Résultats de la recherche

Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



Indigenous lands feel cruel bite of green energy transition 

Mining companies have been offered a path to sustainability but few are taking it – Indigenous people need to be at the table demanding change


Physikerin und Philosophin im Interview – Weisse Männer befeuerten die Klimakatastrophe, sagt diese Forscherin

Friederike Otto hält den Kampf gegen Sexismus, Rassismus und Ungerechtigkeit wichtiger als die Senkung von CO₂-Emissionen. Warum?


Il peso del colonialismo sulle emissioni climalteranti

Uno dei temi sul tavolo della Cop28 di Dubai è l’implementazione del fondo loss and damage.


How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change

Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.


Revealed: Colonial rule nearly doubles UK’s historical contribution to climate change

The UK is responsible for nearly twice as much global warming as previously thought, due to its colonial history, Carbon Brief analysis shows.


Fighting for Freedom in West Papua | Jeffrey Bomanak

“From the 1963 up until today, they can't kill our ideology. They can't kill our philosophy. They can’t kill our fight. Because we believe what we fight for. We fight for our right, freedom, dignity, and truth.

‘Green colonialism’: Indigenous world leaders warn over west’s climate strategy

World Indigenous leaders meeting this week at an annual UN summit have warned that the west’s climate strategy risks the exploitation of Indigenous territories, resources and people.


Für einen Umweltschutz der 99%. Eine historische Spurensuche

Podcast mit Buchautor und Historiker Milo Probst.

Opposing neo-colonial conservation practice

In this episode we focus on land grabs and dispossession by the conservation sector in the present day and hear how local people and those from far away confront this injustice.  Our first guest is Yannick Ndoinyo, a Maasai community leader from Tanzania, who is also a conservation biologist.


The Way We Talk About Climate Change Is Wrong

Climate activism in the United States and Europe is typically framed as sacrifice for the sake of future generations: We must consume less now to extend the expiration date on human civilization as we know it.


Kohle-Import aus Kolumbien Scholz-Plan “koloniale Ausbeutung”?

Ein Anruf von Bundeskanzler Scholz beim kolumbianischen Präsidenten soll dazu geführt haben, dass eine umstrittene Kohlegrube nun wegen deutscher Importe erweitert wird. Nach Kontraste-Recherchen stößt das in der Grünen-Fraktion auf harte Kritik.

Daniel Speich-Chassé: «L’histoire est important, surtout lorsque les choses changent.»

Daniel Speich-Chassé, né en 1969, est professeur d'histoire globale à l'Université de Lucerne et membre du conseil scientifique de l'Initiative pour les glaciers, pour laquelle il est l'un des tout premiers contributeurs depuis 2016.

Daniel Speich-Chassé: «Gerade, wenn alles sich ändert, ist Geschichte wichtig»

Daniel Speich-Chassé, Jahrgang 1969, ist Professor für Globalgeschichte an der Universität Luzern und Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Gletscher-Initiative, für die er sich als einer der allerersten Mitstreiter seit 2016 engagiert.

Amitav Ghosh: European colonialism helped create a planet in crisis

Amitav Ghosh can clearly remember his first interaction with the climate crisis.

Here’s how to repay developing nations for colonialism – and fight the climate crisis

Activists pushing for global reparations for colonialism and slavery are often accused of asking for the politically impossible. At the international scale, however, reparations are more plausible than one might think.


Songs of conquest from Tallis to the bells of Mexico City

Dover Priory, 16 November 1535: at a modest monastic establishment on the edge of one of England’s main working ports, the nearest to the continent of Europe, the abbot signs a ‘deed of surrender’, turning over the establishment and all its property from the Church to the king.