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Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.

financement clim.


* SCHWEIZ | KLIMAFINANZIERUNG * Schweiz muss bei Klimafinanzierung über die Bücher

Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind global zu spüren. Dennoch funktioniert die Klimafinanzierung noch nicht wunschgemäss.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Tensions rise over who will contribute to new climate finance goal

Germany wants all high-emitters, especially among G20 countries, to pitch in. But China and Saudi Arabia say the responsibility lies with developed nations


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Global billionaires tax to fight climate change, hunger rises up political agenda

Brazil and France want the G20 to get behind a global minimum tax on billionaires’ wealth, also backed by IMF chief


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Behind the billionaire climate tax

One economist explains why taxing the rich and paying the poor actually has a chance of becoming a reality.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Nobel Prize-winning economist calls for climate tax on billionaires

And she called for the money to be sent directly to the world's most climate-vulnerable people.


* SUISSE * Effets de la protection du climat et du vieillissement sur les finances publiques

Comment les finances de la Confédération, des cantons, des communes et des assurances sociales vont-elles évoluer à long terme ? Le rapport « Perspectives à long terme des finances publiques en Suisse, 2024 » montre que la pression sur les comptes des administrations publiques augmentera jusqu’en 2060, notamment en raison de l’évolution démographique.


* SCHWEIZ * Wie sich Alterung und Klimaschutz auf die öffentlichen Finanzen auswirken

Wie entwickeln sich die Finanzen von Bund, Kantonen, Gemeinden und Sozialversicherungen auf lange Sicht? Der Bericht «Langfristperspektiven der öffentlichen Finanzen der Schweiz 2024» zeigt, dass die öffentlichen Haushalte bis ins Jahr 2060 zunehmend unter Druck geraten werden.


* KLIMAFINANZIERUNG * Reiche Länder wie die Schweiz sind gefordert

In den internationalen Klimaverhandlungen dreht sich derzeit alles ums Geld. An der UNO-Klimakonferenz Ende Jahr in Baku müssen die Staaten sich auf eine neues globales Klimafinanzierungsziel einigen. Schon jetzt laufen die Verhandlungen heiss.


Nachhaltigkeit fällt in globale Finanzlücke

Ein neuer UN-Report zeigt eine riesige Lücke bei der Finanzierung der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Die Klimakrise verschärft die Lage. Aber das Hauptproblem liegt tiefer.


Taskforce bereitet Konzepte für globale Klimasteuern vor

Eine Koalition aus Vorreiterstaaten beginnt auf der Weltbankkonferenz ein ehrgeiziges Projekt: 2025 soll auf der COP30 eine globale Klimasteuer beschlossen werden. Abgaben aus Finanzspekulationen, fossilen Energien, Flügen oder Schiffsverkehr könnten Milliarden für den Klimaschutz einbringen.


UN climate chief calls for “quantum leap in climate finance”

Simon Stiell says far more money is required for developing countries to submit bold new climate plans, which would benefit all economies


World Bank must take ‘quantum leap’ to tackle climate crisis, UN expert says

Simon Stiell calls for reform at development banks to enable governments to provide more climate finance to developing world


Das Kapital scheut den Wasserstoff noch

Mit viel privatem Kapital soll die Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur aufgebaut werden, global wie national. Doch trotz enormer öffentlicher Vorleistungen zögern Investoren, Milliarden in Elektrolyseure und Netze zu stecken. In Deutschland einigte sich jetzt die Koalition über die Finanzierung des Kernnetzes.


Expectations mount as loss and damage fund staggers to its feet

Demand for finance to pay for the aftermath of climate impacts is rocketing – but progress on getting a new UN loss and damage fund up and running is slow


In Somalia, Green Climate Fund tests new approach for left-out communities

GCF head Mafalda Duarte promises a more proactive plan to bring cash to the most vulnerable countries struggling with climate impacts


Schweizer Geld fürs Ausland – Werden Autofahren, Fliegen und importierte Produkte für den Klimaschutz teurer?

Schweizer Geld fürs Ausland Werden Autofahren, Fliegen und importierte Produkte für den Klimaschutz teurer? Wer soll das bezahlen? Diese Frage stellt sich nicht nur bei der 13. AHV-Rente, welche die Stimmbevölkerung gutgeheissen hat.


