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Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



* CHINA * »China will zunächst einen funktionierenden CO₂-Markt etablieren«

Wie China sein Erfassungs- und Bilanzierungssystem für Treibhausgas-Emissionen aufbaut, erläutert Janz Chiang, Klimapolitik-Analyst in Peking. Das Land erwartet, dass die EU künftig die chinesische Bilanzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks ebenso wie Chinas Emissionshandelssystem anerkennt. Teil 4 der Serie.


Driven by China, Coal Plants Made a Comeback in 2023

The country, along with India, is still building power stations that run on coal. Elsewhere, retirements of older plants have slowed.


Chinas Industriepolitik treibt globale Energiewende an

In Brüssel und Washington geht die Angst vor einer China-Exportwelle um. Bei Solarmodulen und Batterien hat das Land riesige Überkapazitäten. Für kleinere Entwicklungsländer sind die billigen Produkte aber ein Segen – so wie fürs Klima.


What does China’s ‘two sessions’ mean for climate policy in 2024?

China’s annual lianghui (两会) – also known as the “two sessions” – ended on 11 March, drawing the curtain on a key political event that saw limited climate targets set for 2024.


How China Came to Dominate the World in Solar Energy

Beijing is set to further increase its manufacturing and installation of solar panels as it seeks to master global markets and wean itself from imports.


Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world?

Biden needs to decide if he likes the climate more than he hates China.


China steps away from 2025 energy efficiency goal

The government aims to cut the amount of energy needed for its economic growth by 2.5% in 2024, putting it far off track for a key five-year climate target


“China hat erhebliche Fortschritte im Umweltrecht gemacht”

In China kann die Durchsetzung von Umweltgesetzen sehr effizient funktionieren, sagt Liu Mengxing vom Client-Earth-Büro in Peking. Die internationale Umweltrechts-Organisation arbeitet dort mit der Regierung und dem Oberstem Gericht zusammen. Teil 3 der Serie.


China’s Electric Vehicles Are Going to Hit Detroit Like a Wrecking Ball

It happened very quickly, so fast that you might not have noticed it. Over the past few months, America’s Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, the oddly named company that owns Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep — landed in big trouble.


Chinas Emissionshandel trotz verschärfter Regeln in der Kritik

China will den nationalen Emissionshandel stabiler machen und Betrug vorbeugen. Erstmals wird auch der Flugverkehr angehalten, sich auf Ausweitung auf den Sektor vorzubereiten. Doch Analysten üben weiter Kritik.


“Die Debatte um Chinas Klimapolitik wird zu ideologisch geführt”

Wegen der EU- und US-Wahlen gibt es 2024 nur ein kurzes Zeitfenster für globale Klima-Fortschritte, sagt Li Shuo, Direktor des neuen "China Climate Hub" der Asia Society in Washington. Gleichzeitig müsse mehrere Jahre vorausgedacht werden. Teil 2 der Serie.


Le secteur des énergies renouvelables explose en Chine

Les énergies renouvelables ont été la locomotive de la croissance chinoise l’an dernier. Selon une récente étude, les industries liées aux énergies propres ont considérablement stimulé l’économie en 2023


Clean energy was top driver of China’s economic growth in 2023

Clean energy contributed a record 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to China’s economy in 2023, accounting for all of the growth in investment and a larger share of economic growth than any other sector.


China announces plans to manage electric vehicles power demand

The government will consider incentives to charge electric vehicles at off-peak hours and to let vehicles sell their electricity to the grid


China’s BYD overtakes Tesla as top-selling electric car seller

Build Your Dreams outsells rival in final quarter of 2023 figures for battery-only vehicles


The Carbon Brief Profile: China

As part of a series on how key emitters are responding to climate change, Carbon Brief looks at China, which leads the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and coal use – but also on the deployment and manufacture of low-carbon technologies.


Growth of Chinese fossil CO2 emissions drives new global record in 2023

Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and cement have increased by 1.1% in 2023, hitting a new record high of 36.8bn tonnes of CO2 (GtCO2), according to the 2023 Global Carbon Budget report by the Global Carbon Project.


Is China Emitting a Climate Super Pollutant in Violation of an International Environmental Agreement?

Skip to content Politics & Policy Is China Emitting a Climate Super Pollutant in Violation of an International Environmental Agreement? Concentrations of HFC-23, one of the world’s most potent greenhouse gases, remained elevated in East Asia after China, a known past polluter, agreed to curb emiss


What does China’s new methane plan mean for its climate goals?

