Résultats de la recherche

Une revue de presse hebdomadaire sur tous les aspects de la crise climatique en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Les articles peuvent être filtrés par catégorie et sous-catégorie. De plus, nous recommandons chaque semaine une poignée d’articles particulièrement intéressants.



Kolbenwirtschaft aus dem Moor

Knietief im Moorboden versinkend, sammelten und sortierten Anfang Dezember am Rande der Mecklenburgischen Schweiz bei Schnee und Minustemperaturen 15 fleißige Erntehelfer:innen Rohrkolben.


Trockene Moore sind wahre Klimakiller – Supermoose könnten helfen

Die Moore sind weltweit gefährdet durch Austrocknung und Torfabbau. Das hat schwerwiegende Folgen für das Klima. Die Wissenschaft forscht an Supermoosen, die den Torf ersetzen und damit die Moore nachhaltig schützen könnten.


Ackerland oder Biotop? In einem Pilotfall aus Zürich stellt das Bundesgericht den Artenschutz über die Landwirtschaft

Grosse Teile des Kulturlandes im Kanton Zürich bestanden einst aus Feuchtgebieten. Oft wurden sie im Rahmen der Anbauschlacht während des Zweiten Weltkriegs entwässert. Die Drainagen, die dazu dienen, das Wasser abzuleiten, haben eine begrenzte Lebensdauer.


Indonesia falls short on peatland restoration, risking destructive fire season

Data from the Indonesian government suggests efforts to restore peatlands, a key part of the country’s climate strategy, do not match government claims.


Die Erde verliert ständig wertvolle Feuchtbiotope

Red. – Die Autorin dieses Artikels arbeitet am Geografischen Institut der Universität Zürich und als freie Wissenschaftsjournalistin. Ihr Artikel erschien in «Horizonte» Nr. 137/2023, dem Forschungsmagazin des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds und der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz.


Finland Drained Its Peatlands. He’s Helping Bring Them Back

Until a century ago, almost a third of Finland was covered in pristine peatlands, which comprise one of the Earth’s largest and most important carbon sinks. Since then, however, half of Finnish peatlands have been strip-mined for fuel or drained to make room for forest plantations.


‘Exceptional’ surge in methane emissions from wetlands worries scientists

Methane emissions from wetlands have risen faster this century than in even the most pessimistic climate scenarios, new research finds. From the Arctic to the tropics, wetlands encompass around 6% of the planet’s surface.


Half the wetlands in Europe lost in past 300 years, researchers calculate

Half the wetlands in Europe, continental US and China have been destroyed in the past 300 years, with some areas – including the UK, Ireland and Germany – losing more than 75%, new research shows. Globally, an area the size of India has disappeared.


Tropical forests face ‘substantial carbon loss’ as humid areas contract

The reduction of humid regions in a warming climate could cause “substantial carbon loss” across the tropics by the end of the century, a new study finds.


In a New Book, Annie Proulx Shows Us How to Fall in Love with Wetlands

In a quiet corner of the oldest botanic garden in North America grows a tree with long, graceful branches and leaves that curl like rust-colored tongues.


* COP27 – OUTCOMES * Key outcomes for food, forests, land and nature at the UN climate talks in Egypt

The COP27 summit in the Egyptian coastal resort of Sharm el-Sheikh made history by including food, rivers, nature-based solutions, tipping points and the right to a healthy environment in an overarching COP “cover decision” for the first time.


‘Carbon timebomb’: climate crisis threatens to destroy Congo peatlands

The Congo peatlands are a huge carbon “timebomb” that could be triggered by the climate crisis, research has shown.


Satellites reveal widespread burning on England’s protected peatlands, despite government ban

The investigation revealed that widespread legal burning has continued on ecologically important English peatland since the new rules took effect, most of it on designated sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) and other conservation areas.


Who Will Profit From Saving Scotland’s Bogs?

Repairing the country’s extensive peatlands could help the world mitigate climate change. It could also make a fast-fashion billionaire even richer.