Countries draw battle lines for talks on new climate finance goal

Developed and developing countries are gearing up for heated discussions over the size of the goal and who should provide money for it


Zahlreiche Menschen sind bereit, für Klimaschutz zu zahlen

Laut einer Umfrage im Rahmen der Gallup World Poll 2021 und 2022 wäre eine Mehrheit der Befragten in 125 Ländern bereit, jeden Monat ein Prozent ihres Haushaltseinkommens für den Klimaschutz auszugeben.


Rich nations miss loss and damage fund deadline

Their failure to agree risks delaying help for victims of climate disasters in developing countries


For Cop29 to succeed, rich nations must get their parliaments to agree more finance now

Rich nations always say they need their parliaments approval for climate finance at Cops – now is the time to start


Macron plant Reform der Klimafinanzierung

Die Institutionen der globalen Finanzarchitektur wie die Weltbank sind 80 Jahre alt. Damals ging es um den Wiederaufbau nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Um heute der Klimakrise Herr zu werden, muss die Finanzarchitektur umgebaut werden. Frankreich hat dazu einige Ideen.


* AMAZON * Brazil lawmakers approve using green fund to pave road through Amazon rainforest

The lower house of Brazil’s Congress has approved a bill to relax environmental licensing to pave a highway cutting through the heart of the Amazon that scientists say will threaten the future of the world’s largest tropical rainforest.


* COP28 | ADAPTATION FUND * $700m pledged to loss and damage fund at Cop28 covers less than 0.2% needed

Wealthy countries most responsible for the climate emergency have so far pledged a combined total of just over $700m (£556m) to the loss and damage fund – the equivalent of less than 0.


* COP28 | LOSS & DAMAGE * Approvato il fondo loss & damage, ma troppo in fretta

Era uno dei risultati attesi ed è stato raggiunto subito, il 30 novembre, lo stesso giorno di apertura della Cop di Dubai.


* COP28 | LOSS & DAMAGE * Countries pledge $400m to set up loss and damage fund

Governments have collectively pledged more than $400 million to establish a loss and damage fund for the victims of climate disaster. On day one of UN climate talks in Dubai, negotiators rubber-stamped plans to get the fund up and running.


* COP28 | GREEN CLIMATE FUND * US tees up Congress battle with $3bn Green Climate Fund pledge

The US has promised $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), for reducing emissions and adapting to climate change in developing countries.


* COP28 | CLIMATE FINANCE * France, Kenya set to launch Cop28 coalition for global taxes to fund climate action

France and Kenya are set to launch an international taxation taskforce at Cop28 to push for new levies to raise more money for climate action.


Power Up for Climate Justice: a landmark report on financing a global renewable energy target

With just days to go until Cop28, we are launching a landmark report to highlight the need for massive investment in renewable energy sources rooted in justice.


* COP28 * After a Last-Minute Challenge to New Loss and Damage Deal, U.S. Joins Global Consensus Ahead of COP28

Despite some last-minute wavering over specific words and the placement of commas in a key document, a State Department official said on Wednesday that the U.S.


Kanton SG: SP-Initiative abgelehnt – mehr Geld für Klimaschutz gibt es aber

Die Initiative «St. Galler Klimafonds» wurde abgelehnt. Der Gegenvorschlag angenommen. Die Übersicht über alle St. Galler Resultate. Kanton St. Gallen: Einheitsinitiative für einen Klimafonds von 100 Millionen Franken


Verfassungsgericht durchlöchert Finanzpolitik der Ampel

Die Verwendung nicht benötigter Corona-Kredite für den Klima- und Transformationsfonds der Bundesregierung widerspricht der Schuldenbremse, urteilt das Bundesverfassungsgericht. SPD, Grünen und FDP fehlen nun 60 Milliarden Euro.


* COP28 * Fonds für Verluste und Schäden wird vorerst von Weltbank verwaltet

Vor der UN-Klimakonferenz im Dezember konnte bereits ein erstes Hindernis überwunden werden. Die Länder haben sich auf die Ausgestaltung des Fonds für klimabedingte Verluste und Schäden weitgehend geeinigt. Doch einige Fragen sind noch offen.


