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Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



Tausende Menschen flüchten vor Bränden in Kanada

Waldbrände bedrohen die Stadt Fort McMurray in der Provinz Alberta. Tausende Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner von Vororten im Süden der Stadt mussten ihr Zuhause verlassen. Laut Behörden ist dies nötig, damit die Einsatzkräfte das Feuer bekämpfen könnten.


Climate Extremes Slammed Latin America and the Caribbean Last Year. A New UN Report Details the Impacts and Costs

Some scientists in the region said many of the effects seen today weren’t expected until the second half of the century.


North America’s biggest city is running out of water

Mexico City is staring down a water crisis. It won’t be the last city to do so.


Images of a Brazilian City Underwater

Torrential rains have caused one of Brazil’s worst floods in modern history, leaving more than 100 dead and nearly an entire state submerged.


Tornadoes Are Coming in Bunches. Scientists Are Trying to Figure Out Why.

The number of tornadoes so far in the United States this year is just above average. But their distribution is changing.


* CANADA WILDFIRES * Wildfire in British Columbia forces thousands to evacuate. Winds push smoke into Alberta

Canadian authorities are urging all remaining residents in a town in British Columbia to leave immediately, despite improving weather conditions, after many were already evacuated due to a fast-growing wildfire.


Sturmfluten treffen Afrika, Südamerika und Asien

Schwere Überschwemmungen haben weite Teile Ostafrikas verwüstet. Es sei ein Albtraum, berichtet eine kenianische Klimaaktivistin. Zur gleichen Zeit leiden auch Regionen in Brasilien und China unter extremen Starkniederschlägen.


Wie sich Regenwälder durch fruchtfressende Vögel erholen könnten

Tropische Vögel, die im Atlantischen Regenwald Brasiliens leben, verbreiten Pflanzensamen und könnten so die Wiederaufforstung der Region unterstützen. Erschwert wird das aber durch die Fragmentierung des Waldes, wie ein Team der ETH Zürich herausgefunden hat.


* BRASILIEN * «Es sieht aus wie eine Kriegs-Szene»: Eine Millionenstadt steht unter Wasser

Vom Hochwasser seien etwa 850’000 Einwohner in 340 Ortschaften des Bundesstaates Rio Grande do Sul betroffen. In den meisten von ihnen wurde der Notstand ausgerufen.


* HEAT * We could be heading into the hottest summer of our lives

High temperatures across the US have the potential to increase risks for drought, wildfires, and hurricanes. The United States could be in for another scorcher this summer, per a new study from the National Weather Service (NWS).


The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

Dangerous, polluting SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.


* ELECTIONS: MEXICO * What the manifestos say on energy and climate change

Mexican citizens will go to the polls on 2 June 2024 to elect a new president, a new legislature and thousands of other local government officials.


Torrential rainstorms cause death and destruction in Brazil

This part of South America is no stranger to major rainfall, but last week’s storms were particularly devastating


* FINANZPLATZ | SCHWEIZ * Kritik am Frackinggeschäft: Eine Kohlenstoff­bombe in Argentinien

Argentinische Aktivist:innen kritisieren die lasche Politik der Schweiz: Nationalbank und UBS sollen Aktien von Firmen aufgeben, die im argentinischen Frackinggeschäft mitmischen.


De fortes intempéries au sud du Brésil font plus de 50 morts

Le bilan s'est alourdi samedi au Brésil où des inondations ont dévasté l'Etat du Rio Grande do Sul depuis plusieurs jours, faisant au moins 56 morts et 67 disparus dans cette région du sud du pays. La capitale régionale Porto Alegre est fortement touchée.


* FORESTS * Global rainforest loss continues at rate of 10 football pitches a minute

Despite major progress in Brazil and Colombia, deforestation led by farming still cleared an area nearly equal to Switzerland


* WÄLDER * Wenn der Amazonas brennt, rufen sie Romeritos Brigade

Noch nie hat es in Amazonien so viel gebrannt wie in diesem Jahr. Mit altem Wissen und moderner Technik versuchen indigene Feuerwehr­leute den Regenwald zu retten. Eine Reportage von einem Brennpunkt des Klimawandels.


* HEAT * Record heat index of 62.3C scorches Rio de Janeiro

The reading is the city’s highest in a decade. Heat index measures what a temperature feels like, taking into account humidity.


