg von den Fossilen“, der bei der COP28 beschlossen wurde, im Gange ist. Doch die weltweiten Pläne zum Ausbau von Öl und Gas sehen anders aus.


* TRUMP * IRA, Deregulierung, EPA-Entmachtung – so radikal würde Trump die Klimapolitik ändern

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Michael Mann’s Defamation Case Against Deniers Finally Reaches Trial

After a 12-year journey through the courts, the climate scientist behind the ‘Hockey Stick’ graph tells a jury that bloggers sullied his name with a crass comparison.


* USA PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN * “Wir werden bohren, Baby”

Für das Klima scheint es fast egal, ob bei den US-Republikanern Donald Trump oder seine verbliebene Konkurrentin Nikki Haley das Rennen um die Präsidentschaftskandidatur machen. Beide wollen wieder zurück zu einer fossilen Agenda.


* PRÉSIDENTIELLES AUX USA * Trump parviendra-t-il à enterrer le climat une deuxième fois?

Donald Trump n’a qu’une politique en matière d'énergie: miser sur les fossiles, tout en travaillant activement à enterrer la question du réchauffement climatique dans l'opinion. Mais les Etats-Unis sont bien plus avancés sur le chemin de la transition énergétique que lors de son premier mandat. A-t-il encore une capacité de nuisance sur ces sujets?


* CLIMATE DIPLOMACY * Veteran US and Chinese climate envoys step down

Xie Zhenhua has stepped down and John Kerry has announced he will do the same in a few months time


American Petroleum Institute Plans Election-Year Blitz in the Face of Climate Policy Pressure

The massive oil industry group will take on Biden policies, argue for fossil fuel expansion as part of the greenhouse gas solution.


First Uranium Mines to Dig in the US in Eight Years Begin Operations Near Grand Canyon

The push for more nuclear energy and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spiked uranium prices, leading mines for the element to begin operating again in the U.S. despite long-term environmental and health impacts.


Conservative Justices Appear Skeptical of Agencies’ Regulatory Power

The Supreme Court considered whether to overrule the seminal 1984 Chevron decision, which requires judges to defer to agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous statutes.


* REVIEW 2023 * U.S. Hit by Record Number of High-Cost Disasters in 2023

There were 28 storms, wildfires or other disasters that each cost at least one billion dollars in damages, a sign of the growing economic burden of climate change.


As Utility Bills Rise, Low-Income Americans Struggle for Access to Clean Energy

Cindy Camp is one of many Americans facing rising utility costs. Ms. Camp, who lives in Baltimore with three family members, said her gas and electric bills kept “going up and up” — reaching as high as $900 a month.


Steigender Meeresspiegel – Grosse Teile der US-Ostküste sinken «langsam, aber sicher» ab

Jahr für Jahr steigt der Meeresspiegel und erhöht weltweit für Küstenregionen und ihre Bewohner die Gefährdung durch Überschwemmungen. Nun zeigt eine Studie, dass gleichzeitig entlang der US-amerikanischen Ostküste grosse Landstriche absinken – zum Teil deutlich.


USA: Millionen flüchten vor Folgen des Klimawandels

Immer mehr Menschen verlassen in den USA ihr Zuhause wegen steigender Überschwemmungsgefahr, zeigt eine neue Untersuchung. Selbst Städte wie Miami und Washington sind davon betroffen.


The U.S. Is Producing More Oil Than Ever. Why?

The politics of solving climate change may, paradoxically, require pumping more fossil fuels for a while. If all goes well, 2023 will be remembered as the year the clean-energy revolution took off in America. Hundreds of billions of dollars in climate-related spending flowed into the U.S. economy.


Flooding drives millions to move as climate-driven migration patterns emerge

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Flooding is driving millions of people to move out of their homes, limiting growth in some prospering communities and accelerating the decline of others, according to a new study that details how climate change and flooding are transforming where Americans live.


Reuters, New York Times Top List of Fossil Fuel Industry’s Media Enablers

Darren Woods, the CEO of Exxon, celebrates the potential of carbon capture to dramatically reduce global emissions. According to Saudi Aramco’s podcast, the fossil fuel industry is innovating new climate solutions, and BP’s podcast proclaims more of the same.