* COP28 * The West wants to help developing countries transition to renewables. It’s off to a rocky start

The Komati coal-fired power plant, located 88 miles east of Johannesburg in South Africa’s coal heartland, has been called the flagship of the country’s budding energy transition. At its peak, the facility, which came online in 1961, produced 2 percent of the country’s power supply.


Surprise! Billionaires aren’t solving climate change

Activists from Extinction Rebellion march dressed as billionaires, including Amazon head Jeff Bezos, in a demonstration on April 13, 2023 in Berlin, Germany.


* UN ADAPTATION GAP REPORT * Das fehlende Geld für Klimaschäden

Die Folgen der Klimaerwärmung weltweit sind unübersehbar, und die Kosten steigen rasant. Das UNO-Umweltprogramm UNEP schätzt in einem neuen Bericht genau diese Kosten der Schäden ein, die der Klimawandel anrichtet. Das Fazit ist ernüchternd.


Der UN-Klimagipfel ist schon im Krisenmodus

In Abu Dhabi bereiten die Minister den Klimagipfel im Nachbaremirat Dubai vor. Das wird schwieriger als der Testflug der "Solar Impulse" 2015. (Bild: Jean Revillard/​Solar Impulse/​rezo.ch) Die 28. UN-Klimakonferenz in Dubai ist fünf Wochen vor ihrem Beginn bereits in einer Krise.


Wiederaufbaukonferenz in Ostlibyen

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* CLIMATE FINANCE * World Bank controversy sends loss and damage talks into overtime

The president of the next UN climate summit, Cop28, has told government negotiators they must agree how to set up a new loss and damage fund before leaving the Egyptian city of Aswan.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Small islands struggle to get help from UN’s flagship climate fund

Government officials from small island developing states (Sids) have said they find it difficult to get money from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for projects to help them adapt to climate change.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Countries deadlocked on ‘loss and damage’ fund as UN climate summit nears

WASHINGTON, Oct 23 (Reuters) - Countries are deadlocked over how to design a fund to help countries recover and rebuild from climate change-driven damage, with just over 30 days left before crucial United Nations climate negotiations kick off in Dubai.


* CLIMATE FINANCE * Climate fund talks collapse as rich and developing countries clash

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* WORLD BANK MEETING * World Bank approves green reforms, appeals for more money

The World Bank has officially expanded its mission to include climate change, while pushing ahead with reforms that could unlock additional funding and cheaper loans for green projects.


* WORLD BANK MEETING * World Bank targets dirty subsidies to fund climate action

The World Bank is seeking to persuade governments to take money away from subsidies for fossil fuels and invest it in good causes like climate change.


Ministerial shows fault lines on climate loss and damage fund

Governments are starkly divided over plans for a loss and damage fund, with two months to go until it is due to be established. While rich and poor countries have agreed to set up a fund to address loss and damage caused by climate change, they are miles apart on who pays and who benefits.


Green Climate Fund may have to curb ambition as funding stagnates

The UN’s flagship global climate fund looks likely to have to rein in its ambition, after France announced just a 4% boost in its contribution. Yesterday, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire announced his nation would give €1.61 billion ($1.


Rich countries ‘confident’ $100bn climate finance delivered in 2023

There will be no confirmation that rich countries have met their $100 billion a year climate finance promise until 2025 at the earliest. That’s according to ministers from Canada and Germany, the two nations tasked with drawing up the “delivery plan” for belatedly meeting the pledge.


Small islands slam ‘endless’ climate talks at landmark maritime court hearing

The heads of small island states most vulnerable to climate change have criticised “endless” climate change negotiations at the start of an unprecedented maritime court hearing.


* AFRICAN CLIMATE SUMMIT * Behind the scenes at Senegal’s ‘just energy transition partnership’

In June, Senegal signed a “just energy transition partnership” (JETP) deal, establishing a goal to reach 40% renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2030. But, beyond just a transformation of the electricity sector, this deal sets out a pathway to transform the whole of Senegalese society.


Clean Energy Projects Are Booming Everywhere. Except in Poor Nations.

The world is racing ahead with enormous investments in renewable energy, for the first time this year plowing more money into solar power than oil.