Landmark Peruvian Court Ruling Says the Marañón River Has Legal Rights To Exist, Flow and Be Free From Pollution

The ruling is the first time Peru has recognized that ecosystems possess legal rights and is based on a constellation of legal precedents in international and Peruvian law.


‘Water is worth more than gold’: eco-activist Esteban Polanco on why violence won’t stop him

Brutally attacked for his work as one of the Dominican Republic’s leading land defenders, Polanco says the next generation must fight environmental destruction


Regenwaldabholzung im brasilianischen Amazonas geht weiter zurück

Die Abholzung im brasilianischen Amazonasregenwald ist einem Bericht zufolge in den ersten beiden Monaten des Jahres auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit 2018 in diesem Zeitraum gewesen.


Rains Are Scarce in the Amazon. Instead, Megafires Are Raging.

Hundreds of square miles of the rainforest have burned as countries in the region battle a record number of fires fueled by extreme weather.


* WILDFIRES * As ‘Zombie Fires’ Smolder, Canada Braces for Another Season of Flames

A government forecast suggests that there could be even more wildfires this season than during last year’s exceptional fire period.


Argentine resistance hinders Milei’s forest and glacier destruction

Ultra free-market president Javier Milei has not so far been able to get cuts to environmental regulations through Congress


Ecuador’s new president tries to wriggle out of oil drilling referendum

To fund a crackdown against gang violence, Ecuador’s recently elected president Daniel Noboa suggested a moratorium on a vote to ban an Amazon oil drilling project.


* CHILE & CALIFORMIA * The Fingerprints on Chile’s Fires and California Floods: El Niño and Warming

Two disasters, far apart, show how a dangerous climate cocktail can devastate places known for mild weather.


* CHILE * Über 100 Tote bei Waldbränden in Chile

Chile erlebt derzeit die tödlichsten Waldbrände in der Geschichte des Landes. Mindestens 112 Menschen kamen bereits ums Leben. Es besteht der Verdacht, dass zumindest einige der Brände absichtlich gelegt worden sind.


A Historic and Devastating Drought in the Amazon Was Caused by Climate Change, Researchers Say

Climate change was the primary driver of a massive drought in the Amazon basin in 2023 and will likely cause future extreme droughts, with potentially dire consequences for global efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report from World Weather Attribution.


Amazon nations to tackle rainforest crime together in donor-funded new office

The $1.8 million Centre for International Police Cooperation will be built in the Brazilian Amazon city of Manaus and funded by the Norwegian-backed Amazon Fund


Blinded, sexually assaulted, silenced: the war over lithium, Argentina’s ‘white gold’

The first time, they came at 2am and without a warrant. Rosa* was alone. She was gagged, her eyes covered, and her hands bound with a cable tie. It was the night after widespread protests against sweeping changes to the constitution in Jujuy, a northern Argentine province.


* DEFORESTATION * Illegal gold mining devastates Peruvian Amazon river and communities

Mongabay Latam traveled along 38 kilometers (24 miles) of Peru’s Cenepa River, near the border with Ecuador, where illegal mining dredges run around the clock in search of gold, hemming in seven Indigenous Awajún communities.


Judith Kimerling’s 1991 ‘Amazon Crude’ Exposed the Devastation of Oil Exploration in Ecuador. If Only She Could Make it Stop

The Education of Judith Kimerling: An American lawyer’s epic struggle to stop expanding oil operations harming Indigenous peoples in Ecuador’s Amazon. Part one.


Spanning Two Worlds, Judith Kimerling Explores Ecuador’s Rainforest and the Rule of Law That Might Save Those Who Live There

The Education of Judith Kimerling: An American lawyer’s epic struggle to stop expanding oil operations harming Indigenous peoples in Ecuador’s Amazon. Part two.


Colombia’s big green plans run into headwinds

Colombia’s ambitious green plans have hit headwinds, as tricky politics hampers renewable growth and plans to stop oil and gas exploration spark economic fears. Last June, left-winger Gustavo Petro was elected president, vowing to make Colombia a “world power of life” in his four-year term.


