Climate Update


Eine wöchentliche Presseschau zu allen Aspekten der Klimakrise aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt zusammen. Die Beiträge können nach Kategorien und Stichwörtern gefiltert werden. Zudem empfehlen wir jede Woche eine Handvoll besonders interessanter Beiträge.



How Bad Is A.I. for the Climate?

Tech giants are building power-hungry data centers to run their artificial intelligence tools. The costs of that demand surge are becoming clearer.


Der unheimliche Hunger der KI nach Strom

Die zunehmende Elektrifizierung der Wirtschaft und das enorme Wachstum der Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) treiben die Nachfrage nach Strom.


AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning.

The energy needed to support data storage is expected to double by 2026. You can do something to stop it.


A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening U.S. Climate Goals

A boom in data centers and factories is straining electric grids and propping up fossil fuels.


Die Folgen von “Sora” und Co

Die Digitalisierung kann dem Klima gewaltig schaden – und nützen. Eine Studie zeigt Potenziale der smarten Anwendungen für die Energie- und Verkehrswende, benennt aber auch die Fallstricke.


Cryptocurrency Companies Must Now Report Their Energy Use to the Government

The Biden administration announced the new requirement last week, citing concerns over what the energy-intensive industry could mean for climate change and energy security.


L’intelligence artificielle, une technologie loin d’être décarbonée

Quand les technologies d'intelligence artificielle produisent du texte, des images, des sons ou des vidéos en quelques secondes, elles consomment énormément d'énergie, majoritairement d'origine fossile. D'importantes dépenses énergétiques que l'on peut aujourd'hui quantifier.


Grüner Datenstrom

Künstliche Intelligenz ermöglicht mehr Klimaschutz, könnte ohne Regulierung aber das Gegenteil bewirken.


How can AI help with climate change?

As you might have noticed, the world is in the midst of a massive wave of hype about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) — hype tinged with no small amount of terror.


‘It still feels like a moonshot’: How Google plans to reach net zero in seven years

Tim: What is Google's vision for itself in 2030? Michael: Google’s focus in the early days was our electricity consumption, because that was the biggest part of our carbon footprint. Our net zero goal is much bigger than that.


Streaming: Das verdrängte Tabu bei Strom und Ressourcen

Internet und Social Media funktionieren zunehmend über Datenstreaming. Filme, TV, Videos, Audios, Videochats und immer neue Anwendungen fluten auf uns ein: am Heimcomputer über Breitband-Internet und am Smartphone über 4G und zunehmend 5G. Der Datenfluss schwillt ungebremst an.


New York Enacts 2-Year Ban on Some Crypto-Mining Operations

National cryptocurrency industry groups had lobbied Gov. Kathy Hochul to veto the environmental ban, fearful that other states could follow New York’s lead.


Crypto Has a Climate Problem on Apple Podcasts

This episode delves into the murky world of cryptocurrency and its impact on our planet. Join Katharine and Leah as they discover how digital currencies are breathing new life into previously shuttered coal plants across the United States.


Chinese court rules bitcoin mining harms the climate

A judge in Beijing quashed a bitcoin contract on the basis it was not in the public interest, citing incompatibility with China’s carbon neutrality goal A Chinese court has quashed a cryptocurrency mining contract on the grounds that the emissions it generates accelerate climate change.


Stanford Gets $1.1 Billion for New Climate School From John Doerr

David Gelles writes about climate change and business, and has interviewed hundreds of C.E.O.s in recent years. John Doerr, one of the most successful venture capitalists in the history of Silicon Valley, is giving $1.


Climate groups say a change in coding can reduce bitcoin energy consumption by 99%

Bitcoin mining already uses as much energy as Sweden, according to some reports, and its booming popularity is revitalizing failing fossil fuel enterprises in the US. But all that could change with a simple switch in the way it is coded, according to a campaign launched on Tuesday.


Bitcoin miners revived a dying fossil fuel plant – then CO2 emissions soared

Environmentalists in Montana called it the “death watch”. Following years of financial losses one of the handful of remaining coal-fired power plants in the state appeared doomed, its likely fate offering a small but noteworthy victory in the effort to avoid disastrous climate change.


Sanneke Kloppenburg on Climate & Crypto

Sanneke Kloppenburg has recently co-authored an extremely informative article that surveys what she and her two co-authors call "climate cryptogovernance.


«ChatGPT, dis-moi si tu pollues»: quelle est l’empreinte carbone des IA?

ChatGPT, Dall-E... Gourmandes en puissance de calcul et donc en électricité, les IA génératives sont déjà décriées pour leur empreinte carbone élevée. Mais le diable est dans les détails.


* COP28 | AI * The Climate Summit Embraces A.I., With Reservations

Artificial intelligence has been a breakout star in the opening days of COP28, the United Nations climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.