Die Bewohner der versinkenden Insel Tangier bestreiten Klimawandel

Tangier Island im amerikanischen Virginia geht unter. Für Umweltschützer ist sie ein warnendes Exempel. Die Bewohner selbst – überwiegend Trump-Wähler – glauben allerdings nicht an den steigenden Meeresspiegel und den Klimawandel.


Biden’s Fossil Fuel Fail: How U.S. Oil & Gas Supply Rises under the Inflation Reduction Act

Download the full report. A new report, “Biden’s Fossil Fuel Fail: How U.S.


They Fled Climate Chaos. Asylum Law Made Decades Ago Might Not Help

First came the hurricanes — two storms, two weeks apart in 2020 — that devastated Honduras and left the country’s most vulnerable in dire need. In distant villages inhabited by Indigenous people known as the Miskito, homes were leveled and growing fields were ravaged.


* COP28 | GREEN CLIMATE FUND * US tees up Congress battle with $3bn Green Climate Fund pledge

The US has promised $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), for reducing emissions and adapting to climate change in developing countries.


* COP28 | FOSSIL FUELS PHASEOUT * The EU Parliament Calls For Fossil Fuel Phase Out Ahead of COP28

The resolution outlines the position of elected European Union lawmakers going into COP28 and could help ensure that negotiators focus on a phaseout at the negotiations beginning Nov.


* COP28 | USA * US-Präsident schwänzt Klimakonferenz: Joe Biden stellt den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel in den Hintergrund

Der amerikanische Präsident hat gewichtige Gründe, warum er dieses Jahr nicht zum jährlichen Klimagipfel der Uno in Dubai reist. Joe Biden will in den nächsten Wochen unbedingt ein Hilfspaket für 106 Milliarden Dollar für die Ukraine und Israel durch den Kongress bringen.


* COP28 | USA * Halten die notorischen Klimasünder ihre Versprechen?

USA geloben Besserung Halten die notorischen Klimasünder ihre Versprechen? Ohne die USA und China geht nichts an der nächsten Klimakonferenz Ende Monat in Dubai: Die Amerikaner sind für 11 Prozent der Treibhausgase verantwortlich, die Chinesen für 29 Prozent.


Betting on climate disaster. The possible futures of the (US) oil and gas industry.

In the last few years, the energy transition has moved from being a wished-for hypothetical to becoming a large-scale global trend. As this happens, it shakes up our understanding of the future. Some analysts are tempted, already, to define our situation as “mid-transition”.


What Endures After a Climate Activist’s Suicide: Grief, Anger and Hope

They were walking up Ninth Street in Park Slope as they often did after work, each man a movie unto himself: one a crusading L.G.B.T.Q. rights attorney who quit the law to shovel dirt, the other a young man from the projects who became his most brilliant protégé.


Der Meeresspiegel steigt und steigt: Zwei Regionen stehen im Fokus

Der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels ist für die wenigsten Politiker ein Thema, das ihnen unter den Nägeln brennt. Doch berechnet man den Durchschnitt aller Pegel weltweit, zeigt sich klar: Der mittlere Wasserstand ist fast ununterbrochen gestiegen.


Klimakiller Methan – Klimafreundlich? Import-Erdgas ist schädlicher als Kohle

Der Export von Erdgas ist für spezialisierte US-Konzerne wie Cheniere ein goldenes Geschäft geworden. Die Preise in Europa sind fünf- bis sechsmal höher als in den USA. Sie werden zusätzlich angetrieben durch das nach der Ukraine-Invasion verhängte Embargo gegen Russland.


* COP28 * After a Last-Minute Challenge to New Loss and Damage Deal, U.S. Joins Global Consensus Ahead of COP28

Despite some last-minute wavering over specific words and the placement of commas in a key document, a State Department official said on Wednesday that the U.S.


Bernie Sanders – why do people have the right to be angry?

Nach drei Staffeln heißt es: Bühne frei für unseren ersten Gast aus der Politik. Seit über 40 Jahren kämpft Bernie Sanders für progressive Veränderungen in den USA – erst als Bürgermeister, später als Abgeordneter und zweifacher Präsidentschaftskandidat.


* COP28 * The US and China’s resurgent climate cooperation is a big deal

After a tense year, the steady defrost in the US-China relationship and the expected face-to-face meeting of President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping next week in San Francisco offers tantalising hope on climate action.