Aufstand gegen fragwürdige CO2-Zertifikate

Retten wir die Erde, nicht den Kapitalismus! In etwa so lässt sich zusammen­fassen, was der damalige bolivianische Präsident Evo Morales der Welt­gemeinschaft am Uno-Klimagipfel 2010 im mexikanischen Badeort Cancún zurief.


A Record Oil Gusher Infuses Tiny Guyana With Wealth and Worries

The South American country has become the next energy powerhouse, bringing jobs, rib-eye steaks—and a jarring new realityGEORGETOWN, Guyana—New supermarkets here are stocked with prime Texas rib-eyes. A recently opened waterfront hotel offers executive suites for $750 per night.


How Hurricane Otis defied forecasts and exploded into a massive storm

Hurricane forecasts have improved, but Otis still surprised meteorologists with how rapidly it intensified. On Tuesday morning, Otis was a mere tropical storm with sustained winds of 70 miles per hour.


Near an Acapulco Beach: Food, Water and Prayer After Hurricane Otis

In a large church displaying a big blue cross near the Acapulco beachfront, dozens of people dozed in sleeping bags along the pews, prayed in silence or anxiously discussed their next move.


How a tiny island is adapting to climate change … on its dinner plates

Dominica’s traditional foods are countering modern threats. KALINAGO TERRITORY, Dominica — Inside a small yellow roadside shop on the edge of a lush hill, two sisters are reviving an ancient staple to serve modern tastes and stave off a future threat.


A Lake Turned to a Hot ‘Soup.’ Then the River Dolphins Died.

Their pink bodies began to wash ashore last month, startling locals and scientists in the remote Amazon town of Tefé, Brazil, who had never seen anything like it.


The people of Ecuador just made climate justice history. The world can follow

Days ago, voters in Ecuador approved a total ban on oil drilling in protected land in the Amazon, a 2.5m-acre tract in the Yasuní national park that might be the world’s most important biodiversity hotspot.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * After Decades Of Oil Drilling, Indigenous Waorani Group Fights New Industry Expansions In Ecuador

After 50 years of expanding oil operations in its Amazonian region, Ecuador will close the door on crude extraction in three oil fields that are home to Indigenous communities, including one of the country’s uncontacted groups.


* INDIGENOUS PEOPLES * He Tracks Elusive Amazon Tribes, but Only From the Shadows

Jair Candor had been searching the Amazon rainforest for three days when he heard their voices.


* ECUADOR REFERENDUM * The message from Ecuador is clear: people will vote to keep oil in the ground

Joy and hope are all too rarely associated with the environmental movement, but both have been in abundant supply since Ecuador’s people voted on Sunday to keep the country’s oil in the subsoil of the Yasuní national park.


* ECUADORS VOLKSENTSCHEID * Das Öl bleibt im Boden

Das Öl unter dem Yasuní-Nationalpark in Ecuador muss im Boden bleiben. Dafür stimmten knapp 60 Prozent der Wähler:innen bei einem landesweiten Referendum, das am vergangenen Sonntag parallel zu den vorgezogenen Präsidentschaftswahlen in dem südamerikanischen Land stattfand.


* REFERENDUM EN ECUATEUR * Un vote populaire arrête la production pétrolière dans une réserve amazonienne

Lors d'un référendum organisé dimanche, parallèlement à des élections générales anticipées, les Equatoriens ont dit oui à 59% à l'arrêt de la production du "bloc 43", selon les résultats publiés lundi.


* REFERÉNDUM EN ECUADOR * Los ecuatorianos votaron por detener la actividad petrolera y minera en el Yasuní y el Chocó

En los resultados oficiales, con un 95,58% escrutado, el Sí se impone en la consulta del Yasuní. Esa opción también lleva la delantera en las preguntas del Chocó Andino.


Tropical Storm Gert Weakens in the Atlantic

During an extraordinarily busy couple of days for the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Gert formed early Monday before weakening over the course of the day. Gert was one of three tropical storms that formed in the Atlantic Ocean within a span of 18 hours.


Die Klimakrise trifft den Panamakanal: Es fehlt an Wasser für die Schleusen

Die Klimaveränderung führt durch Dürren und Starkregen nicht nur zu landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsausfällen und der Zerstörung von Gebäuden und Infrastruktur, sondern kann auch ganz andere gravierende wirtschaftliche Schäden zur Folge haben. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür ist der Panamakanal.