Earlier this month, China published its long-awaited plan to reduce methane emissions. The document is seen as an important step for China, which is the world’s largest emitter of methane.


* PEAK EMISSIONS * China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy

By , lead analyst at Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) covering air quality and energy trends in China.


Energiepolitik China kippt – in die richtige Richtung

Die besten Nachrichten dieser Woche sind wieder einmal fast übersehen worden: Chinas CO₂-Emissionen werden voraussichtlich schon 2024 sinken. Und das ist nicht alles, wie Xi Jinpings Besuch in den USA zeigte.


China’s carbon emissions set for structural decline from next year

China’s carbon emissions could peak this year before falling into a structural decline for the first time from next year after a record surge in clean energy investments, according to research.


China Is Winning in Solar Power, but Its Coal Use Is Raising Alarms

China is installing about as many solar panels and wind turbines as the rest of the world combined, and is on track to meet its target for clean energy six years early. It is using renewables to meet nearly all of the growth in its electricity needs.


How China is designing flood-resistant cities

It’s time to redesign cities for climate change. From rising sea levels in Mumbai to unbearable heat in Houston, cities around the world are feeling the effects of climate change.


How will the next decade of China’s ‘belt and road initiative’ impact climate action?

Later this month, China will mark the 10th anniversary of the “belt and road initiative” (BRI), its global infrastructure project, at a major international conference in Beijing.


* UN CLIMATE AMBITION SUMMIT * China opposes ‘not realistic’ global fossil fuel phase-out

China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said today that a global fossil fuel phase-out is unrealistic, dampening hopes that such an aim could be agreed at the Cop28 climate talks.


Solarpanels in der Wüste – Chinas Energiewende ist schnell – und rücksichtslos

Die Kubuqi-Wüste in der Inneren Mongolei: Sand und Dünen, so weit das Auge reicht. Ein scharfer Wind treibt die Sandkörner vor sich her. Plötzlich fängt es an zu dröhnen, der Boden zittert. Ein Bagger rammt eine Betonsäule in den Sand. Ratatata.


Chinas Solarhersteller fluten den Markt in Europa mit Billigpanels

In der europäischen Solarindustrie macht sich Panik breit. Der Markt werde von billigen chinesischen Importen geflutet, was europäische Anbieter in den Ruin treibe, heisst es in einer Stellungnahme, die diese Woche bei der EU-Kommission deponiert wurde.


Ackerflächen statt Wälder: Damit China autarker wird, macht es Umweltprogramme rückgängig

Die Wüste nördlich der Industriestadt Baotou in der Inneren Mongolei erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 150 mal 90 Kilometer – gelbbrauner Sand, so weit das Auge reicht.


China Is Flooding the World With Cars

At a time when many of China’s exports are faltering and its consumers are spending less at home, the country is flooding the world with cars.


China continues coal spree despite climate goals

China is approving new coal power projects at the equivalent of two plants every week, a rate energy watchdogs say is unsustainable if the country hopes to achieve its energy targets.


China plans to recycle solar panels and wind turbines

China, the world’s biggest renewable equipment manufacturer, will set up a recycling system for ageing wind turbines and solar panels as it tries to tackle the growing volumes of waste generated by the industry, the state planner said.


Devastating floods test China’s ‘sponge cities’

Recent devastating floods in Beijing have put China’s drive to create “sponge cities” which can handle extreme rain to the test.


* FLOODING & EXTREME WEATHER * China floods hit rice, corn crops; trigger food inflation worries

SINGAPORE/BEIJING, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Floods have damaged corn and rice crops in China's key northern grain-producing belt, traders and analysts said, with more rain in the forecast as another typhoon approaches, threatening to add to global food inflation pressures.


* FOSSILENERGIE * China’s July coal imports surge as heatwaves drive power use

Aug 8 (Reuters) - China's coal imports remained at elevated levels in July after overseas purchases nearly doubled in the first half of 2023, as utilities continued to bring in cheaper supplies to meet peak summer power demand, data showed on Tuesday. The world's top coal consumer imported 39.


China will Wind- und Solarkapazität in drei Jahren verdoppeln

Als zweitgrösste Volkswirtschaft der Welt ist China der weltweit grösste Energieverbraucher und der grösste Emittent von Treibhausgasen. Aber China ist auch der grösste und am schnellsten wachsende Produzent erneuerbarer Energien weltweit.