Developing countries call for $100 billion loss and damage target

Developing countries want “at least” $100 billion a year by 2030 for the loss and damage caused by climate change.


US aims to limit loss and damage fund

When countries adopt a global fund for climate disaster losses and damages at the Cop28 climate talks, the USA will be arguing to limit its use, according to U.S. officials.


* USA – CHINA * Janet Yellen urges China to boost funding to tackle climate crisis

US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has pressed China to do more to support international climate institutions that are helping finance green initiatives around the world, urging deeper cooperation in addressing the “existential threat” of global heating.

Green Climate Fund backs scheme financing farming corporations accused of destroying forests

The United Nations’ flagship climate fund is giving nearly $190 million to an investment programme that finances some of the world’s biggest farm companies in a bid to preserve tropical forests.

After “sleepless nights”, governments strike deal on Green Climate Fund strategy

After a series of “long and at times difficult” meetings, government negotiators on the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) board approved a new strategy yesterday morning.

Revealed: UK plans to drop flagship £11.6bn climate pledge

The government is drawing up plans to drop the UK’s flagship £11.6bn climate funding pledge, the Guardian can reveal, as the prime minster is accused of betraying populations most vulnerable to global heating.

Identifying loss and damage is tough – we need a pragmatic but science-based approach

The ongoing debate about climate-induced loss and damage is rife with conflicts. Different perspectives, political views, and ideologies make it difficult for parties to agree on a way forward.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Pariser Gipfel stößt Umbau des Finanzsystems an

Solaranlage an der Universität Kumasi in Ghana: Die meisten Entwicklungsländer sind ein unsicheres finanzielles Umfeld für erneuerbare Energien. (Bild: ZSM/​Wikimedia Commons) "Das internationale Finanzsystem steckt in einer Krise. 52 Länder sind bankrott oder gefährlich nahe dran.

Rich nations pledge $2.5 billion for Senegal’s renewable rollout

A group of wealthy European nations and Canada have promised to contribute €2.5 billion ($2.7 billion) to help the West African nation of Senegal roll out renewables.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Countries on Front Lines of Climate Change Seek New Lifeline in Paris

An unusual if guarded optimism has descended upon Paris, along with hundreds of world leaders, bankers and climate activists. They have come for a two-day conference billed as the new Bretton Woods.

World Bank offers developing countries debt pauses if hit by climate crisis

Poor countries will be able to pause their debt repayments if hit by climate disaster, under plans announced by the World Bank at the finance summit in Paris.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * Fossil fuels, planes, ships and shares – What will be taxed for climate funds?

Franklin Steves, senior policy adviser at E3G, said the summit is “first and foremost” about trying to heal the rift between developed and developing countries that started with the Covid-19 pandemic.

* NEW GLOBAL FINANCING PACT SUMMIT * The climate crisis is this century’s biggest threat. We need a global finance pact that reflects the task ahead

The science is clear. The climate crisis is the biggest single threat we face as a global community. In turn, meeting the goals of the Paris agreement and realising the opportunities of climate action is the task of the 21st century. No single government can address this alone.

Der Norden hat 170 Billionen Dollar Klimaschulden

In Indien, dem seit Kurzem bevölkerungsreichsten Land der Erde, leben die meisten Menschen auf dem Land und dort sehr klimafreundlich.

Rich world’s leaders fail to commit to Paris global financing summit

Two weeks ahead of a highly-anticipated climate finance summit, most developed country leaders have not confirmed their attendance, sparking concerns they are not taking it seriously. In sharp contrast, the leaders of many developing countries have indicated they will be at the gathering in Paris.

Confusion surrounds China’s pledged climate finance towards the Global South

In 2015, China’s President Xi Jinping announced the fund during a state visit to the USA, months before unprecedented US-Chinese climate cooperation helped the world agree to the Paris agreement.

A pledge to fight climate change is sending money to strange places

Italy helped a retailer open chocolate and gelato stores across Asia. The United States offered a loan for a coastal hotel expansion in Haiti.

US owes $80 trillion in climate reparations

Countries like the United States and those in Europe could be on the hook for an eye-popping $170 trillion in climate reparations for their excessive carbon emissions, according to new research from the University of Leeds.