* HEAT * One of 2023’s most extreme heatwaves is happening in the middle of winter

Temperatures in parts of Chile and northern Argentina have soared to 10°C-20°C above average over the last few weeks.


* AMAZON * What the Amazon Summit means for deforestation and climate change

Leaders of the eight Amazon basin countries committed this week to act together to prevent the rainforest “from reaching the point of no return” – although they stopped short of agreeing upon a common target for ending deforestation.


* CHALEUR * Sécheresse et canicule vident le lac Titicaca, entre la Bolivie et le Pérou

La sécheresse frappe fort au lac Titicaca. Depuis deux ans, les précipitations qui remplissent le lac entre décembre et mars sont plus faibles que d’habitude. Résultat, le niveau est extrêmement bas et les populations locales souffrent.


* AMAZON * ‘More in hope’: lessons from our tiny reforestation scheme in the Amazon

Until I moved to the Amazon, I assumed a sapling would grow into a tree as long as it had water, sunshine and decent soil. Now I am starting to realise the survival of plants needs political nourishment too. And that is sorely lacking.


* AMAZON * Inside South America’s summit to save the Amazon

Good morning. “I think the world needs to see this meeting in Belém as the most important landmark ever … when it comes to discussing the climate question.


* AMAZON * Amazon nations fail to agree on deforestation goal at summit

Eight Amazon nations agreed to a list of unified policies and measures to bolster regional cooperation at a major rainforest summit in Brazil on Tuesday, but failed to agree on a common goal for ending deforestation.


* CHALEUR * 39 °C en plein hiver : le climat devient infernal en Amérique du Sud

Alors que le mois de juillet est en passe de devenir le mois le plus chaud jamais mesuré au monde, en Amérique du Sud, en plein hiver, la canicule s'installe. Wxcharts "Winter is disappearing", "L’hiver est en train de disparaître".


‘Historic milestone’: Ecuador nears vote to keep Amazon oil on the ground

Experts consulted by Climate Home News suggested the vote will define Ecuador’s economic model for the future.


Tagelanger Regen – Unwetter in Chile fordern mindestens zwei Tote

Tagelanger Regen hat in Chile Überschwemmungen verursacht. Umstürzende Bäume haben mindestens zwei Menschen erschlagen. Zudem gebe es sechs Vermisste infolge von Überschwemmungen, teilte das Innenministerium des südamerikanischen Landes am Sonntag mit.


The Untold Stories of the Amazon | Heriberto Araujo

“Maria Joel was a normal housewife with four underage children whose husband was murdered. She held her husband in her arms while he was dying. She had two choices.


Colombia accuses Drummond coal mining exec of funding paramilitary group

The current Colombia head of coal miner Drummond Co Inc and his predecessor will be tried for allegedly funding right-wing paramilitaries, the country’s attorney general’s office said on Wednesday, as the U.S.-based company denied any wrongdoing by the executives.


More Than 16,000 Evacuated as Wildfire Rages Outside Halifax

Follow live updates as Canadian wildfire smoke pollutes air across the northern U.S.


In the Bahamas, a Constant Race to Adapt to Climate Change

At the United Nations climate summit in Egypt last year, Prime Minister Philip Davis of the Bahamas emerged as one of the most impassioned speakers among the more than 100 heads of state in attendance. Yet even as Mr.

Costa Rica restored its ravaged land to health. The rich UK has no excuse for such complete failure

One of the world’s greatest environmental heroes doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page. Though he has done more to protect the living planet than almost anyone alive, his name is scarcely known.


Gegen Wind­mühlen

Mit Wut im Bauch fährt Cristián Osorio über die kleinen Strassen seiner Gemeinde an der chile­ni­schen Küste. Er zeigt mit dem Finger in Rich­tung Meer, weisse Pfosten spriessen zwischen der Strasse und den steilen Felsen wie Pilze aus dem Boden.


More Than a Decade of Megadrought Brought a Summer of Megafires to Chile

Skip to content Two patches of land sit in a dried up lake bed in 2022. These were once islands in Laguna de Aculeoa, a popular freshwater lake for fishing, boating and swimming, just an hour from Santiago, Chile. The lake dried up completely in 2018 due to the ongoing megadrought.