In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air

In an open-air warehouse in California’s Central Valley, 40-foot-tall racks hold hundreds of trays filled with a white powder that turns crusty as it absorbs carbon dioxide from the sky.


An insider’s view of the Biden years in clean energy policy

Before I get to today’s pod, a quick note-slash-apology. Last week, in my crossover episode with the Catalyst pod, I was bantering with Shayle Kann and made a clumsy attempt at a joke, referring to our audiences as “handsome and virile.”


Biden Administration, After Setbacks, Talks Up Renewable Power Gains

The Biden administration announced on Monday progress on 15 large renewable energy projects, an apparent effort to project confidence in an industry that is facing steep challenges.


Lavish Tax Credits and Trade Protections Lure Solar Firms to U.S.

Six years ago, an executive from Suniva, a bankrupt solar panel manufacturer, warned a packed hearing room in Washington that competition from companies in China and Southeast Asia was causing a “blood bath” in his industry. More than 30 U.S.


A Smoking Gun for Biden’s Big Climate Decision?

The Biden Administration faces one of its most profound climate choices this autumn: Should it continue to allow the expansion of liquefied-natural-gas exports, or should it halt the rapid buildout of this industry at least until it can come up with new guidelines? The stakes are enormous—the buil


How serious a threat does climate change pose to the United States? (August 2023)

The Texas Politics Project just released the results of a March poll developed in conjunction with a team of researchers at the UT Energy Institute that asked dozens of questions about Texans’ experience during the winter storm, their attitudes toward causes and consequences of the storm, their vi


Republicans’ climate stance sets up new 2024 election frontline

Subscribe to the FT for a global perspective on US politics, business and beyond.


Scientists will unleash an army of crabs to help save Florida’s dying reef

Not all heroes wear capes. Some are crabs. With giant pincers and rough, spider-like legs, Caribbean king crabs don’t look like your typical heroes. Yet these crustaceans may be key to solving one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems: the decline of coral reefs.


New House Speaker Champions Fossil Fuels and Dismisses Climate Concerns

Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana, the newly elected House speaker, has questioned climate science, opposed clean energy and received more campaign contributions from oil and gas companies than from any other industry last year.


For Many in Wyoming, a Biden Plan to Protect Land Is Beyond Unpopular

Of all of the efforts by the Biden administration to protect environmentally fragile lands, few have generated as much vitriol as a proposal that would block oil and gas drilling on 1.6 million acres of high desert sagebrush steppe in Wyoming.


Biden Administration Approves Biggest Offshore Wind Farm Yet, in Virginia

The Interior Department on Tuesday approved a plan to install up to 176 giant wind turbines off the coast of Virginia, clearing the way for what would be the nation’s largest offshore wind farm yet.


Solar+food in ethanol fields could fully power the United States

Converting the nation’s 40 million acres of ethanol corn farms into solar-plus-food facilities would generate 1.5 times our nation’s electricity needs, while also powering a 100% electrified passenger vehicle fleet.


What happens if you force companies to reveal how much they contribute to climate change?

California wants to find out. If you order a company to reveal how much it pollutes, would it clean up its act? And if a business has to chalk out all the ways extreme weather and rising sea levels hurt its bottom line, will that force it to better prepare?


Why Biden’s multibillion-dollar bet on hydrogen energy is such a big deal

Clean hydrogen can be a lot dirtier than it seems, especially when the fossil fuel industry gets involved.


U.S. Scales Back Hopes for Ambitious Climate Trade Deal With Europe

For the past two years, the United States and the European Union have been working toward a deal that would encourage trade in steel and aluminum made in more environmentally friendly ways to combat climate change.


Video: See Flooding in Some of the Hardest-Hit Areas of New York

Pouring rain hit New York City and the surrounding region on Friday, causing flash floods and crippling the city’s vast subway system. Water rushed over major roadways, completely submerging cars in some areas. In schools, children were rushed to upper floors.


Why Summers May Never Be the Same

In the summer of 2023, no matter where you lived, it was difficult to ignore how our shifting climate has upended many rites of the season. Few parts of the country were spared. Children at summer camps stayed inside. People worked and played outside late at night.