Rich nations to meet overdue $100 billion climate pledge this year

BERLIN, May 2 (Reuters) - Wealthy nations are on track this year to meet their overdue $100-billion climate finance pledge to developing countries, three years later than promised, Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said on Tuesday.

Wie können arme Länder in Klimaschutz investieren?

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US pledges $1 billion to Green Climate Fund amid call to keep 1.5C in reach

The US will provide $1 billion to the UN’s flagship climate fund – its first such contribution in six years. Joe Biden made the commitment as he hosted a virtual meeting of world leaders on Thursday to spur high-level leadership to limit global warming to 1.5C.

Developing countries call for new government funds for World Bank

A broad group of low and middle-income countries has called for governments to give more money to the World Bank, in an effort to ramp up climate finance.


World Bank steering committee and US urge for reforms on climate lending

The World Bank’s steering committee and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday called for further reforms this year to expand the bank’s ability to respond to climate change, pandemics and other crises that are reversing development gains.

Wer bezahlt die Klimakatastrophe?

Während Industriestaaten die finanziellen Möglichkeiten haben, extreme Schäden aufzufangen, stellt der Klimawandel für die Menschen im globalen Süden eine existenzielle Bedrohung dar.

* IPCC AR6 SYR * IPCC highlights rich nations’ failure to help developing world adapt to climate change

Vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by global warming are being given ‘insufficient’ funds to help adapt to extreme climate impacts, the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says.

Vulnerable nations set up alliance to prepare loss and damage action plans

Nepal, Bangladesh, Senegal, Malawi, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga and Vanuatu are exploring setting up national facilities to channel resources for climate disasters response and disburse money where it is most needed.


Finance key climate issue for new Nigerian president

Nigeria has elected Bola Tinubu as its new president following an election in which climate change played only a minor role. Cutting emissions and the impact of rising global temperatures did not seem to be a priority for Nigerian voters in February, despite last year’s killer floods.


World Bank adaptation funds slept through Pakistan’s record flooding

When it was announced, the World Bank’s Solid Waste Emergency and Efficiency Project (Sweep) was touted as one of the lifelines that would help Pakistan’s biggest city, Karachi, with its urban flooding nightmare. But that hasn’t happened.

L’ONU obtient des “investissements massifs” pour la reconstruction du Pakistan

Les coûts de la reconstruction à court terme sont estimés à 16 milliards de dollars (15 milliards de francs) au moins.

Donors exceed Pakistan goal with pledge of more than $9 bln for flood recovery

GENEVA, Jan 9 (Reuters) - International donors on Monday committed over $9 billion to help Pakistan recover from ruinous floods last year, exceeding its external financing goals and paving the way for a new model on raising funds to fight climate disasters in poorer countries.


World Bank moots stronger strategic focus on climate action

The World Bank is considering making climate action more central to its mission, according to a draft “evolution roadmap” drawn up by bank staff.

Bekommt das Klima Sonderziehungsrechte?

Früher war eine Million noch viel Geld. Dann wurde begonnen, mit Milliarden zu rechnen.

“Unser Ziel ist es, die Menschen zu schockieren”

Klimareporter°: Herr Persaud, Sie wollen Tausende Milliarden in den Klimaschutz investieren. Ist das nicht etwas zu ehrgeizig? Avinash Persaud: Unser Ziel ist es, die Menschen zu schockieren, damit sie den richtigen Maßstab finden. Wir sind nicht auf einen bestimmten Plan festgelegt.

Der wundersame Anstieg der Schweizer Klimafinanzierung

Vor mehr als zehn Jahren hat die Staatengemeinschaft beschlossen, dass die Gruppe der Industriestaaten den Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern ab 2020 jährlich 100 Milliarden Dollar zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und für eine klimaschonende Entwicklung zur Verfügung stellen müsse.

Rich nations mobilise $15.5bn for Vietnam’s coal-to-clean transition

Wealthy countries and banks will provide $15.5 billion to help Vietnam transition away from coal, the UK foreign ministry announced on Wednesday. Half of the money is to come from governments, the Asian Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation.


A Powerful Climate Leader From a Small Island Nation

This article is part of our Women and Leadership special report that profiles women leading the way on climate, politics and business around the globe.