Argentina’s ‘unprecedented’ drought pummels farmers and economy

BUENOS AIRES, March 9 (Reuters) - A historic drought ravaging Argentina's crops is deepening the grain exporting giant's economic crisis, crushing farmers across the Pampas, heightening default fears and putting at risk targets agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


South American drought in 2022 partly driven by ‘triple-dip’ La Niña

Climate change was not the main driver of the drought plaguing large parts of central South America late last year, according to a new “rapid attribution” study. South America has been suffering through a prolonged dry spell for the past three years.


Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

SANTIAGO, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

Debt for Climate

Der fossile Kapitalismus lasse sich eher von den Rändern her bezwingen, sagt der argentinische Aktivist Esteban Servat. Mit der Initiative «Debt for Climate» glaubt er, einen wirksamen Hebel gefunden zu haben.


An einer Produktionsanlage von Exxon in New Mexico wird Erdgas abgefackelt.

Die amerikanische Erdölfirma ExxonMobil hat über viele Jahre hinweg die Bedrohung durch den Klimawandel heruntergespielt. Das ist hinlänglich dokumentiert. Ganze Bücher wurden über das Thema bereits geschrieben.


With forests in peril, she’s on a mission to save ‘mother trees’

Suzanne Simard helped people see forests as complex communities. Now she's translating that research into a roadmap for protecting trees amid climate change.


Argentina’s record-breaking 2022 heatwave made ‘60 times more likely’ by climate change

The record-breaking heatwave that hit northern Argentina and Paraguay in early December was made about 60 times more likely by human-caused climate change, according to a new rapid attribution study.


Mexico’s new climate plan is worse than its old one, analysts say

Mexico’s new climate plan, announced last month at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, is less ambitious than the previous government’s pledge, a new policy analysis by Climate Action Tracker suggests.


Canadian town struggles with climate ambitions as it rebuilds after fire

The experience of Lytton — a town in British Columbia that suffered a disastrous fire last year and has yet to rebuild — shows how adapting to climate threats, and its slow and arduous recovery phase, can inflict its own wounds.


Big oil is behind conspiracy to deceive public, first climate racketeering lawsuit says

The same racketeering legislation used to bring down mob bosses, motorcycle gangs, football executives and international fraudsters is to be tested against oil and coal companies who are accused of conspiring to deceive the public over the climate crisis.


Their Lives Were Ruined by Oil Pollution, and a Court Awarded Them $9.5 Billion. But Ecuadorians Have Yet to See a Penny From Chevron

One of the victims says “nobody listens to us” while the spotlight has shifted to his American lawyer, whom the oil giant has pursued in U.S. legal proceedings.


A Powerful Climate Leader From a Small Island Nation

This article is part of our Women and Leadership special report that profiles women leading the way on climate, politics and business around the globe.


* COP27 – COLOMBIA * In Colombia, Drilling Pays the Bills. The Country’s Leaders Want to Quit Oil.

The president says oil is his economy’s worst addiction. Phasing it out would be a global first for a major oil producer. ARAUCA, Colombia — Over the past four decades, Colombia has pumped billions of barrels of oil from under a vast savanna it shares with neighboring Venezuela.


* COP27 – VENEZUELA * ‘Asking an arsonist to put out a fire’: climate offender Maduro makes Cop27 comeback

It is unclear whether Cop27 will have any real impact on efforts to halt climate change but one leader is likely to return from the international summit feeling that the trip to Egypt was well worth it: Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * Barbados PM launches blistering attack on rich nations at Cop27 climate talks

Mia Mottley, prime minister of Barbados, has criticised industrialised nations for failing the developing world on the climate crisis, in a blistering attack at the Cop27 UN climate talks.

* COP27 – CLIM. FINANCE * How Belize Cut Its Debt by Fighting Global Warming

TURNEFFE ATOLL, Belize — Belize faced an economic meltdown. The pandemic had sent it into its worst ever recession, putting the government on the brink of bankruptcy. For Belize, that meant its oceans, endangered mangroves and vulnerable coral reefs.


Glaciers in Yosemite and Africa will disappear by 2050, U.N. warns

Even if global warming is limited to just 1.5 degrees Celsius, which now seems unlikely, all glaciers in Yosemite National Park and in Africa will be lost.