* HEAT * Why Heat Waves Are Deepening China’s Addiction to Coal

China has an answer to the heat waves now affecting much of the Northern Hemisphere: burn more coal to maintain a stable electricity supply for air-conditioning.


China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

China is shoring up its position as the world leader in renewable power and potentially outpacing its own ambitious energy targets, a report has found.


* HEAT * Misting fans and cooling canal swims: China’s north bakes in record heatwave – in pictures

Residents seek respite from the heat as temperatures above 40C (104F) have been recorded for a third consecutive day in Beijing for the first time


China’s green power surge offers hope on warming

Wind and solar power are booming in China and may help limit global carbon emissions far faster than expected, according to a new study. Solar panel installations alone are growing at a pace that would increase global capacity by 85% by 2025.

Confusion surrounds China’s pledged climate finance towards the Global South

In 2015, China’s President Xi Jinping announced the fund during a state visit to the USA, months before unprecedented US-Chinese climate cooperation helped the world agree to the Paris agreement.


China’s CO2 emissions hit Q1 record high after 4% rise in early 2023

Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) covering air quality and energy trends in China. Qi Qin, China analyst at CREA.


Die Welt steigt aus der Kohle aus – außer China

Außer in China beschleunigt sich der Kohleausstieg. Das zeigen zwei neue Entwicklungen aus dieser Woche. Zum einen sieht der neueste Entwurf für Indiens Strompolitik nicht länger den Bau von neuen Kohlekraftwerken vor. In dem Land sind Kohlemeiler mit einer Kapazität von 234.


Can the World Make an Electric Car Battery Without China?

Can the World Make An Electric Car Battery Without China? It is one of the defining competitions of our age: The countries that can make batteries for electric cars will reap decades of economic and geopolitical advantages.


China and Brazil to cooperate in stopping illegal trade fueling deforestation

China and Brazil announced this Friday a new collaborative effort to eliminate deforestation and control illegal trade causing forest loss.


Chinese coal boom a ‘direct threat’ to 1.5C goal, analysts warn

A boom in China’s coal power generation is derailing global efforts to limit global heating to 1.5C, analysts have warned. Concerns were raised because Beijing rapidly accelerated plans for new coal power plants in the second half of last year in a bid to increase its energy security.


China: What the world’s largest food system means for climate change

China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of food. In 2019, China’s giant food system produced 1.9bn tonnes of CO2 equivalent – around the same as the total annual emissions of Russia, the world’s fourth largest polluter.


China warns of more floods and heatwaves in 2023

China’s weather agency warned regional authorities to prepare for more extreme weather this year after record-breaking temperatures and a lengthy drought played havoc with the country’s power supplies and disrupted harvests last summer.


Thirteen critical questions for international climate action in 2023

Last year was shaped by events that barely anyone predicted – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, horrendous floods in Pakistan and a hard-fought breakthrough on finance for victims of climate disaster.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Who should pay for loss and damage? Spoiler: not China

At this month’s UN climate summit, rich countries agreed to set up a dedicated fund to address the loss and damage caused by climate disasters, after years of blocking. This was a big breakthrough, but it came with a catch: they want to expand the donor pool.


* COP27 – CHINA * Wie China die Klimadebatte sabotiert

Beim Klimagipfel in Sharm al-Sheikh kann sich China vor Verbündeten ausnahmsweise kaum retten. Klimaschützer applaudieren, denn China stellt sich mit aller Kraft auf die Seite der Entwicklungsländer.


Globales Problem in 12 Grafiken  – Kohle macht China zum Klimakiller

Mehr als 150 Millionen Menschen leben in niedrig gelegenen chinesischen Küstenregionen. Überschwemmungen aufgrund des Meeresspiegelanstiegs würden weit mehr Kosten verursachen als in anderen Ländern.


China Is Burning More Coal, a Growing Climate Challenge

China is poised to take advantage of the global urgency to tackle climate change. It is the world’s dominant manufacturer and user of solar panels and wind turbines. It leads the world in producing energy from hydroelectric dams and is building more nuclear power plants than any other country.


Climate change has come for the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter

China’s catastrophic summer shows its climate adaptation plans still have a long way to go. China just finished one of its most disastrous summers on record, with record-breaking heat, drought, and wildfires leading to water shortages even into the fall.


Hitzerekorde in China waren schlimmer als die Lockdowns

China erlebte im August die schlimmste Hitzewelle seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahr 1961, dazu kam eine aussergewöhnliche Trockenheit. Immer wieder stiegen die Temperaturen auf über 40 Grad. Selbst der mächtige Fluss Jangtse war deutlich geschrumpft.


