Résultats de la recherche

Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



What the Anthropocene’s critics overlook – and why it really should be a new geological epoch

Geologists on an international subcommission recently voted down a proposal to formally recognise that we have entered the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch representing the time when massive, unrelenting human impacts began to overwhelm the Earth’s regulatory systems.


* ANTHROPOCENE * Are We in the ‘Anthropocene,’ the Human Age? Nope, Scientists Say.

A panel of experts voted down a proposal to officially declare the start of a new interval of geologic time, one defined by humanity’s changes to the planet.


Der goldene Nagel im Crawford Lake

Blickt man ins türkisblaue Wasser des Crawford Lake, lässt sich kaum erahnen, was sich Wertvolles am Seeboden verbirgt.


The Human Age Has a New Symbol. It’s a Record of Bomb Tests and Fossil Fuels.

For almost 15 years, a panel of scholars has been chewing over a big question: Has our species transformed the planet so much that we have plunged it into a new interval of geologic time? On Tuesday, the panel announced a key part of its case for declaring that we had.


«Nonhuman Life Matters» – die grösste Gefährdung des Planeten beginnt im Kopf

Wir leben im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns. Der «anthropos» gestaltet angeblich mit Naturgewalt das planetarische Ökogefüge um, er zähmt die Rohnatur und macht sie sich dienlich.


How Death Drives the Anthropocene | Sheldon Solomon

Here we are at a crossroads of human history. There's never been this historical confluence of war, political instability, economic vulnerability, on top of the impending ecological apocalypse. Here we are, just marinated in death reminders.