‘Fair’ climate-finance flows should be at least $250bn per year

Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions must be roughly halved by 2030 to get the world on track for the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming to 1.5C.

La miraculeuse extension du financement suisse

Les inondations dévastatrices au Pakistan ne sont qu'un exemple parmi d'autres : les effets du réchauffement climatique sont chaque année plus marqués et visibles. Les pays les plus pauvres et les groupes de population les plus vulnérables sont souvent les plus durement touchés.

Klimafinanzierung: der wundersame Anstieg

Die verheerenden Überschwemmungen in Pakistan sind nur ein Beispiel: Die Auswirkungen der Klimaerwärmung werden Jahr für Jahr stärker und sichtbarer. Die ärmsten Länder und die verletzlichsten Bevölkerungsgruppen trifft es oft besonders schwer.


Who Pays the Bill for Climate Change?

Last month at COP27, the U.N. climate change conference, a yearslong campaign ended in an agreement.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Who should pay for loss and damage? Spoiler: not China

At this month’s UN climate summit, rich countries agreed to set up a dedicated fund to address the loss and damage caused by climate disasters, after years of blocking. This was a big breakthrough, but it came with a catch: they want to expand the donor pool.


Ständerat erhöht Beitrag an globalen Umweltschutz

Der Ständerat will wie der Bundesrat in den Jahren 2023 bis 2026 mehr Geld für weltweite Massnahmen zugunsten der Umwelt ausgeben. Er hat sich gegen die Mehrheit seiner Kommission gestellt und als Erstrat den entsprechenden Verpflichtungskredit von gut 197 Millionen Franken gutgeheissen.

* COP27 – CLIM.FINANCE * ‘We couldn’t fail them’: how Pakistan’s floods spurred fight for climate justice

In early September, after unprecedented rainfall had left a third of Pakistan under water, its climate change minister set out the country’s stall for Cop27.


* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Global South Campaigners Applauded for Securing Loss and Damage Fund in COP27 Deal

A decadeslong pressure campaign by policymakers and advocates in the Global South was credited Sunday with pushing wealthy nations to finally drop their opposition to a "loss and damage" fund to help developing countries that face some of the worst climate impacts, allowing the financing plan to be

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Fortschritt trotz Stillstand

Aus Entwicklungsperspektive waren an dieser Konferenz die Verhandlungen zur Finanzierung von klimabedingten Schäden und Verlusten besonders wichtig. Der Druck auf die Industriestaaten war dieses Jahr angesichts der Überschwemmungen in Pakistan und der Dürre in Ostafrika grösser denn je.


* COP27 – STATE OF NEGOCIATIONS * Die Balance der Arbeitsprogramme entscheidet

Beim Klimagipfel in Sharm el‑Sheikh wird festgelegt, wie der Verhandlungsprozess in den kommenden Jahren strukturiert sein soll. (Foto: Mike Muzurakis/​IISD/​ENB) Obwohl die 27.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * EU opens the door to a loss and damage facility – if China pays

The EU is open to creating a new funding stream to help victims of climate disaster recover – as long as China contributes. On one of the most contentious issues at Cop27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, EU climate chief Frans Timmermans hinted at room for compromise.

* G20 * Rich nations, banks pledge $20bn for Indonesia’s coal-to-clean switch

A group of rich nations and banks plan to invest $20 billion in speeding up Indonesia’s transition from coal to clean energy. Japan and the US coordinated financial contributions from seven other national governments and the EU, as well as private sector partners.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Interessen beim Naturschutz – Regenwaldstaaten fordern Entschädigung für Reduzierung der Abholzung

Die Vereinbarung sieht neben der Forderung nach Entschädigung für den Schutz des Regenwalds durch die Internationale Gemeinschaft unter anderem den Zugang zu Klimafinanzierung vor.

* COP27 – CLIMATE JUSTICE * These Rich Nations Are Finally Committing Cash to Climate Reparations. The US Isn’t Among Them

After decades of delays, excuses and outright resistance, a small but growing number of wealthy Western countries have committed to paying direct aid to developing nations to help them deal with the climate crisis, which burdens them disproportionately even though they had little to do with causing