* HEAT & DROUGHT * China hit by longest and strongest heatwave on record

China has suffered its most intense and sustained heatwave on record this summer, causing wildfires, power outages and crop failures. The heatwave across much of northwest, central and southeast China has lasted 72 days and counting. The previous record set in 2013 was 62 days.


En Chine, après les pénuries d’électricité dues au climat, le retour du charbon?

Cela fait plusieurs mois déjà que les problèmes d’alimentation en électricité perturbent l’économie chinoise: en juin et septembre de l’année dernière, les coupures avaient particulièrement affecté le Guangdong, la province la plus riche de Chine, notamment en raison, déjà, de la c


* HITZE & DÜRRE * Auch in China herrscht Dürre

Kein Wasser im Poyang-See: Durch den größten Süßwassersee Chinas fließt normalerweise ein Jangtse-Nebenfluss. (Foto: Humphery/​Shutterstock) Die gesamte Nordhalbkugel der Erde leidet derzeit unter Dürre. Nicht nur in Europa, auch in den USA und China bleibt der Regen aus.


* HEAT & DROUGHT * China deploys cloud-seeding planes and cuts electricity use as record heatwave takes toll

China is scrambling to alleviate power shortages and bring more water to the drought-hit basin of the Yangtze river as it battles a record-breaking heatwave by seeding clouds, deploying relief funds and developing new sources of supply.


* HITZE & DÜRRE * Zwischen Hitze und Unwetter – Extremes Wetter legt China lahm

Die Hitzewelle in China bringt selbst US-Unternehmer Elon Musk ins Schwitzen. Im Onlinedienst Weibo erregte ein Brief der Shanghaier Behörden an die Kollegen in der Provinz Sichuan Aufsehen.


* HEAT & DROUGHT * China: Millions hit by power cuts amid heatwave

Millions of residents in China's south-western Sichuan province have been hit with rolling power cuts amid a severe heatwave and drought. In the city of Dazhou, home to some 5.4 million people, blackouts are lasting up to three hours, local media report.


* VAGUES DE CHALEUR * En Chine, entre vagues de chaleur de plus en plus sévères et inondations monstres

La tradition chinoise est riche d’enseignements: chaque année, après le solstice d’été vient la période la plus chaude de l’année, aussi appelée sanfutian et qui apparaît déjà dans le Livre des mutations.


* CANICULE * Face à la canicule, des millions de Chinois priés de rester chez eux

Des vagues de chaleur extrêmes, parfois mortelles, ont touché différents endroits de la planète ces derniers mois, comme l'Europe occidentale en juillet et l'Inde en mars-avril.


Chinese court rules bitcoin mining harms the climate

A judge in Beijing quashed a bitcoin contract on the basis it was not in the public interest, citing incompatibility with China’s carbon neutrality goal A Chinese court has quashed a cryptocurrency mining contract on the grounds that the emissions it generates accelerate climate change.


China’s ambitious rooftop solar pilot helps drive ‘blistering’ capacity growth

A major push to install rooftop solar panels on Chinese buildings is putting the nation on track for another record-setting year on renewable energy.


Will China’s new renewable energy plan lead to an early emissions peak?

China released its 14th five-year plan (FYP) for renewable energy on 1 June, outlining the country’s renewable energy roadmap for the five years 2021-2025. This is the first sub-sector plan issued since the 14FYP for a modern energy system, published earlier this year.


Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China

Parts of the east and south withered under extreme temperatures, even as health workers in hazmat suits persisted in a round of mandatory coronavirus tests.


Extreme Weather Hits China With Massive Floods and Scorching Heat

June 23, 2022, 2:15 a.m. ETJune 23, 2022, 2:15 a.m. ETVideoWater levels in more than a hundred rivers across China have surged beyond flood warning levels, submerging homes, closing businesses and disrupting the lives of almost half a million people.CreditCredit...


Analysis: China’s CO2 emissions see longest sustained drop in a decade

Lauri Myllyvirta, analyst at Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air covering air quality and energy trends in China. China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fell by an estimated 1.4% in the first three months of 2022, making it the third quarter in a row of falling emissions.


Keine Rettung des Klimas ohne China

China ist von der Klimaerhitzung stark betroffen. Im Norden dehnt sich die Wüste immer weiter aus, im Süden leiden viele Regionen unter Hochwasser, und die Städte sind auf die Extremwettereignisse nicht vorbereitet.