* COP27 – AMBITION * Costa Rica backs away from leading oil and gas phaseout coalition

Denmark and Costa Rica jointly launched the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (Boga) at last year’s Cop26 climate summit along with six other core members. This “group of first movers” committed to phase out or rule out fossil fuel development in their countries.


How a desert bloomed in the driest place on earth

Unusual winter rainfall has produced a floral bloom and explosion of colour on the barren plains of the Atacama desert, prompting Chile’s government to move to protect the area.


How a Quebec Lithium Mine May Help Make Electric Cars Affordable

About 350 miles northwest of Montreal, amid a vast pine forest, is a deep mining pit with walls of mottled rock. The pit has changed hands repeatedly and been mired in bankruptcy, but now it could help determine the future of electric vehicles.


Large parts of Amazon may never recover, major study says

Environmental destruction in parts of the Amazon is so complete that swathes of the rainforest have reached tipping point and might never be able to recover, a major study carried out by scientists and Indigenous organisations has found.

To preserve Amazon, indigenous groups call for debt forgiveness

A member of the A'i Cofan community guard walks across the Aguarico River in Ecuador's Amazon, where indigenous groups were granted power to block mining projects after a ruling by the country's Constitutional Court, in Sinangoe, Ecuador March 5, 2022. Picture taken March 5, 2022.


After Deadly Fires and Disastrous Floods, a Canadian City Moves to Sue Big Oil

A potential lawsuit by Vancouver would be the first in Canada to target the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate change.The scars left by a wildfire that destroyed the small town of Lytton, British Columbia.Credit...


‘It’s much easier to stop someone lighting a match than to put out a 1,000-acre fire’

Peru’s Sacred Valley, the breathtaking landscape between Cusco and Machu Picchu, has always had a few conventional fire brigades, but anyone who has ever witnessed a bushfire will know there is little you can do once it takes hold.


The Barbados Rebellion: An Island Nation’s Fight for Climate Justice

Caribbean nations are trapped between the global financial system and a looming climate disaster. One country’s leader has been fighting to find a way out.


* HEATWAVES * Mexico’s Cruel Drought: ‘Here You Have to Chase the Water’

Mexico, or large parts of it, is running out of water. An extreme drought has seen taps run dry across the country, with nearly two-thirds of all municipalities facing a water shortage that is forcing people in some places to line up for hours for government water deliveries.


BP Paid Rural Mexicans a “Pittance” for Wall Street’s Favorite Climate Solution

The oil giant has found a climate bargain in some of Mexico’s poorest areas, paying a fraction of market rate for carbon offsets to rural villagers working to protect their forests.


The farmers restoring Hawaii’s ancient food forests that once fed an island

Rain clouds cover the peaks of the west Maui mountains, one of the wettest places on the planet, which for centuries sustained biodiverse forests providing abundant food and medicines for Hawaiians who took only what they needed. Those days of abundance and food sovereignty are long gone.


Francia Márquez — a former housekeeper and activist — is Colombia’s first Black vice president.

Francia Márquez, a vice presidential candidate from the mountainous department of Cauca in southwestern Colombia, has become a national phenomenon.Credit...


‘We beg God for water’: Chilean lake turns to desert, sounding climate change alarm

The Penuelas reservoir in central Chile was until twenty years ago the main source of water for the city of Valparaiso, holding enough water for 38,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. Water for only two pools now remains.


‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point

From the Atacama Desert to Patagonia, a 13-year megadrought is straining Chile’s freshwater resources to breaking point.


Soja-Anbau im Amazonas

Hühner und Schweine in Deutschland fressen Soja, für das auch im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet Wald gerodet wird. Seit Jahren wollen Supermarktketten auf dieses Soja verzichten – aber kaum etwas ändert sich. Warum?  Read the English version of this article.


The Amazon, a Counterweight to Global Warming, Is Under Assault

Jaim Teixeira surveys his property near Trairão, Brazil from the back of a motorcycle, wearing jeans and a long-sleeved, sun-proof shirt to shield him from the jungle’s breathtaking heat.


Mexico’s oil gets even dirtier as flaring continues to soar

Mexico increased the amount of gas it burns as a byproduct of oil production for the fourth year in a row in 2021 despite its target to eliminate routine flaring by 2030.