La Chine innove pour suivre ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre depuis l’espace

Fin avril, la Chine annonçait via le journal le Quotidien du Peuple avoir lancé le premier lidar (une sorte de radar, mais qui fonctionne avec de la lumière) destiné à observer les émissions de CO2 depuis l’espace.


Why China is set to significantly overachieve its 2030 climate goals

China, which is currently the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, is said to be “doubling down” on coal and gas in the wake of a domestic energy crisis and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


What do China’s gigantic wind and solar bases mean for its climate goals?

Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air covering air quality and energy trends in China. Xing Zhang, China policy analyst, at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.


China’s Banks Are the Last Big Players in Coal Company Financing

As the planet lurches toward catastrophic levels of warming, China’s biggest banks have been ratcheting up their financing of the dirtiest fossil fuel of all: coal. Chinese lenders have helped coal companies raise about $10 billion selling bonds so far this year, data compiled by Bloomberg show.


China doubles down on coal

By Somini SenguptaGlobal Correspondent, ClimateChina’s emissions are crucial. Here’s where the country is headed.What happens in China doesn’t stay in China. Certainly not when it comes to global warming.


Analysis: What does China’s coal push mean for its climate goals?

Since then, China – the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) – has seen an intense push to increase the production and supply of coal, its main energy source.


China plans huge wind and solar power rollout in Gobi desert

China plans to build 450 gigawatts of wind and solar power capacity in the Gobi desert by 2030, government planner He Lifeng said on Saturday. That’s more than twice the total amount of solar and wind power installed in the USA.


Guest post: Is China living up to its pledges on climate change and energy transition?

Dr Xie Chunping, policy fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, the London School of Economics and Political Science.


Magali di Marco, ancienne triathlète et députée Verte au Grand Conseil valaisan, commente les conditions climatiques de Yanqing

Play RTS vous permet de visionner ou d'écouter de nombreuses émissions tv ou radio, quand et aussi souvent que vous le souhaitez.


Chinas Kampf gegen die Verwüstung

Sträucher, Blumen, sogar ein Gemüsegarten –am Rand der Tengger-Wüste ist in Malanhu eine kleine Oase entstanden - wo noch vor zehn Jahren Ödnis war.


China Moves to Freeze Production of Climate Super-Pollutants But Lacks a System to Monitor Emissions

An aerial photo taken on Sept. 12, 2021 shows a chemical factory being dismantled and relocated along the Grand Canal in Huai 'an City, East China's Jiangsu Province. Credit: He Jinghua / Costfoto/Barcroft Media via Getty Images


Are China’s provinces doing their bit to help hit national climate change goals?

It has been almost a year and a half since Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged that China would aim to reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. But few provinces have yet to produce detailed plans outlining how they will help the country reach these goals.


The Carbon Brief Interview: Prof Wang Yi and Prof Wang Zhongying

At COP26 in Glasgow, Carbon Brief’s Hongqiao Liu was granted a rare – and lengthy – interview with two of the Chinese government’s senior advisors on climate change.


Q&A: What does China’s new Paris Agreement pledge mean for climate change?

Two days prior to the start of COP26 last month, China submitted its updated 2030 climate pledge and a new long-term climate strategy (LTS) to the UN.


Analysis: China’s CO2 emissions see first quarterly fall since post-lockdown surge

Lauri Myllyvirta, analyst at Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air covering air quality and energy trends in China. China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fell by around 0.5% in the third quarter of 2021 compared to a year earlier, new analysis for Carbon Brief shows.


“China verspricht wenig und liefert mehr”

Chinas internationale Klimapolitik folgt kohärenten Linien. Das hat sich auch bei der Klimakonferenz COP 28 in Dubai wieder gezeigt. Teil 1 unserer neuen Serie über die chinesische Umwelt- und Klimapolitik.


For China’s Auto Market, Electric Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present.

More electric cars will be sold in the country this year than in the rest of the world combined, as its domestic market accelerates ahead of the global competition.


* COP27 * As Xi reaffirms climate goals, China faces economic and geopolitical headwinds

China reaffirmed its commitment to its climate goals at last week’s party congress and is likely to over-achieve its renewable targets in Xi Jinping’s third term in power, experts told Climate Home News.


China strengthens role of courts in meeting carbon targets

One of China’s top courts has encouraged judges to hear climate-related cases and weigh up carbon impacts to help the country achieve its emission reduction goals.